“The young lady and her girlfriend have arrived, and the last time we were seen by them, they may find out their identity, and it is necessary to cover up a little, and you need to use your ability.”

On a glass window of the Tianhai Hotel, two illusory soul-like figures are presented here.

These two illusory figures… They are one-star [ghosts] and two-star [hanging ghosts]!

As for the [Divination Pen Immortal] who has recently joined the big group of powerful ghosts…

He did not participate in this revenge operation.

Because of the kind of ability [of the Divination Pen Immortal]…

Not very suitable for combat.

It was [the hanging ghost] who spoke, his voice was still very hoarse, and the resentment on his body almost turned into substance.

[Hanging Ghost] after being promoted to a two-star ghost…

Strength is already above [the ghost]!

[The ghost] nodded slightly, and said in a low tone, “After the lady pushed open the door… Kill that guy again. ”

“…… Oh well!!! ”

The eerie dialogue between the two powerful ghosts made a young man in the presidential suite scream in a hurry.

It was a man in a nightgown, pale, and with a slight black keloid on his body.

At first glance, the age is not more than thirty years old, and the figure is very thin.

You can even see the ribs clearly.

It’s like sucking too much of that powder.

Merely…… He was now tightly bound by a reins of resentment, and a rag had been stuffed into his mouth, so he could not shout out, only a muffled hum.

The young man’s name was “Zhao Bin”, and his father ran a stone factory in Longyuan City.

As a rich second generation, his life should have been carefree.

But in search of excitement, he became addicted to it.

So much so that not long ago, when driving, my head was a little confused… As a result, he hit someone on the road, which scared him to hurry up and run away with the accelerator.

When he woke up and learned that the person he had hit was dead, he was so frightened that he rushed to his parents for help.

His father disposed of the luxury car he was driving.

And arrange for him to come to Tianhai City to hide from a bout of the limelight…

Can’t return to Longyuan City for at least three years!

At first, he was glad that he was driving a new car without a license, and the road camera was just broken, there were no other cars on the road, and it was not photographed by the driving recorder of other car owners, otherwise it would be dead.

However, now he has no luck, there is… Just endless fear!

“Sigh… Suck that kind of thing and drag racing, and hit and run to kill people… Rich people can play ah! ”

[The hanging ghost] glanced back at Zhao Bin, who was tied up, and his pale and dark face revealed a maddening sneer: “Unfortunately, your luck does not seem to be very good.” ”

[The hanging ghost] did not kill this Zhao Bin, and the [ghost of resentment] who was killed by Zhao Bin’s drag racing car did not move.

As [the grudge] said before, they have to wait for “Mademoiselle” and her girlfriend to come in….

Bring this damn guy again… Straight to death!

This is also a command of the master.

They must be executed!

And the “miss” in the mouth of [the ghost] before is naturally Liu Feng’s sister – Liu Xiaoling!

Frightened eyes stared at [hanging ghosts] and [ghosts], if Zhao Bin often paid attention to various events on the Internet, he might be able to recognize these two ghosts.

After all, [the hanging ghost] and [the ghost] were photogenic last night.

But unfortunately… He wasn’t paying attention to that.

And even if he knew the identities of the two ghosts…

It is impossible to avoid the fate of his death!

“Uh-huh… Oh well!! ”

He wanted to scream in horror, but the rag in his mouth almost stuck in his throat.

He wanted to struggle, but the rope that bound his body….

There is no way to break it!

This is a rope condensed by the [hanging ghost] with resentment, and it is as tough as a steel rope!

And…… Even if it’s ordinary rope….

Zhao Bin couldn’t break it either.

Just his small body…

Can I beat a junior high school student… It can all be a serious problem.

[The hanging ghost] no longer paid attention to a dying person, its eyes turned to the bottom of the hotel, and after seeing Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo walk into the hotel, it said in a cold tone to the [ghost]: “Miss, they have come up, they can do it!” ”

The maddening voice and the creepy content of the words made Zhao Bin’s struggle more intense.

“Oh well! Oh no, no!!! ”

“Uh-huh! Oh well!!! ”

“Oh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh…”


At this time, Zhao Bin was like a weak worm, moving and struggling on the ground.

Tears flowed from the eye sockets without a fight, and even the slimy snot flowed out.

His whole body was trembling slightly, and he could even faintly hear the sound of choking.

The fear in his heart had spread to a mechanism!

The whole brain is filled with endless fear….

A pair of eyes full of horror…

And this extreme fear is exactly what [the ghost] needs, because the ability of the [ghost] is to create a “frightening illusion”, as long as the other party is more afraid in the heart, the more difficult it is to break free of its ability!

In the bloodshot eyes of the madman, a dark green light flashed.

Immediately…… That snot and a handful of tears, constantly humming and struggling Zhao Bin.

Suddenly, I didn’t know why, but it was slowly quiet.

But this silence has not lasted for a few seconds….

It was as if he had experienced something even more terrifying, and his face was full of vicious horror.

The whites of his eyes were covered with blood, and the green tendons on his forehead were exposed.

He struggled madly, trembling all over.

Even the brain trembled with fear!

A smell of feces and urine spreads….

He…… Incontinence!

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