Suddenly, he felt his neck being pinched by it, and one hand grasped his neck tightly.

The sharp nails have slowly scratched through the cortex until they touch the aorta in the neck.


I felt that my blood had gushed out like a fountain, and there was warm blood on my body and face.

“Ahh… This ghost is going to die. ”

“Fark, Lao Tzu destroyed you.”

The D-class officer was roared out by it, his nerves on the verge of collapse, shouting at it, trying to encourage himself to use the weapon in his hand to work.

The D-class officer reached back and pulled out the gun behind his back, clasped it in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was undoubtedly in the direction of 096.


With the greatest force to radiate the bullets, the bullets were all embedded in the body of the 096 skinny skeleton, but there was no shouting that followed.

The incessant crying continued to ring.

“Fuck, it’s not dead yet!” Go and die, is this to drive yourself crazy? Ahhh…”

The D-class officer was already in charge of what the outcome was, roaring wildly and pulling the gun in his hand.

Ready to hit 096, only this time the gun had not had time to fire, it had been blocked by 06.

Seeing that his gun had been controlled, he already knew that he was going to die.

096 The left hand is divided into five fingers, and the semi-curved shape grabs at the face of the D-class personnel.

Sharp nails, piercing the outermost protective layer of the body, the nails are submerged in the flesh layer, and the two eyeballs are fiercely dug out.

The left eyeball fell to the ground first, without making any sound, and the right eyeball fell to the ground, and the entire face was torn off and was ground by 096.

A heavy gasp suddenly sounded in the laboratory, accompanied by the sound of blood “ticking and ticking” to the ground, and the horrific scene appeared bloody.

096 Blood’s fingers turned again, avoiding his face, grabbing at the back of his head, and dragging the entire head down.

The head of the D-class officer was still hanging on his body, and his body was already paralyzed and crawling on the ground, lifeless.

All the Foundation people began to stand up and unleash all the guns in their hands, a move that had put themselves to death.

But it has seen its face, and it is always dead.

Whoops… A series of attacks, smoke surrounded 096, and no one knows what the result will be.

The next second, 096’s face was once again resurfaced in front of so many people, only to see it crouching on the ground, wrapping its arms around its own face, hiding itself, covering its face and crying, looking like a wounded child.

But the people know its power, and pity is only its illusion.

But in a few moments, 096 spread his blood-red palms in the laboratory.

The humming sound seemed to be commissioned, but the two-meter-tall body was much taller than the D-level personnel present, and it was extremely fast enough to kill the people who had already seen its face here in three seconds.

The lying body did not continue to run 096, but just looked up through the surveillance to the monitoring personnel who had never dared to react.

I have seen the scene of 096 people before, of course, including seeing its face, and I have already reported it to the doctor.

Still did not expect the degree of 096 to be so fast, has killed these security personnel and D-class personnel.

Flustered, they did not have guns on them, only one carried a self-detonating bomb, and the instruments around them did not have any effect on the 096.

I’m afraid that for the 096, the attack of ordinary firearms has no lethal force on it, even if it hits it, it does not feel abnormal.

This is the most terrible, without the attack weapon of Xiangke, it is equivalent to wasting effort, not only wasting manpower but also wasting materials.

“What to do, Sleeper, has he already seen us?”

“Yikes! Get out of here. ”

“Go: Walk! ”

Panicked voices echoed in the monitoring room, where the quietest of the plains was now about to face a crackdown.

It’s just that the process of waiting and trying to get rid of it is extremely difficult.

The two were about to flee the monitoring room, and just as they reached the door, their eyes looked up just through the iron fence to meet 096, who was rushing fast.

“Sleeper! This silly thing. ”

The monitor felt like he was about to explode, and for the first time felt that death was on the verge of death.

First of all, it pulls the foundation’s smallest range of reports, but this can only play a little role, to raise the alert of the entire foundation members, you can only pull the first-level report at the nearest corner and pull out the self-detonating bomb pinned behind you.

“I’ll go get rid of it first, and you’ll pull the first-level display.”

At present, the personnel of the foundation are still working in a large way, and such a large foundation, in case 096 is all attacked, it will hurt the foundation of the foundation.

This is the biggest damage, if 096 rushes out of the foundation to the ground, the entire Eagle Sauce country will face disaster.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that things need to be resolved quickly.

The monitor with the self-detonating bullet in his hand took the initiative to turn his eyes to 096, which once again triggered its fury and deliberately led it to the left side of the road.

Before 096 had fully reached the door, he had already run quickly toward the road to the left.

The purpose is to lure 096 away and give their team members room to survive, but they have forgotten the power of 096, as long as they see its face, 096 will kill it by any means.

The way of death is different, the most painful thing is to mock the appearance of 096, 096 is not to let others see their faces, let alone the people who satirize it.

Another monitor watched as his teammate led 096 to the left, and 096 had quickly retracted the distance between them, running with his legs open toward the road on the right.

I hope to rush to the doctor to bring someone to solve the 096, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no special solution, it is impossible to re-accommodate the 096 that has failed.

No matter, go ahead and pull the sign!

The monitor ran desperately toward the road ahead, and within a few moments, he heard an explosion behind him.

The first feeling is that the teammate is dead, but the crying still does not stop, and the sound keeps getting louder.

Knowing that 096 had caught up, the speed under his feet still did not slow down, and continued to run to the reporting office.

It’s almost coming, it’s finally coming to an end!!

Just pull it, and the entire foundation will be on alert, at least the number of casualties can be minimized.

It’s just that the cold breath behind him is getting closer and closer to him, and the humming sound is next to his ear.

Has it arrived?

The monitor turned his head to face 096’s white eyeballs, which had previously seen 096 through monitoring, and now all occupied his pupils. _

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