A few days later… Liu Xiaoling’s face was sluggish and a little numb, looking at the [divination pen fairy] who was cleaning, she felt that the picture she saw now was like a picture that could only be seen in a dream.

In the past few days, she has temporarily become familiar with [Divination Pen Immortal].

Although I don’t know what the real name of the other party is for the time being.

But at least not as vigilant and vigilant as at the beginning.

But a white-clothed female ghost of unknown strength, a maid who takes care of housework in her own home…

This feeling, how to feel a little strange!

Liu Xiaoling even felt that if he was now live broadcasting, it was estimated that he would have to have several hot searches.

For example, what a female ghost maid…

What shocked the female ghost turned out…

What a barabá’s…

Then all kinds of headline parties will come out, and then stay on the hot search for several days.

I don’t know how the elder brother subdued this female ghost and talked about physics? Or is it reasonable?

Reasonable words should be unlikely…

After all, the elder brother does not like to be reasonable.

That’s probably physics!

Liu Xiaoling inexplicably snorted and looked into the eyes of the [divination pen immortal]… They couldn’t help but bring some pity, and it was estimated that they were persuaded by the elder brother’s physics.

Or rather… It’s a serve! After all, with the character of the elder brother, he may really be able to do this kind of thing!

Pity Xiang pity jade or something, in the eyes of the elder brother, this idiom… It doesn’t exist!

I don’t know if this white-clothed female ghost nicknamed [Divination Pen Fairy] …

What unknown physical beatings have been experienced…

“The old brother has not been in love since he was twenty-two, or a single dog through and through, such a beautiful girl, and it will be physical!” Even if it is a ghost, it is still a girl, and it is so good-looking, it is too white. ”

Liu Xiaoling was observing the [Divination Pen Immortal] while muttering to himself in his heart.

And…… Don’t forget to spit on the willow wind, it is normal for the two brothers and sisters to spit on each other.

Although most girls like white skin, the skin of [Divination Pen Fairy] has become morbidly white.

This is a little too white, and there is no look of health at all.

But then again, people are a ghost, as if the skin of the ghost is so white…

And what health do ghosts want? It doesn’t even need to be eaten…

It seems that only Yin Qi needs to be absorbed every day?!!

Liu Xiaoling didn’t know what kind of energy Yin Qi was, maybe it was similar to the Yin Qi Force!

“Huh? Wait a minute! Since it’s a ghost… Can that be my sparring partner?! ”

Liu Xiaoling’s mind suddenly flashed, as if he had thought of something.

Although his current “Jizo Yin Decision” has already started…

But to be honest… I have no combat experience at all!

What kind of consequence is not having combat experience, what embarrassing things will happen, Liu Xiaoling has already felt it a few days ago, it is really not an ordinary embarrassment!

At that time, she happened to find [divination pen fairy] in the basement.

In fact, at that time, Liu Xiaoling wanted to take the lead.

But she suddenly found that she didn’t have anything with her, the most important seal, she didn’t bring it!

Although “Jizo Yin Decision” has already started…

But she didn’t know how to fight…

This is embarrassing!

If [Divination Pen Immortal] could be his own sparring partner, wouldn’t he have the experience of dealing with powerful ghosts? If the elder brother is willing to take the time to be a sparring partner, then doesn’t he have the experience to deal with humans?

Hiss…… Two flowers? Grab it with both hands? both hands? …… Well, I want it all?!

When Liu Xiaoling’s thinking was slightly divergent…

What she didn’t know was that her salted fish brother…

Thinking about a new blueprint in the room!

Liu Feng in the bedroom was thinking about the next plan, and a few days passed, although the increase in the shock point slowed down a little, but still got a lot of numbers.

Liu Feng’s current fright point balance has reached more than 4.8 million, and it is only a matter of time before it is five million.

Maybe after tonight is over, scare the balance of points… You can break through the five million mark!

“It’s time for the white-browed ghost king who ‘escaped’ before to brush his face in front of the public…”

Liu Feng muttered to himself, and he had a less mature idea in his mind.

If the scare points in the balance are stored, it will not be able to automatically generate a new batch of scare points.

Only these scare points can be used to lay out new horror scenes…

Liu Feng only had a new large number of shock points in his pocket!

That said, what he needs now is… Put these shock points in the balance and invest them!

to get bigger, more benefits!

As for how to “invest” yourself…

That’s a big problem!

“If the horror scene is still in China, it may arouse the awareness of some people, especially the official think tanks of various countries, none of those people are vegetarians, all of them are highly intelligent beings, and they are very smart than me!” 」

Liu Feng never considered himself a smart person… This will keep him humble.

This will also allow him to think a little more when laying out the blueprint of the plan.

If it is arranged abroad, the first choice is naturally a certain eagle sauce!

Why? Because Willow Wind looks at it very unpleasantly!

After all, this so-called “world policeman” …

All these years have been trick-or-treating.

“If it’s eagle sauce…”

Liu Sheng suddenly thought of something, nodded thoughtfully, and then picked up a pen from the desk next to him, and a blank notebook that was not very thick.

Turning to the first page of the notebook, Liu Feng pondered for a few seconds, and then wrote down a few words…

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