Before the obese guard could return to his senses, a taxi suddenly stopped in front of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

In front of the guards’ eyes was a pair of long legs wrapped in black stockings.

And then…… It was a familiar face that made him feel a slight twitch in his face after seeing it!

Scot, how come it’s this woman again? How persistent is this guy?

After the visitor had just paid the driver, he stepped towards the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, and the faint smell of perfume poured into the nasal cavity.

The woman who stepped out of the taxi was about twenty years old, but she also had an intellectual beauty.

The obese guard frowned, his face full of hemp, showing an impatient look.

Obviously… This woman, he must have known!

“Miss Catherine! Didn’t our dean already tell you? We are in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum and do not accept interviews from YouTube Lords! We only accept interviews with regular news companies, please cooperate with our work, otherwise we will sue you for harassment! ”

As soon as the fat guard opened his mouth, his tone was very strong, and it was obvious that the woman was not the first day to come.

The woman, known as “Catherine,” had a slight smile on her face and did not think much of the guard’s semi-threatening tone.

Immediately, she took out a press card from the bag she was carrying and handed it to the obese guard.

“I’m sorry, but now I have another identity, I am an intern reporter for the news agency, I have been working for a week, and I will soon be able to get my salary from the boss who wears a suit and leather every day, but nags like Mrs. Hammer next door.” So…… Can I go in and do the interview? ”

She had a triumphant smile on her face, as if expecting the look of embarrassment on the fat guard’s face.

Obviously, her expectant expression came, and after receiving the press card handed over, the expression of the fat guard was very exciting!

He didn’t expect this annoying tubing up master… I actually got a press card!

And this press card doesn’t look like it’s fake.

After all, the other party is the uplord of more than two million fans on the YouTube…

If you use a fake press card to deceive…

That would certainly have a bad effect.

Serious ones may be blocked!

As long as this woman named Catherine has a brain… It is impossible to use a fake press card.

The obese guard stiffened, and after handing his press card back to Catherine, he said in a blunt tone, “Cough… Cough! I’m not sure the busy dean won’t answer the phone I call her. ”

After scolding the “nosy Bichi” in his heart, he went to the guard booth to pick up the phone and dialed a number.

Seeing this, Catherine ticked the corner of her mouth, and she clipped her press card to her collar, not in a hurry.

As a matter of fact…… In her heart, now it is a happy blossom!

More than a month ago, the Thorn Cliff Asylum made news of the abuse of mentally ill criminals.

But when this kind of news first appeared…

It was crushed by an invisible hand!

Among them… What does it illustrate?

Explain that this thorny cliff madhouse cannot be investigated casually? Otherwise there will be big trouble?

No! Contrary! It is precisely because of this that he wants Jiang to investigate this matter clearly!

Because Catherine vaguely felt that this thorny cliff madhouse was far from being as simple as the world imagined!

Otherwise, this kind of big news that can make headlines at a glance…

Why was it pressed down by an invisible hand?

This shows that there is a lot of catty hidden in it!

Her name is “Catherine Jerome”, she is a well-known up-and-comer of YouTube, and the videos she usually shoots are Eagle Sauce Country exposing various dark events, and then criticizing them from a moral point of view.

In this way, it has gained a lot of fan attention and gained an unimaginable number of video views.

She has only been the Lord for a year…

It has accumulated more than two million fans!

Catherine is eyeing the target material this time… It is the “Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum”, a madhouse that was exposed to abuse mentally ill prisoners more than a month ago.

Taking her eyes off the obese guard, Catherine quietly looked at the Thorn Cliff Asylum in front of her.

On the blue-black moss-covered walls, you can faintly see several repaired cracks…

Windows, not much bigger than the dishes used for eating, were welded with finger-thick steel bars.

The branches of the withered old tree, constantly dancing by the wind.

The atmosphere of silence did not look like a madhouse at all.

It’s more like… Buildings in horror games!

A very inexplicable sense of creepy gradually crept into Catherine’s heart.

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she shook her head hurriedly, putting aside the wild thoughts in her mind.

And muttered to himself: “In this world, how can there be such a thing as a ghost, blame Roshi last night, all night was telling me about the female anchor.” ”

But when it comes down to that… Her tone was a little hesitant, with a little uncertainty in her tone.

Because there’s news about spirits and ghosts… These days, I have also swiped the screen on the major social platforms of Eagle Sauce Country, including various news and newspapers!

Yes…… What happened on the side of the willow wind had already spread throughout the world!

After all, this kind of thing caused such a big shock on Liu Feng’s side.

In the current information age, it is impossible for foreign media networks not to find this shock.

So… Liu Xiaoling has various videos when he is live broadcasting.

It was reposted on major social platforms!

Although Catherine had never seen those videos because she was a pure atheist.

But…… No matter how atheistic it is, it can’t stand the fact that various people around me often discuss this matter.

Even on the Internet, there are many people who discuss this kind of thing, and all of them are worried.

It seems that the person who experienced that kind of supernatural event…

It’s their sand sculpture netizens like that!

“…… Haven’t dialed the phone yet? ”

Catherine forced herself not to think about it, after all, the more she thought about it, the more crazy she became, and the more creepy she became.

She frowned at the fat guard in the booth, who still seemed to be on the phone.

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