The power of [Bloodface Killer] is far from being a one-star exorcist, a one-star rank that can’t reach Mengxin, and an ordinary person who only has a good hand… Can be played.

If it weren’t for [the Bloodface Killer] putting water several times at the most critical time.

It is estimated that it fell from a height of more than ten meters…

It’s Liu Xiaoling and the three of them!

It can even be said that this time it is a piece of the sea, otherwise… With the comprehensive strength of Liu Xiaoling’s three people.

Even if the number of people doubles, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the [Bloodface Killer]!

“It will be difficult to recover for a while and a half… This kind of injury is at least ten times more serious than the previous injuries that have been shot several times by shotguns, and it is impossible for it to recover without half an hour, and we have to get out of here quickly. ”

Gerry Conwell’s tone was so weak that he pulled out a very small medical kit from his torn trench coat.

When I opened the medical kit, I saw a roll of bandages, a stitch, and threads.

He skillfully threaded the thread and then in a very clumsy way.

Start suturing the huge opening in your abdomen.

The needle went through the flesh, causing his brow to jump in pain, but not a single scream was uttered.

I have to say, this is definitely a tough guy!

At least, he didn’t seem to be very afraid of pain…

That clumsy stitching technique made Liu Xiaoling stunned, afraid that he would accidentally pierce his intestines.

But Gerry Conwell seems to be on the stitching himself…

This operation is already very skilled.

Stitched it up for a while without a problem…

It’s like I’ve rehearsed it a lot!

She looked down at the [blood-faced killer] that had fallen not lightly, Liu Xiaoling was a little eager to try, she gritted her teeth and asked, “Can you kill it now?!” ”

“You’re going down to a dead end… Cough! While it’s still slowly recovering, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the power to resist once you get close to it… It may fight back in an instant! ”

Gerry Conwell issued a warning, which made the eager Willow suddenly stunned.

Nearby, Li Xiaomo, who had a broken forehead and was using his clothes to stop the bleeding, said in a dignified voice: “If you can’t kill it, it will still cause us trouble, and our current state is no longer enough to continue fighting, unless you leave this place immediately!” ”

As she spoke, she covered the wound on the door of her head as she picked up her cell phone on the ground.

The phone’s screen was thrown out of several cracks that weren’t very obvious.

And…… Only 39% of the electricity is left.

It is estimated that it will not be broadcast for an hour or two…

The phone has to run out of battery.

At this point… The total popularity of the soul detector live broadcast room has reached a terrifying figure of 397 million, although the popularity value is very virtual, as long as there are enough bullet screens or gifts enough, the popularity value can also soar, but close to 400 million popularity values, this data is still very scary!

Except for the staff of the cat’s tooth platform, no one knows how many people have gathered in this live broadcast room.

The servers of the Maoya platform are now a bit inadequate.

So much so that I had to rent a bunch of servers on a temporary basis!

In order to avoid the phenomenon of stuttering in the live visitor.

“Ahh… I couldn’t see anything just now! What the hell is going on? Just now I could only hear the sound of fighting. ”

“Just now the phone seems to have fallen to the ground, and it just happened to be the camera facing the floor.”

“Sleeper? How come the face of Xiao Mo’s wife is full of blood?! ”

“It seems to be… A broken forehead? Sizzle…”

“Woj, what’s going on with that white uncle?” The intestines are about to flow out, right? Grass, so bloody!!! ”

“Is he suturing himself with a wound?!”

“This stitching technique is also too much…”

“Wait… Such a big opening, almost cut off his waist, right? Why is he still alive? Can you also stitch yourself up? Are you kidding…… Normal people are already unconscious, right? ”

“Could it be that the people in these mysterious side circles are much stronger physically than ordinary people?!”

“This physical fitness if you go to the Olympics…”

“If you go to the Olympics, there will be nothing for other athletes.”

“It’s a humanoid monster!”

“Was that ghost killed?” I’ve been speaking English, and I can’t understand it as a scumbag! ”

“It seems that he was not killed, but he was seriously injured, but he was afraid of fighting back on his deathbed, so he couldn’t mend the knife.”

“I watch the live stream with the translator on, no pressure!”

“Can you understand the machine flip?” Awesome!! ”

“Then what about the blonde?”

“Seems to have been lost?”

“It’s not going to be cold, is it?”



Catherine, who is five or six hundred meters away from Liu Xiaoling, does not know that there are still a group of netizens in the eastern big country, worried about her safety, and now she… I was already desperate to crash to death!

I knew that I didn’t hesitate before, and when I heard the footsteps before, I should have run away decisively.

After all, who could have imagined that the director of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum would actually … It’s a ghost!!

No wonder I went to its office for an interview before.

I found that the windows inside the office were all covered by curtains, and there was no sunlight coming in.

No wonder the air conditioner in the office was not turned on.

But I think the temperature is very cold…

Why didn’t I think of it at the time?

Forehead…… It seems that because he was still an atheist at that time, he did not believe in the existence of ghosts and gods.

So, at the end of the day…

Is it your own pot?

“I… I…… I…… I only took a shower today, and I was covered in the inferior smell of inferior shower gel and shampoo, and I… I’m not tasty at all! ”

Catherine’s tone trembled and she said something like that.

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