At this time, visions appeared frequently in the Sealed Gate Village, and the [White Brow Ghost King] looked at the golden light that rose out of thin air, pale to the point of almost a morbid complexion, and suddenly changed several times, as if he had sensed that something was coming!

The vigilant gaze swept around, and the pair of pure black eyes looked quite evil and strange.

The endless gray-brown resentment rolls wildly, just like the thunderstorm clouds swept by the fierce wind in thunderstorm weather!

The whole village of Fengmen… They were almost all enveloped in this gray-brown grudge!

The ground of the Fengmen Village had begun to tremble slightly at this time.

Just like the earth dragon turned over, countless houses that had fallen into disrepair began to collapse completely!

But it was fine… The frequency of tremors is not particularly large.

Otherwise, the whole village inside the closed door…

It is estimated that there will not be another house left.

In the sealed gate village, the black coffin that was placed in front of the doors of each household invariably bloomed with a piercing golden light, and a pure and holy force swept in!

The vision of Liu Feng’s shot was actually not very large, barely on the same level as the [White Brow Ghost King].

The reason, of course, is that he can’t “defeat” [the White Brow Ghost King] in an instant…

After all, if that’s the case, what’s the fun?

He is now playing a senior in the circle!

A predecessor who is stronger than Ichiki Michijo and others!

But strength is not outrageous…

It’s about the same as [White Brow Ghost King]!

“Sleeper! What kind of noble person is this? Daomen Master? Did the Buddhist masters take the shot? ”

“Mad… Sure enough, I knew it couldn’t end so soon! ”

“I was so scared that I wanted to move my family quickly!”

“It turns out that … Moving is the right choice! ”

“Now that there are high-ranking people shooting, do you still need to move?” Shouldn’t need it? ”

“Are you sure the tall man can kill the ghost?”

“Uh… Like, not quite sure…”

“Grass … You guys can send bullet screens can not slow down, I am now mobile phone thief Jill Ka! ”

“I don’t know why, but I suddenly had a not-so-good premonition…”

“MMP, don’t crow in front of you!” I live in xx city! ”

“This Nyima is as exciting as watching psychic movies when I was a kid… Ordinary people shivered. ”

“I’m a little afraid to sleep tonight, what should I do?”

“Huh… Will I tell you that I don’t dare look in the mirror? ”

“It’s all scum, I’ve been scared to vomit!”

“Poof… What is it like to be scared to throw up? ”

“I’ve heard that some people throw up when they’re afraid.”


Liu Xiaoling, because in order to avoid the bullet screen blocking the screen, she did not see a word of the bullet screens on the live broadcast room, and the key was that she did not have the heart to watch.

At this time, the Sealed Gate Village was still fighting the Fa, and the fierceness of the fighting method was even more powerful than before!

Liu Xiaoling didn’t know… Which is the predecessor in the circle.

But she could see that the senior was very powerful!

But the strength of the [White Brow Ghost King] is not inferior!

The two sides seem to be evenly matched…

People can only see that they are in a hurry!

Whenever they found that the invisible circle predecessor was “downwind”, Liu Xiaoling and the water friends in the live broadcast room could not help but be frightened, afraid that this big guy who suddenly shot was also defeated.

However, the [White Brow Ghost King] also seemed to be struggling, and the entire Sealed Gate Village turned into a battlefield.

The endless gray-brown resentment was like a terrible cold air.

Even on top of this low mountain a thousand meters away…

Liu Xiaoling, they could all feel very cold!

The temperature here has also become very cold!

And…… Everyone was horrified to find that the scope of the battlefield had actually begun to spread beyond the Sealed Gate Village!

The areas around the Fengmen Village are now gradually beginning to be affected to a certain extent!

Wrong…… Not only around the village of Fengmen, but within a 100 or 200-meter radius!!

Liu Xiaoling stared at a wisp of gray-brown resentment, floating in front of his eyes like a night fog… Her expression was dignified beyond measure.

And…… Judging from the pictures on the screen, there were hundreds of unjust spirits and powerful ghosts in the sealed village.

Unexpectedly, under the influence of the resentment of the [White Brow Ghost King], it was also out of the scope of the Sealed Gate Village!

Other words…… Hundreds of ghosts and ghosts have come out of the cage!!!

“False… Fake, right? That’s a few hundred!! ”

Liu Xiaoling muttered something in disbelief, and an unexplained sense of fear came to his mind.

“And the strength of that ghost king is a little too strong, right?” The mysterious predecessors in the circle shot and even fell into a fight, and the scope of the battle was getting bigger and bigger…”

She couldn’t help but secretly swallow a mouthful of spit, and her pretty face had turned slightly white at some point.

This is the effect of one of the purposes that Liu Feng wants to achieve.

In this more “suppressive and frustrated” approach…

Arouse the fear in the hearts of more people…

Take the only fluke in their hearts…

All dispelled clean!

Letting Ichiki Michijo and the others fight against the [White Brow Ghost King] is to let the world know the power of the ghosts and the fear they can transmit to the world!

Let the “mysterious predecessors” in the circle take a shot, which is still to set off the power of the [White Brow Ghost King].

After all, the defeat of Ichiki Michijo and others may make people feel…

This must be the reason why the masters of the circle did not shoot!

And now the “masters” behind the scenes in the circle have shot, and the luck in many people’s hearts has been defeated!

Although the two sides seem to have a temporary tie…

But it makes people wonder about the strength of [the White Brow Ghost King]…

Have a deeper understanding!

This profound understanding will deepen a person’s sense of fear!

The shock point in the mind to get the message, the speed suddenly doubled, is the best proof!

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