I know this ancient god

Chapter 360 The Fourth Episode of Riwan: Transfer of Consciousness and Demonic Sacrifice

Tang Xuan looked at the silver-haired sister Yu. Until now, it was hard for him to believe that the woman in front of him was Tang Miaomiao. Whether it is height, body or temperament, the two are completely opposite. The only thing they have in common is that they both have beautiful silver eyes.

But now is not the time to delve into this matter.

The silver-haired sister's aura became weaker and weaker, and she couldn't even hold her own weapon. If this continues, none of them will be able to escape when Tacleus comes back.

Now how to do?

The silver-haired lady stared directly into Tang Xuan's eyes. She opened her red lips and whispered softly: "You are special. I will send you off and you will definitely come back."

Tang Xuan was stunned. He couldn't understand what the silver-haired sister was saying. The silver-haired sister didn't explain. She silently put her hand on Tang Xuan's shoulder. Before Tang Xuan could say anything, she gave him a gentle push.

A dazzling silver light lit up from her palm, and the light disappeared in a flash. She raised her palms, and Tang Xuan fell back with eyes blank.

Lin Wan stood next to Tang Xuan. Seeing Tang Xuan fall over, she hurriedly hugged Tang Xuan into her arms. After some inspection, she found that Tang Xuan's pupils were dilated and he was unconscious. She stood up angrily and drew her sword at the silver-haired sister.

"What did you do to him?!"

Her sweetheart was completely unconscious, and Lin Wan's heart was colder than the ice on the ground at this moment. Faced with Lin Wan's question, the silver-haired sister didn't answer anything. She turned around and sat on a gladiator's corpse, looking up at the sky blankly.


Even though she knew she was no match, Lin Wan still swung her sword at the silver-haired sister's snow-white neck without hesitation.


Tang Qianji swung away Lin Wan's sword blade.

"Calm down, nothing will happen to Tang Xuan!" Tang Qianji said helplessly, "Even if our people here die, he will be safe and sound, don't worry."

Lin Wan took a few deep breaths of cold air and calmed down a little. She glared at the silver-haired sister fiercely, then walked over to her and sat down with her sword in hand. She thought that if Tang Xuan could not recover later, she would stab the silver-haired sister even if she died.

The silver-haired lady remained unmoved, still staring blankly at the sky. The light in the thin lines on her body is getting darker and darker, which means that there is less and less power in her body. When Tacleus came back, it was when she was completely balanced.

My father has been a little weird these days. Not only does he not work, but he also talks to himself that he is the reincarnation of a god and it is time to return to heaven. My mother couldn't help but say a few words to him, and was slapped by him. This kind of thing has never happened before. What happened to my father?

My mother is missing. She cannot be found anywhere. There are many wild animals nearby. I am worried about her and hope nothing happens to her.

My father became more and more weird. I asked him where my mother was. He told me that my mother had gone to a far away place and would not come back until a long time later. He told me not to ask any more questions.

Today I couldn't help but ask again. My father was so angry that he locked me in the stable and spent the night with the horse. I don't understand why he is angry because I just want my mother back.

I found my mother. She was killed. Her body was in a cave halfway up the mountain. Someone drew a strange pattern under her body, like some kind of sacrificial ritual.

I didn't know what to do. I felt that my father must know about this, otherwise he wouldn't be angry because I asked about my mother's whereabouts.

I am very scared now. I decided not to move my mother’s body because I feel that this evil sacrificial ritual may not be over yet and someone will come back here. I want to find out who killed my mother.

I waited outside the cave for a long time. When it was getting dark, someone came. By the light of the torch in his hand, I saw his face clearly, it turned out to be my father.

My father's laughter came from the cave. I was so scared. I thought my father had gone crazy.

I cried a lot.

When my father came back, he called me to his room and asked me if I had seen it. I asked him why he did this and he beat me hard without any explanation.

Mother, I miss you so much.

I was locked up at home and couldn't go anywhere. My father said he was going to hold a sacrifice in the village and I could only go out on that day. I knew that my father was bewitched by evil spirits, and this sacrifice would definitely bring disaster to the village. Mother, if you see it in the sky, please stop my father or take me away.

Tang Xuan woke up in a daze. He found that the surroundings were dark and there was a faint stench floating in the air. His memory stayed at the moment when the silver-haired lady put her hand on his shoulder, and he couldn't remember what happened after that.


Tang Xuan felt something was wrong as soon as he sat up. He reached out and touched his body, and was confused to find that his body seemed to have become smaller. Then, intermittent memories emerged in his mind, and he gradually realized the current situation: the silver-haired sister transferred his consciousness into the body of a child.

Why do this?

Tang Xuan frowned, recalling what the silver-haired sister said to him: You are special, I will send you, and you will definitely come back.

The phrase "you are special" should mean that she found something special in him; "I send you" obviously means that he has transferred his consciousness here. If you only read these two sentences, the silver-haired sister sent him here to escape. But if you add the following sentence "I will definitely come back", the meaning is completely different. Does the silver-haired sister want him to come here to find something so that he can go back and save them?

A wry smile appeared on Tang Xuan's face.

He hoped that his guess was correct, that he could find something to defeat Tacleus here, and then go back in time to save people.

According to the incomplete memories in his mind, the child's father was bewitched by evil spirits, killed his mother, and is now preparing to hold a big sacrifice in the village.

This sacrifice is the most special thing known so far. If there really is something here that can defeat Tacleus, it will definitely appear at the sacrifice. The father, who happened to be bewitched by the evil spirit, promised the child to let him out on the day of the sacrifice.

Swish, swish, swish.

There were footsteps outside the door.


The panel on the door was opened, and dazzling sunlight shone in from the outside. It seemed to be noon now.

A pair of rough hands held a piece of shriveled bread and a bowl of sparse vegetable porridge and handed them in. A hoarse voice said: "Yi, eat."

Yi. Is this the child's name?

It sounds familiar.

Tang Xuan walked to the door and took the bread and vegetable porridge. He hesitated for a moment, then imitated the child's timid tone and asked: "Father, how many days are left until the sacrifice begins?"

The hoarse voice replied: "Three days."

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