Still there was no bloodshed, but it angered 096, which roared violently, releasing the pain in its heart that had never been suppressed like a tidal wave.

But this still did not stop the pace of 096, and the fierce god stared at the photography brother viciously, trying to gouge out his eyes.


The broken arm was as if it had not fallen from 096’s body, the pain was gone, and it was still running as usual.

“It… Its arm is gone? I can still continue to walk without a trace, and no blood has flowed out. ”

“Ultraman? Come out, humanity needs you. ”

“Oh my God, so many players?” I’d love to know what organization they’re from. ”

“That person dared to hurt this ghost thing like this, and wasn’t afraid of its retaliation?”

Looking at the mutilated 096, the people in the live broadcast room are even more afraid of its crazy killing of humans, in case it is forced to go crazy, this is undoubtedly their minds have been in a state of collapse, who knows what will happen in the next moment!

Grikon Weir put the machete in his backleg in his hand, and he couldn’t even stop it, what could stop its attack? Now he had no clue, the mysterious side power would only make 096 pause for a moment, but it was not what he wanted in the end.

“Ahh… I beg you not to chase me! ”

Looking at the ghost things that were constantly approaching him, the photography brother ran desperately to the back, no matter whether the video recorder was dead or alive, and no matter where he was heading, just stay away from this murderous ghost thing.

As long as I stay away from it, as long as I stay away from it, I can live, and the photography brother has been completely distracted by the situation in front of him, bent on escaping, he wants to survive, and he can’t be caught by this ghost thing.

Foundation members quickly shot out the paralyzing water in their hands, and the paralyzing water also did not play a big role.

“Whoops… Oh well”

096 is very close to the photography brother, as long as he reaches out, he can cover his own claws on his neck, choke the neck of the person, and tear off the face, which is the usual killing method of 096.

If it is at an extremely grumpy level, 096 will tear the life to pieces.

When 096 stretched out an arm more than a meter long, the members of the foundation could not stop 096 no matter how they blocked it.


The photographer looked at its hand that was almost touching his neck, only to feel that he was finished, closed his eyes and waited for the ghost thing to tear himself apart.

Left and right still did not wait for the pain, opened their eyes suddenly, looked at their hands, saw that they could still move, quickly touched their necks, there was no blood, and then looked at 096 who was crouched on the ground.

Only to see it cover its face in pain, the whimpering sound was completely different from before, it was painful and helpless.

What’s going on?

The photography brother looked at 096 with a confused face, then looked at a bunch of people in front of him, and finally touched his heart.

Grikonwell said loudly, “Yet? ”

The photography brother reacted to this and ran with the members of the foundation.

Grikon Weir followed the photography brother closely, wondering what magic he had to be able to escape from 096’s men, which was an unprecedented thing.

“What do you have with you?”

Grikonwell scanned the photographer’s body, did not find anything different, did not understand what the reason was, and could only ask the photography brother.

The photography brother looked at the distance that was already far away from 096 and heard the voice of the man in front of him: “Me? ”

Grikonwell nodded.

The photographer looked at himself, except for the camera and a mirror on his back, and then found nothing else: “There is nothing but the camera and the mirror.” ”

Gone? These things are common things that humans can make 096 miserable like that, and Grikonwell can’t really remember what can stop 096.

“Doctor, that man actually escaped from 096’s men?”

As soon as the news came out, the doctor immediately rushed to the screen to watch the replay.

“It was actually possible to escape, and even the members of the mobile task force did not survive, what ability did this ordinary person have to make 096 shrink?”

Looking at the scene in front of him, the doctor was instantly motivated and quickly said to the headset: “Ask this person… No, observe what is unusual about this person and reflect it back in time. ”

The mobile task force members also surround the photography brother, who is now the key protection object, as long as the difference in his body is studied, he can develop a way to deal with 096.

What had previously been a method that seemed out of reach suddenly appeared, and it was found in an ordinary person, but it has not yet been discovered where that particular place is.

“What do you do?”

In the face of these people’s questions, the photography brother did not know whether to answer truthfully, and looked at these people with cowering and did not speak.

Grikonwell threatened: “You talk, if you don’t want to die, tell the truth, of course, if you don’t want to say, we will immediately withdraw, whether you live or die?” ”

“Don’t say goodbye, I said, I’m a famous photographer, just come to take pictures of the thread, who knows what kind of thing will happen.”

Photographer? That’s just an ordinary profession.

“Quick, defensive!!”

096 came out of the pain just now, looked for the photography brother again, and quickly indented the distance with him.

Looking at 096’s coming, Griconvella, who was close to him, was in front of him: “Ah, save me.” ”

Grikonwell looked at this man, how could he not imagine that this person could escape from 096’s men, the timid was like a mouse, and there was certainly no great ability to develop something.

The hind-leg machete in his hand slashed at the rushing 096 again, directly cutting off one of its legs, and 096 could only jump on one leg.

I rub and this can still come!!

Grikonwell quickly put the photography brother in front, although he did not know whether it would work, as long as 096 went further, he immediately took him away.

The sunlight reflected from the mirror hit 096’s face, and Grikonwell discovered it, but 096 still went.

Isn’t it a mirror?

The photography brother has nothing but mirrors and cameras so far, but it is not considered to be a camera, and the foundation does not even dare to set up a blackboard closed single room to contain it, and the camera is even more impossible.

This is the only mirror, but it doesn’t work, what is it?

Hurriedly ran away with the photography brother, now is not the time to think about this, first put him in a safe place to say.

“Run, hurry, ah…”

Seeing that 096 was about to catch himself, the photography brother did not care about Grikonwell, and directly threw his hands and ran away, and 096 followed closely behind. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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