From beginning to end, they have been successfully kept in the SCP Foundation to guard the peace.

This time the scp-682 immortal lizard is obviously a very big accident.

The Doctor looked at the tracker mounted on the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard, which was still in Tianhai City.

Before watching the video of the scp-682 immortal lizard attacking the patrolman transmitted on the network, it was impossible to say that it was impossible not to be afraid of the destruction of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

Since its establishment, the Foundation has been protecting the great powers of the East and sheltering these spirits in the SCP Foundation.

Wait, wait for the people sent in the team who have cultivated the mysterious side power to face the scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

The SCP Foundation cannot expose this mysterious organization to the world unless it is a last resort.

[Send a team of the foundation’s main combat force to hide in Tianhai City]

The Dr. orders this in the various channel systems of the SCP Foundation.

The entire SCP Foundation is on alert, and once the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard defeats those in the team who have cultivated the mysterious side power.

Then it’s not too late to strike again.

In Tianhai City, the whole air was filled with a strange atmosphere.

The tornado roared with full force, roaring viciously towards Tianhai City, and the sound of hissing shook the sleeping people.

The area of Tianhai City is close to the ocean, and the wind rolls up the sea and washes the coast of Tianhai City.

Liu Xiaoling was also awakened by the sound of rain hitting the window coffin, looking at the abnormality outside.

Nature will not be stupid to think that this is caused by the weather, and there is always a feeling in the heart that things are going to be done.

These days, I have been staying in the villa to cultivate the mysterious side power, and I have not gone out.

But I know something about that weird thing through the Internet.

It’s just that the mysterious side circle has not issued a task, and he does not dare to rush forward.

Now that the authorities are getting involved in dealing with this guy, I don’t know what the outcome will be.

“Xiao Mo, I don’t know when the mysterious side circle will send a task, and recently I want to explore the spirit.”

Li Xiaomo was not as eager as Liu Xiaoling to have a task, and now his mysterious side power was not enough.

And the cultivation method in the notebook given by Brother Liu was a bit difficult for his own little white.

Especially those difficult sentences, it is simply an ant bean.

“Cough, Xiao Ling, was it difficult for you to cultivate the mysterious side power at the beginning before?”

Liu Xiaomo really didn’t know whether his direction of cultivating martial arts was too blunt, or if he realized that he was wrong.

“It’s hard, I couldn’t understand what it was at first.”

Liu Xiaoling was not ambiguous at all, before he came into contact with the mysterious side circle, he was completely embarrassed by the first half of the ancient book given by the elder brother.

Nowadays, when you have realized some way, the speed of cultivation improvement has naturally been faster.

However, it is impossible to be as fast as the ascension speed of Liu Feng.

“I… I also felt that the sentences were very obscure. Liu Xiaomo whispered, “I looked at the cultivation method inside, ah, it’s too difficult?” ”

Liu Xiaoling quickly advised, “Xiao Mo, you can’t give up, we still have to go to the spirit together.” ”

Liu Xiaoling is very dependent on his girlfriend, and it should be said that in addition to his brother, he is the person who trusts and relies on the most.

“It’s natural, we still have to go to the Spirit Hunt Live together, but I’m just complaining.”

Li Xiaomo had never had the idea of giving up cultivation.

The notebook in my hand always feels very heavy, where is the hard work of Big Brother Liu.

Well, come on cultivation!

All this was heard by Willow Wind, who was sitting on the seat downstairs.

The cultivation methods and cultivation techniques in that notebook were as close as possible to what was explained in the current language.

However, some sentences can only be understood and cannot be expressed.

Li Xiaomo’s mixed martial arts are very strong and can resist men.

This was the most fundamental reason why he chose her in the first place, to be able to open up another route of martial arts.

The mysterious side circle of one’s own fabrication does not need cultivators of a single route, but must continue to expand more tool people.

Although it is not good to think this way, he treats his own sister and her girlfriend as tools to earn himself a little scared.

But these two men seemed quite happy to enter this mysterious side circle.

If you are an ordinary person, I am afraid that when you hear this name, you will hesitate for a moment, whether it will be the evil forces that will eat their own lives.

Not at all in both of them.

Liu Feng’s frightening point as he watched his personal panel continue to rise, and the horror scene set recently was that the scp-682 Immortal Lizard arrived in Tianhai City.

Everything is a step set by Willow Wind, and the scene on the bridge that takes people down into the rushing river is also predetermined.

And these humans who die in horror scenes are all characters who are dead and alive.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard is continuing to walk along the previously set route.

Almost waiting for a level, basically to the point where they need the little ones to appear.

On the personal panel, thirty thousand scare points have accumulated over this period of time.

Liu Feng only felt the recent frightening point suddenly rising upwards, and he was happy to see this situation.

It is not far from rising from four stars to five stars in the same rank.

Willow Wind smirked and watched the progress of the horror scene.

I hope that the horror you bring will deter everyone and bring enough points of shock.

Officials are gathering urgently to discuss how to arrest this sudden monster.

The confused crowd didn’t know exactly how to proceed.

Team Zhao stood up and boldly expressed the doubts in his heart.

Things that were previously edited by yourself are put on the big screen.

“This is a video of our heroic patrolman fighting that huge monster, but I cut it in the middle.”

The crowd didn’t understand why Team Zhao let them watch this video at this moment.

Many people present, whether it is from the videos circulating on major websites or the videos officially let them see, no less than five times.

Team Zhao watched the white shadow appear on the screen and stopped the video.

Xu Xu said of his own discovery, “This white thing was when our patrol was almost hurt by the strange thing, and it made a huge noise to attack the huge strange thing to the ground.” ”

The crowd looked at the white shadow and thought with each other.

After all, the scene was too chaotic at the time, and many things were ignored.

And now, again, the loud noise.


It was like it had just happened, and the loud noise was still exploding in his mind.

Team Zhao looked at the changing faces of the crowd and had already guessed that they were more or less reminiscing about the scene at that time.


But reality doesn’t allow it!

Official personnel must rush to the forefront, especially in this particular case.

Later, the results of the scp-682 immortal lizard’s secretion and the traces of the iron block found in the giant pit were added.

[Discharge: Not a gene held in an existing national treasury.] 】

【Iron Block: Miscellaneous… and hundreds of other factors. 】

These two things are enough to illustrate the importance of this matter.

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