[Ding… Congratulations on getting 30 Shock Points! ]

[Ding… Congratulations on getting 45 Shock Points! ]

[Ding… Congratulations on getting 10 surprises… ]

[Ding… Congratulations on getting 2… ]

[Ding… Congratulations… ]

[Ding… Respectful…… ]

[…… ]

All kinds of frightening information in my mind are always brushing the screen, whether it is when eating, or sleeping, or when cultivating, or when I am leisure, the frightening point information is coming all the time, never stopping.

At the beginning, Liu Feng would also stare at the balance of the frightening point, after all, watching the balance continue to soar, he still felt very comfortable in his heart.

But with the passage of time… He went from the joy at the beginning, to the numbness in the middle, and then to the indifference now.

It’s like when you suddenly got rich one day and someone kept punching money into your bank card.

The first month you may be particularly special and exciting!

But in another month you may become numb…

In another month, you probably won’t even bother to read the transfer text messages sent to you by the bank.

Now it’s Willow Wind… That’s it!

However, it has been three days since the night of the closure of the village.

It is early morning on the third day.

When you get up in the morning, take a look at the balance of the scare point… Still normal!

[Host: Liu Feng (22 years old)

Rank: Two stars

Items: Seven Seals, Broken Yin Spiritual Pulses

Balance: 3.98 million

Scene: Bus No. 375, hanging ghost asking for life, complaining ghost asking for life, sealing the door village… ]

There is an ellipsis behind the scene, if you click on this ellipsis, you can see dozens of scenes!

Because the number of unjust spirits and powerful ghosts placed by the willow wind outside… It’s already broken through three digits!

This is still the reason why some unjust spirits and powerful ghosts are forming a group.

If they all act separately…

That horror scene may also have a three-digit number!

“Three hundred and ninety-eight thousand shock point balance, it is estimated that after eating breakfast, after cultivating a little, you will be able to break through to four million shock point balance… The impact of that night is not small! ”

Liu Feng had to sigh slightly, but unfortunately… After all, there are many bold people in this world.

Coupled with the fact that after all, there are many people in the world who are separated by a screen, and there are many people in the world who are not really approaching their side… It was difficult for them to provide a scare point to Liu Feng.

Even if you can provide him with a scare point through the screen, you may also provide a point of zero, or even a point of zero…

The balance of the shock point displayed on the personal panel is actually hidden behind the fraction.

After Liu Feng nodded at the balance, the fraction would appear in front of his eyes.

Four hundred and ninety-eight thousand three thousand seven hundred and twenty-one point five four three eight!

There are four full digits after the decimal point, that is, the person who provides him with the fewest startle points…

Possibly, only 0.0001 is provided!!

After all, those people watch live.

Ghosts are not around them…

It’s hard to get them scared.

“That’s close to four million scare points, which is enough for me to plan the next blueprint… But for now, it’s still necessary to improve yourself a little. After all, there is already a four-star grade under my hands, and I am only a two-star, a bit of a no-brainer! ”

After drinking a cup of breakfast milk, Liu Feng once again opened the system’s prop mall.

A semi-illusory virtual panel appeared before his eyes.

Liu Xiaoling’s little girl had not yet returned, so Liu Feng could make a fuss at home.

Of course, even if Liu Xiaoling returns…

He can do whatever he wants.

Anyway, the system panel…

She couldn’t see it again!

[Name: Hellfire Seventy-Two Ghost Arts, Full Chapters (Four Stars)

Description: The full text of the Seventy-Two Ghost Arts, which contains twenty-five attack ghost arts, ten defensive ghost arts, fifteen seal ghost arts, seven healing ghost arts, ten hallucinatory ghost arts, and five psychic ghost arts!

Skills: Soul Locking, Mind Technique, Soul Whipping…

Price: 340,000 scare points]


[Name: Jizo Yin Yan Gong (Four Stars)

Description: The advanced upgraded version of “Jizo Yin Decision” absorbs, refines, and uses the power of Yin Meditation, which is dozens of times that of “Jizo Yin Decision”, and the practice is complete, and even up to a hundred times!

Skills: Absorb, refine, and use the power of Yin Qi

Price: 190,000 scare points]


[Name: Book of Evil Spirits Fragment (Five Stars)

Description: In the Endless Hell of the Far West, a fragment of the Book of Evil Spirits lost by an undead monarch has an extremely terrifying large-scale spell attack power, and each page is an ability, because it is a fragment of this Book of Evil Spirits, so there are only three pages!

Skills: Undead Skyfall, Hellfire Flames, Eight-Eyed Demon Servant

Price: 1.09 million shock points]


“Sizzle… One hundred and ninety thousand scare points?! Is this just a fragment? The fragment is five stars, if it is the whole book, wouldn’t it be a seven-star grade? Or even eight stars?! ”

Liu Feng hurriedly withdrew his thoughts, he had just “bought, bought, bought” all the way, and then almost bought this thing!

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and stopped his thoughts in time, and the seven-figure price made him quite stunned.

He doesn’t plan to buy five-star items for the time being, because… Nothing useful when you buy it!

Unless it’s a five-star person, or a ghost or something.

Other five-star grade props really don’t work!

For example, if he bought the fragments of the Book of Evil Spirits, then he would need to spend another one or two million scare points to buy the Five-Star Grade Practice, and then he could drive the fragments of the Book of Evil Spirits.

Otherwise, with his four-star rank, he would not be able to motivate the fragments of this Book of Evil Spirits at all.

It’s like giving a lv50-level skill book to a player at lv40 level.

This Nyima… Isn’t that the player struggling with lv40 level?

The level is not enough to use the skill book!

And Willow Wind doesn’t have any extra startling points…

Let him rise to the five-star rank.

Four stars is already the limit.

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