I know this ancient god

Chapter 303 Untitled (12)

He stepped forward and asked, "When will we set off?"

The officer lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "In seven minutes, the spacecraft will be ready."

Tang Xuan nodded: "I should be the last one to arrive. If there is nothing else, don't wait and hurry up and set off."

The officer replied: "Okay!"

He spoke a few words to his watch, and soon ten small spaceships came through the sky and stopped steadily near everyone.

The officer urged loudly: "Four people per boat, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Tang Xuan waved to Lin Wan, An Bei and Qiao An, and the four of them boarded the same small spaceship.

The hatch closed, the engines started, and the spacecraft shot into the atmosphere.

Qiao An was the first to speak: "Can I see my brother?"

Tang Xuan had an idea.

[Lord of War Spirits]!


A golden door appeared beside Tang Xuan, and Qiao Ping walked out of the door refreshed. He habitually asked Tang Xuan what his plans were, but in the middle of the sentence he found that Qiao An was also there, and he stopped immediately and was speechless.

Qiao An's eyes turned red: "Aping!"

Qiao Ping's voice trembled: "Brother!"

The brothers hugged each other excitedly.

Lin Wan whispered to Tang Xuan: "With you this time, we can be resurrected even if we die, right?"

Tang Xuan nodded: "All the partners who fought alongside me can be resurrected."

Although he can't take action directly, he can help the soldiers clean their guns and do some logistical things, so that the people participating in the war can be included in the scope of application of the [Lord of War Heroic Spirits].

"But I hope you will all be well." Tang Xuan added, "After all, resurrection after death is completely bound to me. I can only live in the Temple of Heroes, which is very unfree."

Lin Wan's eyes flashed with a subtle look.

Tang Xuan grabbed her wrist helplessly: "Don't do this."

Lin Wan smiled playfully: "I was just thinking about it."

Tang Xuan tightened his grip on her wrist, stared into her eyes, and said in a serious voice: "Don't even think about it!"

Lin Wan pursed her lips, the smile in her eyes not diminishing at all.

Tang Xuan looked at the smile rippling in Lin Wan's eyes and sighed secretly in his heart. He understood that this independent girl must have put this option into her range of options. If something special happened in the future, she might actually take this path.

An Bei suddenly said: "I was informed by the superiors that my divine power may come from this resurrected ancient god, which makes me a little uneasy."

He grimaced.

If this ancient god is really the one worshiped by his ancestors, then he is undoubtedly on the road to deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors.

Tang Xuan let go of Lin Wan's hand, shrugged his shoulders, and comforted him casually: "Times have changed. Now you are a great revolutionary who has risen up. He is a big landowner who oppresses the people in the old society. We are here to stop his atrocities. "

"It's not just because of this." An Bei paused, "I'm worried that he has some means to limit the power of my divine favor."

Tang Xuan glanced at him: "You are not relying on the power of gods to fight now."

An Bei scratched his head: "You have to be in good health to use the power of faith, otherwise you won't be able to control it."

The current god-making technology still has many imperfections. There are huge flaws in purity, remote absorption, and precise control. When used, the god's own physical strength and will are required to make up for it.

The Academy of Sciences is working overtime to solve this problem, but it will definitely be too late to catch up with this operation.

"Don't worry, space bombs have been installed in our fleet as conventional weapons." Lin Wan said with confidence, "All warships have been equipped with a layer of space shields, which has strong defense against the ancient gods' attacks. Effect. It can provide you with continuous high-intensity fire cover after the war."

When they went to the Mauryan Empire to carry out the god-making project, the Federation was not idle. It digested a small part of the technical information of the Hill civilization and developed new technologies for mass production of space bombs and a distortion field launcher.

The significance of mass-producing space bombs is self-evident. One space bomb is enough to destroy stars. Tens of thousands of warships launch space bombs at the same time, which is enough to completely crush the surface space structure of a star system and transmit its power to deeper order space. go.

If the power of space weapons increases to a higher level in the future, there is hope that, as Tang Xuan thought, it could generate the power to penetrate deep space and strangle the ancient gods before they can be revived.

