Chapter 109 The cruiser goes to sea (3, please complete the order)

Liu Qiming ended his live broadcast once again.

This is the third time he has conducted a live broadcast on the correct theory of planetary science.

After three live broadcasts, only three-tenths of the knowledge has been spread out.

It takes at least two live broadcasts to complete half of the task.

And if Liu Qiming wants to retrieve the system knowledge base in advance to obtain the next knowledge, then half of the live broadcast task must be completed.

“During this period of time, it is impossible to obtain knowledge from the system, and only oneself can learn first.”

Liu Qiming thought of his mentor Ding Weiguo, who was about to join a project team recently.

“The project team is equipped with a particle accelerator and can better study high-energy particles. Although I refused to join the project team with my mentor, in the system laboratory, whether it is a particle accelerator or more advanced equipment, you can do anything. Used by me.”

Liu Qiming didn’t join the project team with his mentor Ding Weiguo, and Liu Qiming has no regrets.

Because he also has the existence of a’system laboratory’, in which Liu Qiming can carry out many experiments on his own without any risk.

The only bad thing is that he conducts research on his own, he can only rely on his own wisdom, and cannot borrow the wisdom and inspiration of other people.

In the project team, there are not only one or two researchers, but often there are many core members who conduct research on one problem.

In this case, all aspects of research progress will be very fast.

And Liu Qiming, after leaving the system’s knowledge base, he can only rely on himself if he wants to study any knowledge.

But fortunately, in the system laboratory, the time ratio to reality is ten to one, and there will be no negative feelings in it.

“Particle physics took advantage of the fact that the instructor hadn’t really entered the project team in the past two days, so I asked the teacher for more advice first.

Liu Qiming also has this idea in his mind.

Ding Weiguo, Liu Qiming’s mentor, treats Liu Qiming very well, almost as a child.

Moreover, Ding Weiguo is also the one who led Liu Qiming into the gate of particle physics.

Even Liu Qiming now masters a lot of knowledge, even proficient in atomic physics, and knows all nuclear reactions.

But as far as particle physics is concerned, most of them are not as proficient as his mentor Ding Weiguo.

So Liu Qiming still has a lot to learn.

“Xia Country and Star Flag Country, this has already begun to act. We will return to the Atlantic Ocean tomorrow and begin to explore the relics of the “Atlantis” civilization on the seabed. ”

“I don’t know what will be left of the civilization relics on the bottom of the sea

Liu Qiming is also extremely curious about this, but only after the official exploration can he satisfy his curiosity.

“Boom! Boom!”

The huge cruiser set out from Xia Guo’s sea area and headed to the Atlantic Ocean.

In the cabin of the cruiser, there is a submarine representing Xia’s highest ocean technology, which can carry people down to the seabed of tens of thousands of meters.

On the cruiser, there are reporters following the shooting, and the content of these shootings will be used as future material.

Even during this process, when the signal is good, the press will directly conduct a live broadcast.

“At present, I am on the cruiser “Mighty” of our country. We have already set off from the Bohai Sea and are heading to the Atlantic Ocean.”

“On the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, there are the relics of the undersea civilization discovered by the Star and Flag State.”

“The civilized relics have complete buildings, just like a city.

“At present, the cruiser has been loaded with a submarine that represents the country’s highest technology. It can carry about fifteen and dive into the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters.”

“At that time, I will also be an accompanying reporter, and will also go to the seabed of 10,000 meters to explore the relics of undersea civilization.

“This civilization relic was discovered only after the application of the Star-flag State because of the planetary science theories spread by’Mr. Civilization’.

“And this civilization relic was named’Atlantis.

“As a complete submarine civilization relic like a city, countless people around the world are curious about what this civilization relic means.”

“Yatalantis, does it mean that there are other civilizations before us humans?”

“As’Mr. Civilization’ said, we humans currently know too little about the earth.

…~ However, this is the first chapter of the exploration of the relics of the undersea civilization, that is, our human beings, the first page of the new era of exploration of the earth!”

At this moment, the signal is still very good, and the reporter’s words and filming content are being broadcast live by Xia Guo’s official CCTV.

The words of this reporter from Xia Guo had a taste of “passionate blood”, but it made many people watching the live news look relish.

It’s just that driving on the ocean is still relatively boring, so the live broadcast is also intermittent.

The cruiser “Mighty” rode the wind and waves above the sea to the Atlantic Ocean.

Many people are looking forward to it, curious about the exploration of the civilization relics on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Among them is Liu Qiming, who is also among the curious.

“It’s really started

After Liu Qiming’s own live broadcast ended (Zhao Nuo’s), he did not immediately enter the system laboratory to conduct experiments. Instead, he was also on the Internet, following the live broadcast of Xia Guo’s official channel. Seeing this, I was very moved.

“Remains of prehistoric civilization on the sea floor”

“Now the whole world has begun to explore the earth itself. In this case, my additional tasks should be easily completed.”

“The other thing to do is to disseminate the knowledge of “planet science” as soon as possible, so that mankind can better explore the earth.

“What is hidden in the earth that humans don’t know?”

Watching the official news stop the live broadcast, Liu Qiming temporarily suppressed his curiosity and entered the system laboratory.

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