I know this ancient god

Chapter 383 (Today’s update 2/4) The God-killing Division makes its debut

Chapter 383 (Today’s update 24) The God-killing Division makes a brilliant debut

Tang Xuan couldn't help but frown and asked, "Please be more specific."

Tang Qianzi explained as concisely as possible: "Lin Wan is sleeping inside the North Star, but there is a guardian beside her. This guardian was awakened by my scan and is now recovering. His energy level is very high, maybe It will cause considerable damage to the Northern Star.”

The Federation was always careful when scanning, for fear of accidentally waking up the sleeping ancient gods in the scanning area. Tang Qianzi, on the other hand, was very talented and bold. Not only was she not worried about the ancient gods reviving, she was even eager to play with the two violent ancient gods, so her scanning method was very rough. If the federation's scanning method is like a breeze blowing on the face, then her scanning method is like a typhoon riding on the face. Not only is there a close to 100% chance of waking up the Ancient God, there are even many possibilities of directly disturbing the Ancient God to death.

Hey, just playing~

As a complete hegemonic technological civilization with the river system as its chessboard, Tang Qianzi has enough confidence to do such a thing.


Tang Xuan's eyebrows furrowed even more tightly.

He is not afraid of this guardian. After all, the God-killing Division is now joined by Tianting. There is also a neutron war star on standby in space, which can be called a bug at this stage. He just couldn't help but speculate on the relationship between this guardian and Lin Wan. He knew that Lin Wan must trust this guardian very much to sleep with this guardian.

"Don't be dazed, Lin Wan's guardian is about to show up."

A virtual screen popped up in front of Tang Xuan, which showed the scene of overlooking the Northern Star from space. Most of the clouds of the Northern Star were rotating and gathering around a certain point under the control of a strange attraction, forming a A huge vortex of clouds. Although he couldn't see the scene on the ground, Tang Xuan could still imagine that the ground was pitch black and people were running around in panic.

A red unit is marked on the screen.

Tang Qianzi whispered: "This is where Lin Wan's guardian is. His energy level is rising rapidly and he is about to catch up with one of my battleships."

One of Tang Qianzi's battleships should not be underestimated, but when Tang Xuan thought about Tang Qianzi's endless sea of ​​battleships, he couldn't take it seriously.

"It's okay, it's time for the God-Slaying Division to take action." Tang Xuan said calmly, "Is there a way to directly see Lin Wan's guardian?"

Tang Qianzi replied: "My spy robot is in place."


The screen shook slightly, and the picture quality changed from 360P to 4K, and the perspective also changed from a space bird's-eye view to a ground-level view, allowing both Tang Xuan and Tang Qianji to clearly see Lin Wan's guardian. Wearing a pair of simple bronze armor, he stood on the top of the mountain and raised his spear to stir the sky, stirring up most of the clouds of the Northern Star.

Tang Qianji's eyes moved left and right between the screen and Tang Xuan's face, and he couldn't help but make a sound of surprise: "Hey - why does he look so similar to you?"

I can't say they are similar, they are exactly the same. Except for the different clothes, Lin Wan's guardian and Tang Xuan are completely carved from the same mold.

Tang Xuan was also surprised. He didn't expect that Lin Wan's guardian was actually a person who looked similar to him. Is this a confession from a long distance in time and space?

Tang Qianzi said happily: "Lin Wan really still remembers you."

Tang Xuan's mood was very complicated, including joy and distress. In addition, there were also some unexplainable emotions.

He whispered: "It's time for the God-Slaying Division to take action."

As soon as he finished speaking, the picture on the screen changed dramatically.


A bright flash of lightning suddenly lit up in the thick clouds, and the violent thunder instantly hit Guardian Lin Wan. Two smiling faces appeared in the clouds. One of them was holding a hammer and a hammer, while the other was holding a mirror in both hands. They were clearly the Duke of Thunder and the Lady of Lightning.

Guardian Lin Wan was bathed in the thunder and roared up to the sky. His eyes were shining with crystal blue light. His arm slowly but firmly pointed the spear at the Thunder God and Lightning Girl, as if he wanted to kill the Thunder God and Lightning Girl with the spear.

At this moment, another change occurred.

"Monster! Look at the stick!"

A giant golden stick came through the air, smashing the thick clouds with ease, hitting Guardian Lin Wan in the head, and knocking Guardian Lin Wan into the ground. There are five characters engraved on this giant stick: Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Guardian Lin Wan knelt at the bottom of the pit, holding his head in his hands, looking extremely painful.

At this time, the clouds were fragmented, and the sunlight fell on the ground through the gaps, forming irregular golden light pillars. In the sky, countless immortals and gods such as the Three Officials, the Four Heavenly Kings, the Five Qi Zhenjun, Liu Ding Liujia, the Seven Immortals of the Big Dipper, the Eight Immortals of Lu Dongbin, the Nine Yao Star, the Twelve Yuan Chen, and the Twenty-Eight Stars are standing. Guardian Lin Wan was looking down on the clouds, each weighing his own magic weapon, and everyone looked eager to try it.


A low cough sounded in their ears, and they immediately restrained their hands and feet and lowered their heads honestly. A majestic figure wearing a crown appeared in front of the immortals. It was Fengqiu, the new Emperor of Heaven.

Fengqiu raised his hand and threw down his Jade Emperor Seal. He saw the seal growing in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it became as big as a hill.


Guardian Lin Wan was suppressed without any suspense.

Tang Xuan's eyelids jumped when he saw it in the spaceship. After all, the person who was being suppressed was a person who looked exactly like him. The crowd watching felt a bit weird. Although the result was what he expected, he still felt emotional. He was worthy of being a prehistoric immortal with a mass base. It had just been a month, and it seemed that everyone had the strength to defeat the newly resurrected ancient god.

Something even more unexpected happened to Tang Xuan.

Emperor Fengqiu stood above the clouds and read loudly: "According to the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 6 of the "North Star Public Security Management Law", anyone who causes trouble in the streets of the North Star may be sentenced to three days of detention depending on the seriousness of the case. The death penalty will be carried out immediately."

Tang Xuan was dumbfounded.

When he was at Tacleus's place, he had thought that one day the God-killing Division would be able to enforce the law against the ancient gods, but he did not expect that this day would come so quickly.

Awesome, my God-killing Division!


Just when Tang Xuan was sighing, the Jade Emperor Seal on the ground suddenly shook. The camera zoomed in, and Guardian Lin Wan actually stood up slowly with the Jade Emperor Seal on his shoulders.


With a roar, he actually threw the Jade Emperor Seal to the side, then raised his head and roared angrily at the immortals all over the sky.

Emperor Fengqiu snorted and stopped reading out the policy. Instead, he turned to wink at the immortals on his left and right. In an instant, countless brilliance bloomed from the sky. The exquisite pagoda, the Immortal Binding Rope, the Fantian Seal, the Qiankun Circle, the Hunyuan Umbrella, and the Diamond Bracelet were all thrown towards the guardian Lin Wan. The light of the magic weapons illuminated half of the sky.

Guardian Lin Wan stared blankly at the colorful sky, forgetting to resist for a moment, and was finally swallowed up by the smoke and dust raised by the earth amidst the deafening roar.

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