Just when the staff member wanted to be wrong, an inexplicable sense of coldness suddenly struck.

The cold air made his whole body shudder.

Wondering at the central air conditioner not far away, he muttered: “Why is the temperature of the air conditioner suddenly so low?” Many travelers bring their children… You may get a cold and cold! Could it be that some staff member misoperated? ”

Just when he was going to inform someone else to adjust the temperature of the air conditioner back…

The sense of foreboding in my heart suddenly became stronger!

He suddenly felt that something very bad could happen next!

As for why he feels this way, he can’t say for sure…

If he could clearly say this ominous premonition in his heart, it was estimated that he was not an ordinary person!

It’s the so-called circle of people, but unfortunately… He’s not in the circle.

At this moment, a slightly frightened exclamation attracted the attention of many people.

“Sleeper! How did the vents smoke out there?! Wouldn’t that be a place on fire?! ”

The sudden sound… Attracted a lot of staff attention.

Especially the two words of fire made their hearts tremble!

If it catches fire in a place like an airport…

That would definitely be very troublesome!

Many people have set their eyes on several vents, and sure enough, someone saw one of them… A strange gray-brown smoke began to emerge!

This gray-brown smoke always looked a little familiar, as if it were déjà vu.

Including the staff member who had previously had a strong sense of foreboding was no exception.

He felt like he should have been somewhere…

Seen… This gray-brown smoke!

And it seems to be in the recent past?

Have I seen it recently?!

Where have you seen it…

He was not in a hurry to find a fire extinguisher, because smoke came out of the vents, and it was certainly not the waiting hall that was on fire, and there was no point in looking for a fire extinguisher in any hurry.

What needs to be done now is to immediately find the source of the fire, and not to let the fire continue to spread!

But then again… Why does this gray-brown smoke not trigger the airport’s smoke alarm device?

Inside the Tianhai International Airport, there is a smoke alarm device!

As soon as a thick smoke appears, a warning will be issued immediately!

But…… Why are these alarms not responding?

Is it bad or not? But…… Oh no!

There are more than a dozen smoke alarm devices in the waiting hall alone, and even if one is broken, the others cannot be broken at the same time, right? That joke is a bit too much ah, if the smoke alarm device is broken at the same time, there is absolutely no coincidence, someone must have deliberately damaged!

As for who damaged it? That must have been the person who set the fire… People who want to get the airport into a riot!

But…… In fact, there is another possibility.

The possibility is that these gray-brown mists…

Maybe it’s not smoke from the fire?

So the alarm device is not responding?

Didn’t someone break these alarm devices? And is it because of the smoke that the alarm device does not sound the alarm?

But this gray-brown mist… If it wasn’t smoke, what would it be?

Isn’t that the gas that can be hidden from the alarm?

Someone deliberately dropping some kind of gas at the airport?

All kinds of conspiracy theories have come to mind…

Wait a minute! This fog…

This color…

The staff member suddenly flashed a flash of inspiration in his mind, he seemed to think back to something, his pupils involuntarily contracted, and his eyes were in disbelief, looking at the vents that emerged… That more and more gray-brown mist!

On his face, the color of fear gradually appeared, and his throat squirmed, and he secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit.

He felt that his feet were involuntarily a little weak, and he barely managed to stand by holding on to the fence next to him.

His actions surprised the colleague next to him, who frowned and asked eagerly, “What’s wrong?!” Rest assured, although the fire is a big thing, as long as you find the fire point, you can basically extinguish it, behind our airport… It’s a fire station! ”

“It’s not… Brother Li, don’t you think that this kind of fog is very similar to the live broadcast we watched that night? ”

The staff member stuttered a little, he said to his colleague “Brother Li”.

Brother Li was stunned, pondered for a while, puzzled: “Live broadcast? What night to watch the live stream? ”

“It’s just… It’s the one that explores the live broadcast and closes the door village! ”

“Closed Gate Village? Sealed Gate Village… Seal the door… Sleeper !!!! ”


After the reaction, Brother Li suddenly widened his eyes, and his face was full of disbelief.

He looked at the gray-brown mist in disbelief, feeling that his brain was a little inadequate.

He was stunned for more than ten seconds before he suddenly reacted and hurriedly shouted, “Call the police!” Ring the alarm!! Let the people in the waiting hall leave quickly, and… Let all flights be cancelled immediately, otherwise… Big problem!! ”

After all, it is an old employee of the airport, and Brother Li’s psychological quality is much better than this staff.

Hearing Brother Li’s shout, he came back to his senses and was about to go to the alarm.

A figure haunted by gray-brown resentment…

Just stand quietly in front of his eyes!

“Don’t move… Dude! ”



ps: It has been five days since it was on the shelves, 120,000 words on the shelves, now 200,050 words, the current number of single-day subscribers yesterday is more than 9,400, which should be the peak, because today has been falling………… This score is OK, whether it falls or not, I will also write more than a million words, well, that’s it!

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