A terrifying scream rang out in the haunted house, and the mobile phone held in Jin Pulie’s hand flew high and high, of course, this is not the mobile phone itself can fly… Instead, Jin Pulie was so frightened that he threw his mobile phone hard, and if he fell down, even if he did not fall apart, he would have to break the screen.

And this scream also frightened the people in the program group, and everyone couldn’t help but shake.

When they turned their heads in exasperation and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

But all of them looked frightened… Hurriedly covered up the look of irritation that appeared on his face.

Because the person who made this scream screamed…

It is the director of the program group, Jin Pulie!

I don’t know why he was calling.

But after all, this is the director of the program group.

Of course, it is impossible to offend…

Otherwise, you will lose your job!

Of course…… After all, Jin Pulie’s scream could scare them not lightly, after all, this was a haunted house that was arranged, the scene was crazy, plus it was still a big night.

Everyone was working very engagedly, and suddenly someone screamed…

As long as it is a person whose hearing is more normal…

I’m afraid that I will be scared and my heart will speed up a lot.

If Kim Pu-yeol is not the director of the program group…

They all wanted to scold directly!

“Sleeper! It startled Lao Tzu a lot, I had already been drowsy by this boring live broadcast, and this voice scared me into a thrill and immediately woke up. ”

“Sleeper? Is the upstairs also the Eastern power coming out of the wall? Coincidentally, I also climbed over the wall. ”

“I wasn’t frightened the whole time, except for this voice…”

“Fark, I almost shrank back.”

“Scared shi shrank back? What to do? ”

“One of the farts that scared the laborers who were about to release them all held back, and then burped and let the farts out.”

“You all have a special body structure…”


“Grass (referring to plants)!”

“What is that great cosmic empire man shouting about?” I can’t understand it as a stupid person! ”

“It’s like shouting [there’s a ghost], right?” Is the big play coming? Are there really ghosts appearing? ”

“That voice seemed to startle several of the guests.”

“Yasuda seems to jump straight away…”

“What’s going on here?!”

“I don’t know what the situation is…”

“A blank face…”


Jin Pulie’s voice not only frightened the staff of the program team, the celebrity guests, including the so-called master, but even the audience in front of the TV set and the computer were startled by his voice.

It’s like when you’re watching a boring TV series in boredom.

Suddenly someone roared in your ear almost…

If the metaphor isn’t graphical enough…

It’s like you’re playing with chicken…

Running unsuspectingly on the plains…

Suddenly, there was a piercing gunshot under my feet!

That’s about it!

“Ghosts… Ghosts! There are ghosts!! ”

Jin Pulie didn’t know what the others were thinking now, he hurriedly jumped up from the small stool, his face panicked and frightened in one direction, almost like a rolling belt crawling.

The head did not dare to look back once, because… He was afraid that he would see that terrible face again!

He had never been so helpless in his life as he was now.

Under the confused gaze of the staff…

Jin Pulie was at least five or six meters away from the place where he was sitting before, and finally stopped the action of climbing with the rolling belt, and the round and rolling figure combined with the action of climbing with the rolling belt, the whole person looked as if a ball of meat rolled up before.

The assistant director hurried over and tried to lift Kim Pu-yeol, who was powerless to fall to the ground.

Can lift up a big fat man who is close to two hundred pounds…

I have to say that this assistant director’s strength is really great!

It makes people wonder if he is a weightlifting professional…

“Director King? Director Kim!! ”

Looking at Jin Pulie’s frightened and uncertain appearance, the assistant director hurriedly asked, “Director Jin… You, are you okay? ”

After all, this show is very important!

The company’s top brass has been paying attention…

If it is Kim Pu-yeol as a director…

If something goes wrong…

That’s a big deal!

That’s the end of it!

Jin Pulie seemed to return to his senses a little, his forehead was full of sweat, and under the puzzled and somewhat worried eyes of everyone, his trembling fat fingers pointed in one direction, and the tone of his speech was tinged with a frightened and uncertain emotion: “There… There is… There is something dirty there! The ghost of a little child, a little kid strangled to death by his father!! ”

That frightened expression and a very trembling and frightened tone made everyone feel cold.

An inexplicable coolness began to flood into everyone’s body and mind.

Even the so-called “master” is no exception.

Because there is no such plot in the script…

There was no such plot before rehearsal…

Coupled with the contact these days, but also let them know more about the character of Jin Pulie, this fat director is very disliked in the process of shooting, there is any improvisation.

So the director is not accommodating the improvisation…

So…… No, there really is nothing…

That dirty stuff in there, right?!

Everyone turned their eyes to the direction that Jin Pulie was pointing, and everyone’s heartbeat couldn’t help but speed up a few points.

However…… When I saw the scene over there.

These staff, as well as the celebrity guests…

I couldn’t help but look slightly stunned…

The expression is a little weird.

“That… Director King, over there… It seems like there’s nothing but the little stool you kicked over and a phone that seems to have been broken?! ”

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