“Oh!! This Nyima is a shootout, a murder, a bunch of ghosts, and a blonde foreign girl next to me, who can tell me what this is like? ”

“The title of the live broadcast room is [Tonight’s Online Exploration of Eagle Sauce Country Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum], that is…”

“That is to say… Little Spirit Wife and Little Mo Wife, in Eagle Sauce Country?! ”

“Sleeper? Is there such a thing as exorcism, and is there a multinational business? ”

“6666, cross-border business is OK, tall!”

“Woj… Hey, so many foreign ghosts, my little spirit wife should not be able to resist, right? ”

“Grass, who do you say is your wife?” Draw your knife, you love enemy! ”

“You don’t have to be a wife every day, the anchor has said a long time ago, her criteria for choosing a mate is – better than her brother, do you think there is anyone in this world who is better than my brother-in-law?” 」

“Brother-in-law?! Day…… Almost got wrapped up in you guys, so deep heart! ”

“Isn’t the main thing now worrying about the safety of the anchor?”

“Ma Ya, if the anchor can’t stand up to my words, isn’t my little foam wife going to be cold?”

“The Eagle Sauce Country not only has a beautiful landscape, but also has such a terrible landscape!”

“Sleeper… I studied in Eagle Sauce Country, ah, will not meet ghosts? ”

“It stands to reason that as long as you don’t die, you won’t encounter…”

“Why is it so certain upstairs?”

“Because I said a few blindly…”

“Ah poof… Terror!! ”


The popularity of the live broadcast room has soared to a terrifying point, but because it is located in the Eagle Sauce Country, the fluency of the live broadcast may be a little poor, after all, the distance is a little far.

And when Liu Xiaoling’s spell seal technique was used, the rolling bullet screen in the live broadcast room was even more like a frenzy!

The popularity of the live broadcast room is not only related to the number of people watching…

It is also related to the number of bullet screens and the amount of gifts …

It is precisely because of this crazy rolling barrage…

Let the popularity of the live room break through the sky!

Up to 269 million!



According to this posture, even if it breaks through the popularity value of 300 million, I am afraid it is not impossible, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo are now… It is the real explosion of the whole network, as long as it is the people who have been surfing the Internet in recent days, there are few who have not heard of them.

The degree of this explosion of fire, no Uranus superstar can compare, because they are too special.

No matter how famous the superstar of Uranus is, no matter how good the song, no matter how good the acting skills are…

After all, he is just an ordinary person…

And Liu Xiaoling, what they have been in contact with these days…

It is a “face” hidden in the shadows!

This “face” shocked countless people.

Make countless people unbelievable!

Let countless people pay attention…

Catherine didn’t notice that the number of viewers on the phone screen was already many times her YouTube fan base.

At this time, she looked at the monstrous flames with a confused face, and the whole person’s expression was sluggish.

His shyness stared at Liu Xiaoling in front of him…

Words appeared in her mind…

Eastern wizards?






Oriental Witch?

She listened to Liu Xiaoling reciting the spell and watched as the seal flew out, and then a ball of hot flames erupted, even if she was some distance away from the flame, Catherine could still feel the temperature!

If he was burned by this kind of flame, it wouldn’t be long before he turned into a charred corpse, right?

She couldn’t help but secretly swallow a mouthful of spit…

I just feel like my mouth is dry…

I was shocked by this scene!

She is a typical atheist, which means that she does not believe in the existence of ghosts and gods at all, even if there are all kinds of supernatural events these days… The ups and downs on the Internet are raging.

But everything today has gradually collapsed her concept, so that her values and world outlook have begun to reshape!

It’s witchcraft… This must be legendary witchcraft!

A friend of his own foreign netizens…

Is it a witch from the East?

Hiss…… Hard, unbelievable!!

Wait, just now… Just now that Liu Xiaoling said that there are ghosts in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse?

Other words…… Everything she said…

Actually, it’s all true?

Not fooling me?

Not prevaricating me?

In this world…

Are there really ghosts?

She was confused!

At this time, Liu Xiaoling did not know Catherine’s thoughts, after she used the spell seal, the yin power accumulated in her body suddenly lost one-tenth, which was enough to see… Using this spell seal, the consumption will be very large!

However, since the consumption was very large, the power was naturally great, and three or four ghosts evaporated instantly!

After all, the strength of these newly born wild ghosts is very weak…

Barely strong is the level of 0.1 to 0.3 stars.

Liu Xiaoling, the 0.7-star “cultivator”…

Dealing with these newborn ghosts…

It’s like bullying a bear child!

And it’s bullying babies!

However, there are a lot of “babies”, these three or four wild unjust souls are only one of the twenties of all the wild unjust souls, Liu Xiaoling’s expression is still very solemn!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she quickly pulled out two short metal sticks from her backpack, each of which was about forty centimeters long.

At the top of the short stick are two beads with a holy breath, which are Buddha beads!

The surface of the short stick is also engraved with Sanskrit!

There are even some Buddha seals depicted!

Use the spells of the Daomen, learn the techniques of ghost cultivation, make the weapons of the Buddha, take the elixir of the ghosts… Liu Xiaoling’s ability is not an ordinary one, but it is comprehensive and surprising.

Although there is a saying called “greed is not bad”, but anyway… This sentence does not work for external players!

Obviously, his elder brother is Liu Xiaoling, the big boss behind the scenes.

Just one, very unreasonable plug-in player…

Just look at her outfit…

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