“This little girl actually killed someone?” Although it is only out of self-defense to fight back, but this crisp and neat counterattack, it is like going through countless drills, people who do not know… You may still think that she is a killer quietly cultivated by which organization…”

Liu Feng, who had been paying attention to the developments, naturally knew everything after Li Xiaomo had stabbed the mad patient to death.

Moreover, he also knew Li Xiaomo very well, and it was estimated that he knew her best besides her father.

Not because the two have a complicated relationship…

But because Li Xiaomo is Liu Xiaoling’s girlfriend…

Growing up, he often came to his house to play…

Under the accumulation of time and years, can you not be familiar with it?

And because of this… For her decisive move, Liu Feng would be so surprised.

So decisive that it seems to have been rehearsed in my mind…

I have to say, in some ways…

Li Xiaomo is really very talented!

Maybe it’s time to pull another person.

Enter the so-called circle!

So far… The only people Liu Feng who have given [the Ring of Daughters and Mothers] are Liu Xiaoling and the daughter of [Wronged Souls].

Liu Xiaoling naturally needless to say, as his sister, it is inevitable to enjoy certain “benefits”.

And the daughter of [the wronged ghost] “Xu Yue”…

It’s because the physique is very special!

Willow Wind would give her the ring.

To tell the truth, in addition to Liu Xiaoling, Xu Yue was the first person Liu Feng had ever seen, because of the ghost’s resentment and yin qi, and the living people who had undergone physical changes, although there may be more and more such people in the future, but the first person will always have preferential treatment.

Similarly, the first person will also be a guinea pig, of course… Do the willow wind of the guinea pig.

Die…… Certainly not, not to mention…

Even in the process of being a guinea pig…

If you don’t pay attention, you will inexplicably burp.

Willow Wind also has a way…

Let the other party “survive” in a new way, for example, become a sane ghost!

This way of “surviving”…

It’s the equivalent of…

Unlimited lifespan!

“However, Xu Yue’s little girl is still young, and her situation is still put on hold for the time being… However, Li Xiaomo, a little girl, can focus on cultivating a bit, after all, she and Xiao Ling are almost inseparable, and if you don’t let her be a little stronger, I’m afraid I really can’t stand it. ”

Liu Feng pondered for a moment, Liu Xiaoling took the same path as her, but although this path was suitable for their brothers and sisters, it did not mean that it was suitable for others.

At least, it should not be suitable for Li Xiaomo; Li Xiaomo’s agility and extremely fast reaction speed.

It is more suitable for Xie Zhengang’s martial path!

No, not more suitable, is very suitable!

Her talent in this area is really good!

Otherwise, Li Xiaomo wouldn’t have practiced a mixed martial art, so much so that he could fight four or five at a time, and… It is also possible to kill a perverted murderer with a sharp weapon in an instant.

The above is always enough to show that Li Xiaomo is suitable for this road, and only needs to give her a stepping stone.

She’ll go further down this road than anyone else!

I don’t know if it’s “things are grouped together in groups”…

Liu Feng found those around him…

It seems to be a little more special than ordinary people…

Is it because of this influence on them?

Or is it just a coincidence?

He doesn’t know exactly how…

Of course, he didn’t want to know.


Eagle Sauce Country, xx State, Thorn Cliff Madhouse, Li Xiaomo had eased up slightly, she breathed a slight sigh of relief, although there was still some nausea in her heart, but at least there was no such feeling of nausea as before.

This made Gerry Conwell look at him with some surprise, of course, it was not that he had a crush on Li Xiaomo.

He has a wife and even two precious sons.

The eldest son is named Dean Conwell!

The second son is Sam Conwell!

It’s just a pity… Gerry Conwell wasn’t surnamed “Winchester”, otherwise… His two sons may be awesome.

After all, the legendary Wen family double brake…

Kamikoto Tenjin!

Under the god of death!

“Your psychological qualities are very good, and to be honest, you are really suitable to be an exorcist, although I have never taken an apprentice… But you made me think like that. ”

Gerry Conwell first sighed and then threw out an olive branch and said, “Are you interested in being my student?” ”

“Huh?!” Li Xiaomo is a little confused and accepts himself as a student? Being an apprentice? When the exorcist?

After hesitating, she shook her head and said, “If you need to stay in the Eagle Sauce Country for a long time, then forget it.” ”

Although she was very impressed, after all, it was an invitation from the mysterious side circle.

I am afraid that the richest people in the world want to accept this invitation.

It’s just a pity that the mysterious side circle is too cold…

So much so that the world’s richest man doesn’t care.

That moment just now… Li Xiaomo was a little bit eager to agree to the idea, but as soon as she saw the girlfriend next to her, she shook her head decisively and strengthened her decision.

“Well…” Gerry Conwell felt a little sorry, but he didn’t insist on it either.

Just when he wanted to say something, all of a sudden…

A sound of metal colliding metal came…





The sudden sound made the nerves of the three people vigilant again, the familiar putrid smell poured into the nasal cavity, and a “person” wearing a blood-faced mask appeared in the corridor!



ps: This chapter is to make up for yesterday, ah, ah, the cold is really really very uncomfortable, the head is heavy, feel like someone hit the head. And the cold medicine always feels that there is a hypnotic component, after taking the medicine, the whole person sits and feels like falling asleep. In order to play the spirit codeword, I had to watch for half an hour, those unhealthy…

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