I know this ancient god

Chapter 65 This is not a drill!

At the bottom of the largest supervolcano on Ironmast, a pitch-black altar stands silently in the hot magma. It emits a regular gradually brightening and dimming light, unmoved by the surrounding high temperature that is enough to melt gold and stone.

This altar has stood in the magma for far longer than the history of the Human Federation. Time and high temperatures have not left any traces on it. This is a creation that completely surpasses the current level of mankind. Even if the Federation's top material scientists see it, It can only be stunned.

The altar is still breathing quietly, just as it did thousands of years ago, no different. But at a certain moment, without any warning, the strange runes all over the altar suddenly lit up with orange-red light. The light swayed in the magma, like someone holding up a fire in the dark night.

It's calling, it's calling.

And there was indeed something summoned by it.

The orange-red light became more and more intense. Under its brilliance, ghost-like fuzzy figures appeared strangely in the hot magma. They each had different attire, but they all lowered their heads and remained motionless, but their number continued to increase. Until it fills the interior of the volcano, there are shadows of magnificent buildings like the Roman Colosseum all around. The orange-red light flickered for a moment, and some mysterious power was injected into these figures, making them agile and clear. They slowly raised their heads, their movements and eyes full of confusion, as if they were recalling why they were here.

The orange-red light flashed again.

The figures were attracted, and they set their sights on the altar located in the center of the majestic building. When their eyes met on the altar, they suddenly realized the cause and effect, and quickly lined up to walk down the steps of the majestic building and towards the altar.

Everyone walked on the steps in an orderly manner. Although they were all shadows and had no need to be bound by the steps, they still followed the old rules of life, or they were not aware of their situation at all.

They only know one thing:

That is to awaken the great god [Magma]!


Will give them new life!

Three old men in red robes walked to the center of the altar. In front of them was the phantom sacrifice. The neck of the sacrifice was bleeding, and the blood mixed with the magma and flowed into the groove on the altar, outlining a strange-shaped torch that shone with strange light.

The old man in red robe raised his arms and shouted: "[Magma]!"

Many figures under the altar: "[Magma]!"

A fanatical atmosphere filled the air, and the torch image left the altar and flew into the air to swallow the surrounding magma, like a desert traveler with a smoking throat who encountered a kettle and took a swig of revenge. Magma lines within the volcano descend at a rate visible to the naked eye. Amid the increasingly loud and fanatical cries of the illusory figures, the torch pattern distorted and emitted a bright orange-red light that was difficult to look directly at. There was a dark red shadow within the strong light. As the magma line continued to fall, a strong heartbeat suddenly came from the deep red shadow. The heartbeat was not loud, but it had the power to make people panic. It could be heard clearly even outside this super volcano. It's like the supervolcano itself has come to life. And when the magma line dropped below the altar, the dark red shadow of the ball on the altar broke through the invisible shackles, and the figure became clear, truly descending into the real world.

This is a red monster covered with scales and sharp horns. It is short in stature and has the outline of a human body, but it is ferocious and terrifying.

The first thing He did when He appeared in reality was to look up to the sky and suck.




Fear pervades, screams are piercing, and faith collapses.

All the figures were shrouded in a powerful attraction. They spun in the air, forming a huge funnel-shaped whirlwind, which was mixed with hot magma and poured into the monster's mouth.

After a few seconds, everything was calm inside the volcano.

The red monster patted his belly: "Hiccup!"

(A small mouthful of fire bursts out of the throat)

There is no doubt that He is [Magma].

He did not leave the super volcano immediately, but fell to the altar and sat for a while. The orange-red light on the altar gradually dimmed and eventually went out completely.

At this time, [Magma] raised his head and looked upward. His gaze penetrated the turbid air and the thick volcanic walls, spanning tens of thousands of kilometers, and took in all the three fleets dormant in the starry sky.

His pupils reflected the scene in the starry sky. The center point of this scene was a man with medals on his chest and a cup in his hand. He did not feel any trace of divine power from this man. He blinked his eyes, and the starry sky in his eyes disappeared, and then returned to a sulfur-yellow turbidity.

[Magma] did not feel the presence of other ancient gods nearby, but a strong warning signal arose in his heart, which made him feel very uneasy and irritable.

Just as humans couldn't understand why the ancient gods could resurrect after such a long slumber, he couldn't understand why humans could enter space without divine power, and even showed a posture of surrounding him.

A string of weird syllables rolled out of His throat: "Damn guy, you'd better pray that we don't find you."

What follows is a long list of swear words from the ancient god.

However, he kept scolding, but his voice was very low, and he kept looking around, obviously afraid of something, and he didn't even dare to mention the other person's name.

After a while, He got tired of scolding.

He stood up and opened his arms: "Great [Shield], I offer my secret, hoping to redeem the power I have deposited with you."

Before he finished speaking, an indescribable atmosphere descended on the altar. A certain existence in the dark has established a connection with [Magma].

[Magma] said a word with a respectful expression.

As soon as the words fell, a black crack less than one meter long appeared in the air, and a ball of orange-red air flowed out of the crack.

This air flow circled in the air several times, then flew towards [Magma] and penetrated into his body. [Magma] was like a blown up balloon, rapidly expanding, eventually reaching ten times its previous size, becoming a giant nearly thirty meters tall.

The black cracks disappeared.

[Magma] A golden conch appeared in his hand.

He brought the conch to his lips.


Many runes lit up on the surface of the conch.

Layers of ripples stained with orange-red brilliance radiate from the center to the surroundings accompanied by the ancient and melodious sound of conches.

Flickering shadows appeared one after another in the place covered by the ripples. These shadows included gorgeous palaces, wide streets, dense shops and towering altars. Not only were there more and more, but the duration of each flicker also increased. It's getting longer and longer, and its appearance becomes more and more real each time.

"A violent energy reaction occurred in Super Volcano No. 4!"

"I doubt that the ancient god will revive in advance!"

"The third tactical rehearsal has turned into a formal operation!"

"Repeat it again!"

"The third tactical rehearsal has turned into a formal operation!"

"This! No! Yes! Act! Xi!"

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