Chapter 107 Official project team, mentor invitation,

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The remnants of the undersea civilization that were discovered are on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

This unknown place reminds people of the legend of “Atlantis” that has been circulating on the earth.

In the legend, there is a prehistoric civilization called Atlantis, but it has been lacking key clues, but there are occasional sporadic evidence that this Atlantis is likely to exist.

But now, Star Flag State observes the earth from the space station, but found traces of civilization and architecture on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Many people think of Atlantis.

Many scholars have proposed the possibility that this may be the legendary Atlantis.

The NASA department of its discoverer, Star and Flag State, also directly assigned a code name for this submarine civilization relic, named Atlantis.

People are curious again, what exactly is “Seven-Eight-Seven “Atarantes” like?

There is a TV station on the Star and Flag country, and it is spending a lot of money to obtain the right to report the interview, and apply to follow the exploration submarine to explore the civilization relics on the sea floor.

On Xia Guo’s side, it was also announced that the Central Official Channel will select reporters to explore this time, film the whole process, and conduct real-time live broadcast if possible!

Perhaps it was influenced by Liu Qiming, now in the whole world,’live broadcast’ is popular.

For major live broadcast platforms, the number of anchors is currently skyrocketing, and Liu Qiming can be considered to promote the process of the entire live broadcast industry.

Although the news has already been sent out, it takes at least one or two days of preparation time for real action to go to the tens of thousands of meters of the Atlantic Ocean floor for exploration.

Therefore, in just one or two days, there will be no progressive breakthroughs in the exploration of prehistoric civilization.

Even if many people are extremely curious, they can suppress their curiosity at this time and wait for the progress of the event.

On the other hand, many hydrologists in the world, original geoscience scholars, have all applied their knowledge after watching Liu Qiming’s live broadcast.

For a time, special “exploration organizations” have been set up all over the world for some peculiar places on the earth.

Liu Qiming came out of the system’s actual risk room and looked at the sky outside. It was already bright.

Liu Qiming tidied up.

Today is the day when Liu Qiming is going to visit his tutor Ding Weiguo.

In addition, Liu Qiming will also have a chat with Taoist Ding Weiguo about when she will return to school.

Going back to school is not a bad choice for Liu Qiming.

In the school, Liu Qiming can learn some knowledge that the system cannot instill, and can also maintain his’normal’.

Up to now, Liu Qiming has also been a little cautious, unwilling to show his unusualness at will.

Because for the time being, Liu Qiming still doesn’t want to expose his identity as a “leading civilization”.

So Liu Qiming still has to worry about it.

It’s just that scruples are scruples. Going to school is going to school, but Liu Qiming is unwilling. Going to school affects his live broadcast.

After all, Liu Qiming now shoulders the task of the system, which is to be completed continuously.

On the other hand, the knowledge that can be learned by completing system tasks is far more than what can be learned in school.

Therefore, even in school, Liu Qiming will give priority to live broadcast.

“In this case, discuss with the teacher about your future studies and prefer to be more free and autonomous.”

Liu Qiming said to himself.

With his current knowledge, the direct completion of a master’s degree is more than enough.

It’s just that Liu Qiming still needs to have a normal identity, which can’t be too conspicuous, so he needs to be’ordinary’.

After tidying up the house, Liu Qiming went outside and bought some fruits and the like.

Then, Liu Qiming took a taxi and headed to the home of his mentor Ding Weiguo.

“Ding Dong!!

After the doorbell rang, Liu Qiming waited.

After a while, the door was opened, and the goal was the teacher’s wife.

“Hi, teacher.” Liu Qiming said hello respectfully.

“Okay, just be healthy.”

For Liu Qiming, when he arrives at the home of his mentor Ding Weiguo, there is no sense of restraint. There is no depression at all, but it is like going home.

After a meal, Liu Qiming was called by his tutor to talk in the study

A cup of tea slowly generates xenon chlorine on the table. Liu Qiming and his instructor are sitting on both sides of the table.

“Qiming, what are your thoughts on your next studies?”

As soon as the tutor Ding Weiguo came up, he asked Liu Qiming in this way.

“Study” Liu Qiming pondered, and said his previous considerations: “I have experienced life and death. Although my thirst for knowledge has not changed, I don’t want to be too’ruthless’ to myself like before.”

“So, in the future, I plan to have a lighter life.

Ding Weiguo immediately understood what Liu Qiming meant.

In the past, Liu Qiming studied day and night, and even learned to the point of hard work.

Even Liu Qiming has cancer, which may have something to do with this.

Ding Weiguo put down the cup of tea in his hand and said: “Recently, there is a chance.”

“The country has set up a research team to carry out a unified study on it, and it is even equipped with a particle accelerator.

“Is it equipped with a particle accelerator?” Liu Qiming was a little surprised. The particle accelerator is currently the world’s top equipment, and it cannot be equipped by ordinary institutions.

In the environment of Xia Guo, it is an official research institution that can be equipped with this kind of equipment.

The research group equipped with this kind of equipment must also have a certain weight.

Ding Weiguo looked at Liu Qiming’s surprise, and nodded at 1.6: “This is a good opportunity and a national project.

“Do you know that “Leading Civilization” on the Internet? Because his live broadcast of nuclear fusion reactions, he explained the nucleus and atoms so thoroughly that these days, particle physics has also made great progress. ”

“So, the country launched a special project to study the unification of quarks.”

“It’s just that entering the research group is not an easy task, so I want to ask your opinion if you want to go with me.

Ding Weiguo said: “Although you are now my student, before you fell ill, a master’s level is more than enough, even comparable to some doctoral students.”

“Take you into the research group, and you can also be an assistant for me.

Hearing Ding Weiguo’s words, Liu Qiming was silent for a moment. ,

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