The function of the distortion field launcher is to generate a thin layer of distortion space about one kilometer outside the battleship. This layer of distortion space can break down enemy attacks into harmless particles.

As long as the upper limit of defense is not exceeded, neither kinetic weapons nor energy weapons can pass through the twisted space to cause damage to the battleship itself.

If we start a war with the Frostbrand Empire now, and a federal fleet fights ten Frostbrand fleets at the same time, when the Frostbrand fleet is completely wiped out, the federal fleet will not lose a single warship.

When fighting against the ancient gods, the fleet also had stronger offensive and defensive capabilities. Even though Thor is powerful and the fleet cannot be the main force against him, it is still a force that cannot be ignored.

If the God of Death Battle had encountered the current Federation fleet instead of the Peacock Fleet after his resurrection, he would have been crushed into powder by the violently shaking space in less than three seconds.

An Bei nodded slightly, feeling much more at ease.

"When we come back, the Minos Corridor will be completed." Lin Wan paused, "Are you afraid of Anbei?"

Minos was a god of judgment in mythology, and another name for the Minos Corridor is the Corridor of Judgment.

After the god-making project is launched, individuals with inhuman powers will continue to emerge in the federation. If these individuals do something that betrays humanity, how will the Federation punish them?

The Minos Corridor came into being. This corridor concentrated the Federation's cutting-edge technology and had the ability to annihilate life forms in the corridor within a tenth of a microsecond.

Experts will regularly make behavioral analysis reports for artificial gods.

The artificial god must undergo a psychological test every three months and walk from one end of the Minos corridor to the other without disconnecting from the sub-god server.

When the Federation believed that a man-made god had abandoned his human identity, the Federation would activate a device to eliminate him as he walked through the Corridor of Minos.

Anbei would be the first man-made god to walk through the Minoan corridors.

An Bei smiled and leaned back slightly. It can be seen that he is very relaxed and does not take the Minos Corridor seriously.

He said slowly: "The Minos Corridor is used to fight traitors, and my loyalty to the Federation is unshakable. This corridor is just a corridor to me."

The spacecraft slowly sailed into the military space city.

The spaceship hatch opened, and Qiao An walked out first, holding Qiao Ping's shoulders. The two brothers hadn't seen each other for a long time, their tears had just been wiped away, and there were still endless things to say.

An Bei stepped out of the hatch: "We're here again."

They set off from here to the Mauryan Empire, then returned here from the Mauryan Empire, and now they are setting off from here to defeat the God of Thunder.

He already felt somewhat familiar with this place.

After An Bei came out, Lin Wan also came out holding Tang Xuan's arm. Tang Xuan looked calm on the surface, but he didn't know that Lin Wan had noticed through his watch that his heartbeat was faster than usual.

Lin Wan squinted her eyes and half leaned against Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan said uncomfortably: "Can you stop sticking to me so tightly?"

Lin Wan calmly glanced at Tang Xuan's heart rate displayed on the watch and found that Tang Xuan's heart rate had increased again. She felt a burst of joy, pretending not to hear anything, and even leaned closer.

Tang Xuan was a little confused and didn't understand why Lin Wan was so proactive today, even though she was quite comfortable.

call out!

(sharp whistle)

The officer shouted: "Gather!"

The forty members of the God-killing Division who had just gotten off the spacecraft rushed over to line up, and within a few seconds they were standing in four rows. Following the loud command, everyone boarded four battleships.

Tens of thousands of warships with dark hulls slowly sailed out of the space city.

The commander of this crusade is still Yinhua Zang.

As the general in the Federation who has fought against the ancient gods the most and who has directly participated in the god-making project, Yin Hua Zang encountered a waterloo in the Shaoyang system, but the leader still trusted him and granted him the highest command of the fleet.

The engine vibrates, the flames erupt, and the space distorts

After a burst of blue flash, the fleet entered the space mezzanine and rushed to the sleeping place of the God of Thunder.

"Fighters, we will arrive at our destination in two hundred and sixty-one hours. It will be a tough battle, but I believe there are no cowards among us."

