Just as Liu Xiaoling said exactly the same, the spirit detection program group on the side of the Great Cosmic Empire is now not only Jin Pulie who is panicked… The others were also frightened and unpretentious by him, and one by one they couldn’t help but start to panic a little.

Because Kim Pu-yeol’s performance really doesn’t look like it’s acted, and there is no such plot in the script.

A director like Kim Pu-yeol who likes to follow the rules does not like improvisation.

That is to say, the other party may really see something…

Something not so clean!

The assistant director of the program group standing next to Jin Pulie, a pair of eyes placed on the blue-black slap mark on Jin Pulie’s shoulder, and the small slap mark seemed to be a serious accumulation of bruises.

At first glance, I thought that piece of skin and flesh had completely died.

Or…… This piece of muscle tissue may have been necrotic!

Otherwise it would have been basically impossible to take on this color…

It’s just that Jin Pulie doesn’t seem to feel much pain, maybe the nerves have also died?

So I can’t feel too much pain?

Or is there another reason?

The assistant director secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit, looking at the gray-black mist lingering on the palm print, he took a few steps backwards without leaving a trace, and his face was full of vigilance, jealousy, and doubt…

And…… There was a hint of fear that was hard for others to perceive.

Yes…… As an assistant director, he was also a little scared.

After all, I have encountered this strange situation…

Everyone is afraid!

In this case… If anyone is not afraid, then… That guy could be a real big guy!

Other staff members of the program group, after seeing this situation, did not leave a trace of backward backwardness.

Far from the director Kim Pu-yeol…

At least two or three meters away…

After all, no one wants to be themselves…

Also stained with something dirty…

Yasuda Hui’s eyebrows slowly frowned, and many people present, including several male guests, couldn’t help but think in the direction of the ghost, but her thoughts were different from these people.

It was better to say that she lacked heart and eyes, or anything, anyway, she didn’t believe in things she hadn’t seen.

Now Yasuda Hui couldn’t see the ghost of the so-called little girl that Kim Pu-yeol had spoken of.

So she didn’t believe in this haunted house at all…

There will be some so-called real ghosts.

After all, this haunted house is all improvised.

The backstory is all made up.

How could there be ghosts in such a place?

It wasn’t a mass grave before.

How could it be such a coincidence!

In her eyes, Jin Pu Lie’s nerves are more likely, and she has also heard some rumors about Jin Pu Lie, knowing that this is a gambler director, and a gambler has some mental problems… Again, it makes sense.

I’d rather believe that there really is some real ghost here…

Yasuda is more willing to believe that Kim Pu-yeol is crazy…

Maybe it’s because I think about the money I owe…

And then insane?

I heard he owed a lot of money…

If it’s too late to pay back…

But it’s worth the life!

After all, the gangsters in the Great Cosmic Empire are still very arrogant, although they will not legalize the gangsters, but the gangs are all thugs of capital, and killing a director does not matter to them, even if this director is also famous in the Great Cosmic Empire.

Yasuda’s expression now was not very good-looking, a little annoyed, a little angry, a little angry.

Because I am in the ascendancy of a career.

If you perform well in this ascent period.

Sooner or later, it will be all over the Asian region…

So she took this variety show…

Of course, the company took it for her.

Participating in this variety show is also a big gamble for Yasuda Hui, if you win the bet, you can become famous overnight, not only in Asia, but also in the whole world, and it is even very likely to surpass the popularity of the two oriental big female anchors!

For the horror popularity of those two female anchors in the world, Yasuda Hui can be said to be both envious and jealous.

But…… Since this is a big gamble, if the gamble is lost…

The consequences are naturally very serious…

If Yasuda loses the bet…

She would be saddled with a lifetime of infamy.

It may even be hidden by snow.

Serious will be blocked!

Fake Detective Live Stream…

If this is known to the public, the famous are indeed famous, but it is all insults. And it will also be ridiculed by countless people, and may even become a new network “terrier”.

It’s just that it’s not a good stem, it’s like that’s so beautiful.

And now Kim Pu-yeol, the director, is suddenly going crazy at this time…

There is no doubt that the risk of exposure will increase by an unknown number of times.

Once exposed, the entire program group will have to be finished!

Those behind-the-scenes staff may not be finished…

After all, these people don’t need to be on camera.

But she’s such a faceless guest.

Surely the first kind of bad luck!

Yasuda gritted her teeth… In this case, she didn’t know what to do, and she didn’t know why, the temperature around her seemed to have become much lower, and she didn’t know if it was because she was too angry that her perception of temperature had an illusion.

“Sister Ann… Right now…… Now what? If there really are ghosts here, aren’t we…”

A younger male guest turned off the mini microphone.

Then he asked Yasuda with a nervous face…

Inside several celebrity guests on the scene…

Yasuda can be regarded as a senior…

The oldest is also the oldest…

She was twenty-six years old.

Listen… Yasuda frowned, turned off the mini microphone clipped to the collar, and replied with a cold face: “How can there be ghosts in such a place?” Maybe the gambler went crazy. What a fool, this time to drop the chain. ”

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