Liu Xiaoling’s time in the past few days has been a bit dreamlike, although she has cooperated with the official, but what she did not expect is … The so-called cooperation is like this!

She suddenly felt as if… Inexplicably, it became a big man?

Can be a group of soldiers with live ammunition, greeting in unison “good chief”.

This look… Isn’t that a big man yet?

This is not quite what I imagined!

She also thought it would be very low-key….

I didn’t expect it to be so high-profile!

Even the army is on the move… That is to say, this time when she went to Fengmen Village, there would be a group of soldiers with live ammunition following, and she also had the right to send them to action.

This made Liu Xiaoling a little confused, and she felt more and more that the authorities paid special attention to the circle on the mysterious side.

Otherwise… How could the authorities have made such a bloody effort?

The power of the mysterious side is very attractive to the official!

Because that represents a whole new level of rule!

A new rule beyond science!

This new rule will most likely affect an era, and it is very likely to lead to a new era of frenzy!

Even…… It is very likely that the future fate of a great power can be decided!

It is precisely for these reasons….

The authorities attach great importance to it!

Therefore, giving Liu Xiaoling such a privilege that ordinary people cannot imagine, this kind of unimaginable permission… Theoretically, it’s normal.

After all, compared to this new point, it is obviously more important to the circle of the mysterious side!

If the official wants to get the ability of the mysterious side, he must have a good relationship with this circle.

As long as the relationship is good, everything will be easy!

Of course, this is only one of the official plans….

But unless that plan doesn’t work….

Otherwise, it will not be easy to change the plan.

In a hotel room in a certain city, Liu Xiaoling placed a map on the coffee table and said in a dignified and serious tone: “This operation is very, very dangerous, if anything is wrong, we must evacuate as quickly as possible!” ”

With a pencil in her hand, she drew a few circles on the map and continued, “This is the outer area of the village of Fengmen, we only need to take dozens of sets of photos.” ”

Seeing that the tone of the girlfriend was so solemn, Li Xiaomo couldn’t help but look serious.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the map of the sealed gate village, and she asked curiously, “Just explore the periphery?” ”

Liu Xiaoling nodded and replied, “Well, you can’t go deep inside, this place… It is particularly dangerous, and once you go deep into it, it is normal to accidentally kill you. ”

Listening, Li Xiaomo raised his vigilance, but… She didn’t have the intention of retreating for half a minute.

Although she knew her girlfriend, she was definitely better than herself now.

But she still did not trust Liu Xiaoling to step into the dangerous situation alone.

Even if Liu Xiaoling had the official army protection this time.

Liu Xiaoling was silent for a moment, sighed, and said, “This is no secret, I talked to the official leaders before, and it is said that there is a ghost king sealed in the sealed gate village!” If you venture into it and accidentally destroy the array, you will be in big trouble. ”

“Ghost King!!” Li Xiaomo’s heart was slightly shocked, although she had only recently come into contact with such a thing as ghosts.

But the existence of being called a ghost king, hiss, that is definitely not simple!

“The main reason is that we don’t know whether modern weapons have any effect on the Ghost King for the time being.”

Liu Xiaoling explained helplessly: “Otherwise… Directly take the Dongfeng Express to serve. ”

Indeed, it is not known whether modern weapons have a role for ghosts.

This is by far the level of official concern.

It is precisely because of this that they dare not destroy the sealed gate village.

Although in terms of modern science and technology, it is not impossible to induce lightning to fall on the sealed gate village.

But who can guarantee that when arranging various equipment…

Won’t it destroy the big array that sealed the Ghost King?

Once you accidentally destroy the large array a little.

I’m afraid your equipment hasn’t been laid out yet….

That ghost king is gone!

The release of a ghost king is not very clear to the authorities on how much disaster the society will have.

But…… Officials don’t dare to gamble!

After all, a random ghost can kill several people, and a ghost king’s words…

It’s about… Probably thousands of lives!

It may even be the lives of tens of thousands of people!

So…… Officials don’t dare to gamble!

However, the official is not without any action, for example, there are already many official people, constantly surveying outside the closed gate village, using telescopes and even satellites to observe this abandoned village for more than ten or twenty years.

There are even attempts to contact those who once lived in the village of Fengmen, of course, there has been no contact so far.

After all, those people are all over the country, and they have moved out of Fengmen Village a long time ago.

If you want to find those people, it is not an ordinary trouble!

The difficulty can be said to be very, very high!

And a few hours after Liu Xiaoling stepped into the city with their front feet… Two figures dressed in Maoshan Daoist robes, as well as a middle-aged man with a height of two meters, also appeared in the city.

“According to the master’s instructions, we are going to play a little more realistically on this trip, and we have to fight with those powerful ghost colleagues in the Sealed Gate Village!”

[Ichiki Michiko] didn’t mind the strange expressions of the passers-by around him, and he murmured with a slight sigh.

After all, he was wearing a dark yellow Maoshan Daoist robe, and his eye-catching ability was definitely full!

His twin brother [Michigu Nigi] laughed bitterly, “This old bone, I’m afraid I’m going to break a few bones this time!” ”

Nearby, Xie Zhengang, who was two meters tall, smiled and said indifferently, “With the cultivation of the two Dao Chiefs, the fracture of this injury, with the treatment of the ointment, can be healed in a week.” ”

“That being said, but… It hurts to fracture it! [Michiko Nigi] rolled his eyes.

Of course, the spit is to complain, but they do not dare to spit on the owner of Liu Feng.

After all, they are all 100% absolutely loyal to Liu Feng!

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