"In the crusade against Magma, we lost dozens of partners! In killing Ellinor, we paid the lives of nearly a million people around the world! And in the Shaoyang galaxy, we lost tens of billions of people!"

"These bloody figures tell us that every time the ancient gods appear, we suffer greater losses. But today we have new equipment and our own gods. We will use practical actions to fight back against him. them.”

"Let them understand!"

"Humans are no longer the humans of their time! We have sharper claws and stronger shields than they did! We are the protagonists of this era!"

"I understand that some of you must be scared!"

"Worried about whether I will die in this battle!"

"But this does not prevent me from treating everyone as warriors, because warriors are not afraid, but they are able to overcome fear for the love in their hearts!"

“Behind us is our family!”

"If we fail today! Then tomorrow! Our parents, wives, children, and friends! They will all fall in a pool of blood at the feet of the ancient god!"

"For them!"

"We will fight to the bitter end!"

"Defend the Union!"

"eye for eye!"

Yin Huazang's powerful voice came from the battleship's public address system, and he gave a short but passionate speech.

The direct lineage of Yinhua Zang was exhausted in the last fiasco in the Shaoyang Galaxy. Millions of experienced combat warriors were dragged into a battle royale game with little hope by the ancient gods of the amusement park. In the end, only tens of thousands of them were left alive. .

The fleet is now filled with warriors transferred from other fleets. These warriors lack the experience to deal with major battles, and their tacit understanding with Yinhua Zang is not enough.

But Yinhuazang's full emotions infected them, dispelling the fear and anxiety in their hearts, and aroused the determination and courage in their chests.

Tang Xuan listened to the roar from far away in the corridor and praised sincerely: "General Yin is worthy of being a general of the Federation. He aroused the emotions of the soldiers with just a few words."

Lin Wan held Tang Xuan's arm and said, "General Yin fought many victorious battles when he was young. He was a flag in the federal army in the early years. Sometimes the enemy would surrender directly after seeing his number."

Tang Xuan looked outside the glass, looking at the colorful light, his eyes gradually became dull: "I hope he can lead us to victory this time."

This is a desolate planet with no air or water. Because it is close to an asteroid belt, the surface is full of debris and huge craters.

At this moment, another asteroid with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers hit the planet. However, because there was no air, the impact did not make any sound. The planet only shook for a moment before returning to calm.

Perhaps countless years ago, this planet had a prosperous civilization, but today, countless years later, there is only deathly silence left here.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, a flash of thunder and lightning flashed in the sky. This lightning passed by so fast that even if someone saw it, they would probably think they were hallucinating.

Not long after, another thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

This time it stayed for much longer, up to two seconds, which was enough to confirm that a thunder and lightning really appeared in this place where there were no clouds and the mutual attraction of positive and negative ions.

If there is a scientist here, he will definitely be extremely surprised to start studying this abnormal phenomenon, and will happily add another page to science.

But he will fail because he only has ten seconds left.

The sky underwent an astonishing change without warning. A layer of pitch-black clouds appeared out of thin air and enveloped the entire planet. Thunder with a concentration so high that it almost condensed into liquid surged toward the ground, thoroughly 'cleansing' the entire planet.

The dense craters were flattened, and the giant asteroid that had just fallen was turned into powder and spread evenly on the nearby ground.

This is the real thunder. The two thunder and lightning before seemed to be just a few sparks accidentally splashed before the official power was turned on.

The thunder no longer surged, but the dark clouds did not disperse. Oxygen gradually appeared on the planet, and a huge dull sound rolled rhythmically underground.

Several monitoring satellites orbiting the planet were struck by lightning. They fell straight to the ground and turned into pieces of scrap metal, but they had already transmitted the information before they stopped functioning.

A few days later, dark clouds dropped a thick thunder column toward the center of the planet. The thick crust of the earth was penetrated by violent thunder, and a majestic voice full of vicissitudes of life came from the ground.



The moment this syllable was uttered, it was as if a mirror was shattered. The entire planet was instantly enveloped by dense space cracks, and the round spherical structure collapsed in the blink of an eye.

A dark fleet quietly emerged.

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