Looking at the old professor in front of him, who was already old, but showed great interest in the wreckage of the bus, Zhao Team couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

He also doesn’t know why… Above actually let him deal with this strange incident.

For this so-called supernatural event….

Team Zhao is completely inexperienced!

Don’t know how to fix it!

He can only pin his hopes on these professors and experts now, hoping that these people can find out what the so-called “wronged souls” really are!

If you can figure it out a little bit, then next time this happens again.

These official people… We can have certain experience, certain abilities, and methods….

To deal with, to investigate this supernatural event!

Otherwise it would be like it is now.

Team Zhao is now completely blind!

And he’s also very worried….

Worry about the time of the evening….

Those ghosts will still appear!

That’s a big problem….

“Why don’t you contact a few Dragon Tiger Mountain Dao Chiefs?” Ask them if they have any experience in exorcising demons? ”

In Zhao Team’s heart, he couldn’t help but mutter, “But those Dao Chiefs… Is it really reliable? ”

In this regard, the Zhao team is actually very skeptical.

Even if he almost came into contact with the ghost closely…

But for all kinds of metaphysics….

He wasn’t very convinced.

But, just in case…



Liu Feng didn’t know what Team Zhao’s current mental thoughts were, if he knew… Perhaps, you can’t help but laugh.

Because Liu Feng knew very well that those Dao Elders in this world…

Strengthening the body, self-cultivation, may be a very set.

But let them go down and exorcise demons….

It’s really embarrassing for them.

They really don’t!

In this world… The only person who can exorcise demons may be Liu Feng alone.

Of course it depends….

Will he learn or not.

The degree of official concern about the 375 bus incident was expected by Liu Feng.

After all, this has already touched the level of the mysterious side.

This is a level that is not inferior to the scientific side!

Can it be ignored officially?

“Posts, videos, topics, etc. on the Internet have been deleted… Even Xiao Ling and Xiao Mo signed a confidentiality agreement with the authorities. A major event that is enough to sensationalize the whole country is suppressed before it has any signs of sensation. ”

Liu Feng used his mobile phone to brush the forum on the Internet, and he tried to post a post about the 375 bus.

And then less than five minutes… The post is gone.

The forum administrator also warned him in a private message….

Let him not spread superstitions….

Liu Feng was dumbfounded.

At this time, he had already taken [Spotless Ghost Dan], and his physical fitness had been greatly improved.

I only slept for two or three hours last night and woke up the next day.

There was not the slightest bit of sleepiness!

There are not even dark circles under the eyes!

Very energetic…

Quite magical!

Moreover, Liu Feng’s previous figure only had faint muscle lines, and now the muscle lines are very obvious.

The skin texture of the skin has also been significantly improved, muscle strength, visceral strength, bone strength, etc….

All have been greatly enhanced, worthy of the two-star grade props.

[Spotless Ghost Dan] let Willow Wind from an ordinary person…

Gradually moving closer to the mysterious side!

[Host: Liu Feng (22 years old).]

Rank: One star

Item: Seven Seals

Balance: 11360

Scene: Bus No. 375].

“One star…”

After looking at his personal panel, Liu Feng’s face was slightly surprised, just a [Spotless Ghost Dan], actually let himself go from sporadic to a star?

I don’t know if my current self can deal with a few ordinary people who have no mysterious power.

Maybe he can be like Master Ip Man in the movie….

Say: I’m going to hit ten !!?

It doesn’t seem impossible either.

At this moment, Liu Feng’s sharpened sense of hearing heard the sound of someone coming downstairs.

After he turned his head to look… I saw Liu Xiaoling in his pajamas.

Yawning, barefoot came over.

That look was rather drowsy.

After seeing Liu Feng in the living room on the first floor, Liu Xiaoling suddenly had a spirit, and his sleepiness suddenly swept away a large half, and his face was surprised: “Huh? Dude, how did you get up so early? ”

Last night the three of them slept in the same room, so Liu Xiaoling knew exactly when Liu Feng was sleeping.

It was four or five o’clock in the morning to sleep… That is, the elder brother he slept for a maximum of three or four hours?

“…… Didn’t you notice that there was a missing person in your room? ”

Liu Feng slightly helplessly spat out.

Of course he slept on the floor last night.

“Huh? Cough, didn’t pay attention…”

Liu Xiaoling was a little embarrassed.

Suddenly, Liu Xiaoling thought of the questions that his girlfriend Li Xiaomo had said to him last night.

She hesitated slightly, raised her endless curiosity, and looked at the elder brother who seemed to be shrouded in a layer of … mysterious aura, she couldn’t help but ask curiously: “Brother… Can I ask you a question? ”

Looking at her curious look, Liu Feng sat up straight, smiled and replied, “Yes.” ”

“We, the Liu family, are we that kind of … An exorcist family that has been passed down for hundreds, or even thousands of years? ”

Liu Xiaoling hesitated and asked the question he wanted to ask.

Liu Feng: “??? ”

What? Passed on… Hundreds of years… The exorcist family?

How did I not know that there was such a thing?

Looking at the sister in front of you…

He fell into contemplation.

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