“The truck stops, destroys the thin wire.”

After the captain of the mobile task force issued these four orders, he waited for the next move today.

The first and second teams quickly came to the perimeter, the three teams were sandwiched in it, becoming the inner circle, and the fourth and fifth teams began to gradually approach the direction of the truck, and the official team was already carrying blue flames in their hands, defending on the outermost layer.

This plan had arranged a four-story siege, and in order to prevent 068 from breaking through the three layers inside, everyone stared nervously at the inner circle.

Seeing that everyone had entered the designated position, the leader of the mobile task force quickly issued an order: “All enter the alert!” ”

Head 068 looked at the adult form that was frantically entering the replication, and then looked at the enveloping circle layer after layer in the distance, her mood fluctuated again, and she fired y waves with great force.

At the same time, it will destroy the people’s epidemic prevention system step by step and gradually enter a state of shock.

“068 Emission Brainwave Class changed to y.”

This sentence reached everyone’s ears through the walkie-talkie, and the y radiation quickly killed people, even if the mobile task force and the official team surrounded the four layers inside and out, it was not as large as the radiation range of the 068 launch y, and there would be no shortage of people or other creatures around.

“Four teams and five teams attack!”

With this order, the four teams and five teams split up, four teams against the adult form where 068 is located, and five teams against the adult form replicant.

Bang Bang Bang!!

There were very few people in the western suburbs, and because the official team had arranged the news notice in advance, there was basically no one walking around.

The power of the shells had been fully unleashed, and the buildings in the western suburbs were soon blown to pieces.

The adult-shaped replicants were also quickly destroyed, but there were still fish that slipped through the net, continuing to create wire minifigures on the truck.

The attacks of the fourth and fifth teams had left it with great mood swings, and 068 was now fully in a state of riot.


068 Dao himself could not resist the attack of the mobile task force, and was ready to escape from the encirclement circle with the adult form replicant, and he himself was first within the inner circle and had been running.

The three teams of members quickly attacked, and the power of the continuous firing of shells was too strong, directly blowing the adult form where 068 was located into pieces, of course, except for 068.

Even the wires were blown to pieces, and 068 was now completely alone.

The figure of one point eight centimeters was running on the ground, surrounded by four teams of players 360 degrees in the center, and the five teams were attached to a circle again, and the front and back had become five encirclement circles.

“Send someone to tow the truck away.”

This is the last step in the plan, as long as there is no metal material around, no matter how great the divine ability of 068 is, there is no material to create a replicant.

This plan is just a second!

The captain of the official team watched their actions and kept thinking about the arrangements before and after.

Bang Bang Bang!!

The trucks were towed into the open space and blown up by the official team, which was the condition under which the 068 was broken to create replicants.

068 sat in the center of the encirclement, the end of twelve seconds.

The official team captain looked at the people on the screen and stood still: What is not to attack? Directly take 068 into custody. ”

“No, as long as there is no metal material, after waiting for four minutes and thirty-two seconds, 068 will automatically go into hibernation.”

That’s right!

But this 068 can not move?

The official team captain touched his chin, but he wouldn’t ask, and naked eye observation was a good skill.

As time slowly consumed, an electric voice came from the headset: “Ten, nine, eight… Three, two, one… scp068 enters the suspended state. ”


Sleeper, finally the 068 capacity was successful.

After planning so much, it finally succeeded, it was really not easy!

The mobile task force captain looked at the cheers on the screen and did not show his joy: “Insulated box ready!” ”

As long as the 068 is loaded into the box, no current will pass through and will not restart into the resurrection state.

The official team captain saw the final success: “Finally 068 has been successfully contained!” ”

The person next to him then said, “Finally succeeded.” ”

[The following emergency insertion of a message: Jin Jianguo’s sudden appearance of scp068 is now a successful state of containment, and everyone can let down their guard.] 】

“Quick, have you seen this?”

“See, the success of the shelter means that we are free?”

“Finally, I can go out, haha.”

“Don’t be happy too soon, those who are crazy are still a threat.”


After the official notice has been issued, the discussion circle has been quickly filled with crazy posts from netizens, but more people are concerned about what to do with those who are in a nightmare.

This problem was quickly discussed and turned into a hot search, and the Gang side also realized that this problem was no longer secretly solved.

The first is that the mobile SWAT team completely disappeared after successfully sheltering 068, there is no trace, and now they do not know where to find it.

And who ever knew what that brain wave was?

Ah, angry dead!

“Xiao Liu, what does the research team say about the brainwave components?”

“Captain, we… Alas, to tell you the truth, the brain waves emitted by 068 are completely undetectable by our equipment. ”

Completely undetectable?

When the captain heard this, he opened his eyes suddenly, unable to detect what it was, and how to prescribe the right medicine.

“Are there any people in the clinic who are in a nightmare getting better?”

A patrolman named Xiao Liu handed the data sheet to the captain: “Three hours ago, data from the clinic showed that no one was cured. ”

Looking at the zero on the data sheet in his hand, he instantly wanted to scold the mother.

But the captain also instantly restrained the anger in his heart, picked up his hat, and then said to Xiao Liu behind him: “You go to the clinic with me to see the situation there.” ”

Two consecutive SCP raids have made the clinic a hot place.

“Captain, do you want us to take the initiative to contact the mobile task force?”

I also want to contact, first of all, I don’t have contact information, or I don’t have their information at all.

Otherwise I would have contacted it earlier!

Alas, I really don’t know how long this trouble will last?

After the two arrived at the clinic, a person hurried to the two people: “Hey hey… Lao Tzu strangled you! ”

Saying that, his hands began to grab at the neck of the opposite long, and the vicious expression and vicious threat were enough to make him punch.

The captain and Xiao Liu hurriedly suppressed this crazy person and sent him to the clinic.

Glance at the clinic, overcrowded.

Mobile Task Force, where are you?


“Captain… Team… Captain!! ”

Looking at Xiao Liu’s hurried look, he quickly asked, “What’s wrong?” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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