Send a Dongfeng courier to Fengmen Village? You’re such a clever ghost! Liu Feng silently complained inwardly.

He shrugged his shoulders and said casually, “The legend of Fengmen Village is the place where the ghost king was sealed, which means that the whole village is a huge array, if you come to send a Dongfeng courier, maybe… The ghost king of the Fengmen Village can regain his freedom. ”

His voice was very plain, but the content of his words made Liu Xiaoling’s face stagnate.

Liu Xiaoling laughed awkwardly and snorted, “When… When I didn’t say anything. ”

If it is a small proposal of his own, it really makes the official give the sealed door village a Dongfeng express delivery.

And then…… The ghost king of the sealed gate village was accidentally released.

And then that ghost king caused some great killing…

Hiss…… Is that enough for a crime?!

She didn’t want to experience it at all” said the rice blossom fragrance of the good year, listening to the sound of ‘guns’. ”

If the authorities can’t move the closed gate village to level.

Then work with them yourself….

What can I work with?!

Liu Xiaoling fell into contemplation, her pretty face was full of doubts, after all, she was only a college graduate who had graduated for less than half a year, and she was only twenty-one years old this year, and she did not have much thought.

After encountering this problem, she did not know how to solve it, and there was a feeling of entering a dead end.

“Rest assured, on the outskirts of the village, you basically won’t encounter too much danger.”

Liu Feng comforted: “The investigation task is generally just to take a photo, take a few sets of photos on the periphery, and leave immediately.” Moreover…… You can also cooperate with the authorities, although the authorities do not have the ability to deal with supernatural events, but at the critical time, it is okay to protect you. ”

“And…” His tone paused, and he smiled, “You’re my sister, will I let you have an accident?” ”

His words made Liu Xiaoling feel a little at ease, and at the same time… Liu Xiaoling was also a little curious.

Did his elder brother put some spell on himself a long time ago?

Otherwise… His sentence “Will I let you have an accident?” doesn’t make sense!

After all, the elder brother did not say that he would go with him to the closed door village.

That means my brother left a little backhand on me!

Leave me with a back hand to save my life!

Liu Xiaoling felt that he had already guessed eight or nine and ten, that is to say, his trip…

There is official cooperation, as well as the backhand protection left by the elder brother for himself.

The probability of danger is actually not particularly large?

The possibility of encountering danger… Probably less than 0.1%?

Although Liu Xiaoling didn’t know how she got this data, anyway, she was finally at ease now.

After a few “reassuring pills” given to her by Liu Feng…

Liu Xiaoling no longer had the same worries as before.

To this one newly promulgated mandate …

There was also a little bit of confidence.

Of course, there is still tension.

After all, it was the first time she had seen such a dangerous mission, and the elder brother said that there might be some ghost king involved.

A village called Fengmen Village in xx City, xx Province?

You have to buy a plane ticket and fly over, right?

But if you cooperate with the authorities….

Will there be a shuttle bus?

Liu Xiaoling paid attention for a moment and asked, “That… Do I have to contact the official person now? ”

“Whatever you want!”

“…… Oh! ”


Within ten minutes of kung fu, Zhao was tens of kilometers away… Chief Zhao suddenly realized that the mobile phone he had placed on the desktop had begun to vibrate slightly.

He raised his spirits and fixed his eyes on it… Suddenly, the pupils in the two eyes shrank slightly.

When Liu Xiaoling had been in contact with the authorities several times before.

Chief Zhao once gave Liu Xiaoling several contact information.

One of the contact details is his mobile phone number.

He thought the little girl wouldn’t call him… After all, the attitude that the little girl had shown before seemed to be a little distant from the official.

But now the other party has taken the initiative to contact, this is… Could this be what happened?

Chief Zhao’s expression became solemn, and he took a deep breath and answered the call: “Hey, hello! ”

This is actually counted… The first real contact between Liu Xiaoling and the official!

Because in the previous times, it was the officials who were testing her.

And this time, Liu Xiaoling is seeking official cooperation!

And the official also needs to cooperate with Liu Xiaoling….

Because the official can use any means of exorcism….

This led to those supernatural events that appeared everywhere, and the officials did not know how to deal with them!

“The sealed gate village of xx city in xx province? Were there villages that were abandoned for nearly a decade or twenty? ”

After listening quietly for a few minutes, Chief Zhao frowned and nodded, and he said, “Hmm! I know! I’ll let people investigate, if gay you represent your circle… I want to use my authority and I can’t communicate with you face-to-face. ”

“Not that means, I mean… I will notify the leader of my leader and let him talk to you! After all, there is too much involved in this, and I can’t handle it. ”


After hanging up the call, Team Zhao… Oh no, Chief Zhao immediately dialed another phone.

The owner of this phone number, throughout the official organization….

They all belong to the kind of existence that is often on the news network!

Although he is now the chief of the special incident handling section of Tianhai City, it involves cooperation with the mysterious side circle.

This is not something he can handle, and he is afraid to deal with it himself… It could screw up.

In this case, let the head up talk to the other person.

It’s the most suitable way to deal with it at the moment!

After the phone was dialed, Chief Zhao sat in his office chair, his brow furrowed, and muttered to himself: “Only feel… The world is about to change! I don’t know if I can keep up with the times. ”

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