I know this ancient god

Chapter 37 Orphan Guo Lisi

This naked man is the ancient god who escaped from under the nose of Fuxi Legion. Not only did he successfully escape, but he also successfully pretended to be a coward, leaving the entire federal military stunned. But he never dreamed that he would fall at the feet of an ordinary person in such a disgraceful way.

The next day, he woke up on a wooden bed.

"Where am I?"

He looked down at the blue and white striped clothes on his body, feeling a little dazed. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have been shot by something, and then he fell, and there was still a dull pain in the back of his head.

"woke up?"

The doctor walked to his bedside with the medical chart.

"What's your name? Where are you from?"

He hesitated and said, "Wallis."

He was a little confused about the situation.

Was I attacked by another ancient god?

Is he being imprisoned by the other party now?

Even if all his divine power is lost, his combat effectiveness is less than that of an adult goose. This guy still didn't include 'being defeated by ordinary people' in his thinking. Because he habitually believes that only the ancient gods can defeat the ancient gods, and no matter how bad he is, he must be a powerful favored one.

"Guo Lisi?" The doctor picked up the pen and asked, "How to write?"

Wallis said weakly: "I'm not okay, my surname is Guo, old and weak Li, Svendis."

The doctor curled his lips: "So, Mr. Guo Lisi - can you explain why your information cannot be searched in the federal medical information database? Have you never had any contact with the federal medical system since you were born?"

Wallis didn't understand the federal information database, but he could hear the doctor asking about his origins.

Wallis replied without hesitation: "I am an orphan."

The doctor was stunned.

This is a reasonable explanation.

Although the federal government has many welfare policies for orphans, if an orphan does not receive guidance from the local government for some reason, he still cannot live like a normal person.

The doctor thought of Wallis's appearance when he was brought in.

Not even any pants

He couldn't be more orphaned!

A ray of sympathy arose in the doctor's heart, and he said with pity and encouragement: "These years have been really hard on you, but don't worry, from today on, your hard days are over, and you will usher in a brand new life. !I promise!"

The doctor looked at Wallis expectantly, hoping that his words would touch Wallis.

Wallis raised his head, his eyes filled with confusion.

Does this sound like you want to adopt me?

Is it wrong? I talk to you nicely, but you want to be my father?

A surge of anger rose in Wallis's throat.

The doctor was completely unaware of Wallis's emotional changes. He reached out and patted Wallis on the shoulder.

"Federal officials will come to register your identity later, and then give you all these years of relief funds at once." The doctor said with a smile, "After you get the money, don't spend it randomly, buy a house, and then Buy some clean clothes and find a stable job.”



Wallis took a deep breath: "Thank you."

He thought he might have made a mistake, but he wasn't sure. Fortunately, when he first arrived, he used his last drop of divine power to learn everything that happened on the entire planet within three seconds. Now he only needs to digest all that information to determine his situation.

So he closed his eyes and lay down, silently digesting the massive amount of information stored in his brain.

The doctor made a few ticks on the medical chart, then left the room, leaving Wallis to rest.

Countless sounds, pictures and videos floated through Wallis's mind.

Each piece of information is only a three-second fragment, which seems incomplete, but many pieces of information are actually different stages of development of the same thing. Putting them together can restore a complete thing.

In addition, school textbooks at various stages are also valuable. They can help Wallis understand this era in an all-round way.

This information is usually like a collection of books in a library. Wallis would refer to that part of the information if he wanted to know something, but it was different now. He was blind to the new world and had to completely integrate all the information. Even for him, this is no small burden.

As time goes by, Wallis's understanding of modern society becomes deeper and deeper.

It turns out that the Federation is a kingdom for all ordinary people.

Science is so powerful.

This position is the most comfortable. Why am I looking at this?

The hour hand skipped one tick at a time.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the federal official who handled the procedures for Wallis arrived at the small clinic. He used a virtual screen to register information for Wallis.




"Do you have any relatives?"


Being late is a problem that cannot be corrected, but it is extremely efficient once you get started. Just an hour later, Wallis successfully obtained his ID card, household register and bank card.


Thirty pairs of couplets, two sets of bedding, eight sets of clothes and pants (two sets for each season), six bags of rice, six bags of noodles, two pots of oil, and one bicycle.

The Federation believes that the people's misfortune is the government's fault, so it is very willing to spend money on various subsidies.

Wallis looked up at the mountain of supplies piled up beside the bed, feeling very complicated for a moment. For the first time, he felt that being a human being was not bad.

The federal official wiped the sweat from his forehead: "There are still many things that are not in stock, so I will give you a discount. The money is in the card. You can buy it yourself if necessary."

There was a hint of envy in the official's eyes. The bank card he gave Wallis had a full 230,000 credit points, which was more than his own salary in three years. But this was also the first time he saw the ‘Thirty Years Orphan’. Most people have been discovered long ago and it is impossible to get so much money at once.

Wallis replied numbly: "Thank you."

"You have been wandering for thirty years, which is entirely our responsibility. It is our failure to do our job that has caused you to suffer for so many years." The federal official said solemnly, "So there is no need for you to say thank you to me, as long as you don't hold any grudges." The federation is fine. I want to say to you on behalf of all federal officials, I’m sorry!”

The federal official bowed slightly.

Wallis was stunned.

He suddenly felt a warm feeling. When he was an Ancient God, no one had anything to do with him. His enemies longed for his death, and so did his followers. The whole world is looking forward to his death, but no one has ever thought about him.

Wallis whispered: "Thank you."

This time, there was a hint of sincerity in his voice.

The federal officer took a business card from his pocket and placed it on Wallis' bed.

“You can contact me anytime if you have any questions.”

Wallis nodded: "I understand."

The federal official added: "You are in good health and can be discharged from the hospital at any time, but please do not engage in behavior that disturbs the public order again. This time, because you are a first-time offender, the government has retained you through the police system. If you do it again in the future, When something like this happens, you are responsible for your actions.”


Please give me some advice!


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