Night…… At 00:36 a.m., Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but shrink her neck, and she now felt a little cold around her.

Fortunately, because I was afraid of mosquitoes when I went out, I wore a thin coat, otherwise I would inevitably catch a cold tonight.

“I feel like I’m going to run in vain again today!” Wait another hour, and if after an hour, no bus has appeared, it means that this legend is basically false! ”

Liu Xiaoling looked around for a while, but she still didn’t see a bus driving on the highway.

But this is for the Spirit Seeker… It’s a normal thing.

Especially this kind of horror story that is not falsely rumored.

Basically, it’s just a free run!

And the water friends in the live broadcast room are also used to it, although they watch the live broadcast of the spirit detective, but they do not believe that there are ghosts in the world, and what they are trying to do is just a strange and gloomy feeling.

In addition, both anchors are super beautiful, and any one can enter the entertainment industry.

More live room water friends… In fact, they all came to see the girl.

Detective this kind of thing, where is the anchor good-looking?

Aren’t the two sister anchors happy?

Isn’t it double happiness?

“Now this is the first time the anchor has run a trip in vain?” I remember…… It should be the fourth time, right? ”

“Although there are cars and battery cars passing by on this road, not a single bus has seen it!”

“MD, what headline party anchor, nothing, you still have a fart?”

“Upstairs there must be a single straight man of steel… Identification complete! ”

“In this live broadcast room, which person is coming to see the spirit?” Didn’t they all come to see my wife? ”

“Sleeper, you shameless, abominable, draw your sword!!”

“Do you guys like that?” You are all slut! Only I like anchors! ”

“The anchor tells ghost stories~”

“There are more than a million people in the early morning, it seems that this year’s cat’s tooth sister is stable!”

“The anchor has only been live for less than three months, right?”

“The newcomers are monsters…”


Looking at the very conspicuous insulting barrage, Liu Xiaoling explained expressionlessly: “I am a spirit detective anchor, and the meaning of the existence of the spirit exploration anchor is to break all kinds of superstitious rumors, not to make up any story script, and I will not act for you to see.” ”

Just as she was about to say something, a dull and slightly harsh horn came from the left.

Meanwhile…… Two not-so-bright car light lines barely illuminated a large flat road.

Li Xiaomo next to her took the lead in turning her head to take a look, and she was stunned by this look.

She was now as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, and her body was cold!

A pair of beautiful eyes, stunned to see a behemoth coming!

“Small… Little Lingzi, that… It seems to be a bus!! ”

After three months as a spirit anchor with Liu Xiaoling, a good sister, Li Xiaomo felt that he was basically not afraid of such things as gods and ghosts.

After all, in the past three months, they have explored so many haunted houses, ghost villages and the like, and they have not seen anything!

This made her not believe that there was such a thing as a ghost in the world.

Psychic legends… But it’s all just a false rumor!

But now, Li Xiaomo found himself afraid.

A sense of fear from the heart suddenly struck!

How can there be a bus at this point in time?

Isn’t the last train at eleven?

It’s already early in the morning!

Liu Xiaoling’s reaction was similar to Li Xiaomo’s, her expression was stiffly staring at the coming bus, and her mind involuntarily came up… There are anecdotal rumors about various 375 buses!

“I remember the last train from the Tianhai City Bus Company, which was… It’s eleven o’clock at night, right? ”

Looking at the bus getting closer and closer, listening to the sound of the engine, Liu Xiaoling asked his girlfriend uncertainly.

Li Xiaomo nodded and replied, “It’s eleven o’clock in the evening… I checked it before. ”

The two couldn’t help but look at each other with a tacit understanding.

You can see the shock in each other’s eyes…

And that little bit of fear!

False…… Fake, right?


Li Xiaomo’s eyes were better, she suddenly found something wrong, and was surprised and surprised: “Bus No. 375 is an old-fashioned bus of more than nine years, this bus seems to be a new bus, right?” ”

Her voice suddenly woke up Liu Ling, and Liu Ling also sorted out her mind and fixed her eyes on it.

Really… The bus that came was obviously that kind of bus.

Not the legendary 375 bus!

“Whew… Almost didn’t get scared to death…”

Liu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, this bus should be the last time, carrying too many guests, so it is only now off work.

It can be seen from the driver’s passing by the bus shelter without blinking.

If it’s a driver who doesn’t leave work….

Would definitely park for a pick-up.

“It’s a false alarm.”

Li Xiaomo sighed.

Liu Ling laughed, it seems that his psychological quality is still not up to standard!

She coughed softly and said, “Cough… It seems that the legend of the 375 bus is indeed false, it is almost one o’clock in the morning, and it has not yet appeared. The bus that appeared before was still a bus that was late from work. ”

However, just as her voice fell, two more car lights illuminated the road.

The two of them almost instinctively looked at the past, and this look, the two sides invariably looked the same!

The heart, which had been difficult to calm down, actually began to “flutter, flutter” and jump quickly without controversy!

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