They placed flashlights next to them, and the short shovels in their hands kept hitting the perimeter of the tomb, which was made of hard stone, and the eight people did it together and only opened a little opening.

“Sleeper… This stone is also too hard, right? It didn’t even move at all. ”

Eight people knocked for so long, or that little thing, just said that the treasure in the house took away, and now goes, discouraged a lot.

The skinny monkey watched the progress of the tomb robbery without changing, thinking that there was explosives behind him: “Do you want to blow up without explosives?” ”

They have very complete equipment for robbing tombs, and it is not unusual to have explosives.

Blackbeard asked aloud, “Are you stupid?” ”

Finally, I felt that I was talking too loudly, and then I lowered my voice and said again: “There are obviously rumors here that there is that thing, and now we have to blow up people’s nests, and we are not only coming in now, but also robbing the tomb, otherwise we will not be able to eat and walk around.” ”

A year ago, everything that happened about the ancient tomb in West Lane was like a sudden explosion, and all the terrible information was spread on the Internet, and no one dared to confirm whether it was true or not.

Otherwise, this place would have been invaded by countless explorers, some of whom would have ventured but whose lives and deaths would have to be controlled by the authorities.

The skinny monkey jumped up directly and grumpily, “So what?” You see this point does not move, I fuck, that is to dig a little bit? ”

Blackbeard replied irritably, “Let’s dig first!” ”

And Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo are now on their way to come.

The two opened the live broadcast again, and at half past seven, it was time for people to return home and wait for dinner, and when they saw Liu Xiaoling’s live broadcast room, everyone clicked into it without hesitation.

“Everybody is good, this time I and Xiao Mo baby will take you to visit the spirit again…”

After saying these words, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo stopped talking, but stared around nervously.

“Healer… You two are finally online, and I thought you forgot about us. ”

“I fuck, today fortunately I left work early, the boss kindly did not let me work overtime, coincidentally, just arrived at the live broadcast of you two.”

“What are the two live broadcasters preparing to explore this time?” That’s what I want to know the most. ”

“Two such beautiful girls, don’t get hurt, otherwise the Lun family will be happy.”

“After such a long time, I miss two people very much, isn’t the live broadcast fragrant?”


The two of them started broadcasting for less than ten minutes, the number of water friends who poured in had reached a million, and it was still in the case of not starting the broadcast for a period of time, without any notice, so many people could enter the live broadcast room in less than ten minutes.

“Xiao Mo, it seems that everyone misses us a lot!”

Li Xiaomo was silent when he sniffed, but he didn’t mean that the people in the broadcast room didn’t speak.

“You two have no conscience, do you still know?”

“The distance between you and me is that you don’t drive for a long time, ahem!!”

“Next time, if you don’t start live broadcasting, I’ll go to your house with an eight-meter-long knife!”

“Hahaha, Xiao Ling and Xiao Mo are rich people, and of course we don’t know where they both live!”

Li Xiaomo turned his head and looked helplessly at Liu Xiaoling, who was driving.

The IQ of this water friend is very high, and he can even guess Xiao Mo and his own family bottom.

After waiting for a while, the astute water friends quickly noticed where the two men were going by car.

“My goodness, you two are not going to go to the West Lane Tomb, are you?” Sleeper, it’s really not really scary. ”

“I feel the same way, you two go back and wash and sleep!”

“Little Foam wife, protect yourself, but you two are too bold, right?” Just you two little girls. ”

“There is no need to feel the feeling upstairs, the two anchors are definitely going to the West Lane Ancient Tomb.”


Even though these water friends had already seen Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s live soul detection live, they had also seen the picture of them destroying the spirit alien.

But both of them are girls, and they are twenty-year-old children, and many water friends are older than them, so they naturally directly express their worries.

But the two of them don’t care so much now, after all, it is a task issued by the mysterious side.

The two had previously seen rumors about the West Lane Tomb on the Internet, as well as the description of those horrific scenes, but they were more and more curious about the West Lane Tomb.

A low voice sounded from the right side of the central tomb: “What’s up?” ”

Looking at the sudden appearance of the black beard, the skinny monkey was startled, and he was already terrified to do this scene, his heart was pounding, and he was afraid that a ghost thing would suddenly appear behind him.

“Fuck me, you scared me to death!”

The skinny monkey patted his chest, slowly calming his heart that was about to jump out of his throat.

Blackbeard disagreed, and said sarcastically, “Hey hey, look at your old business, who has been doing it for so many years, and is still afraid?” ”

When the skinny monkey heard Blackbeard say such a thing about himself, he tried to explain: “Hey, why are you still afraid?” I think that Lao Tzu broke into the north and south, this little thing can also make Lao Tzu afraid, joke! ”

Blackbeard just saw through it and didn’t say anything, then pointed to the right side of the important grave and said, “Almost, next you can!” ”

They had already smashed the large stone layer surrounded by the outermost layer of the central tomb, but they did not expect that there was another layer inside, but according to their experience over the years, the outermost layer was to block the entry of bacteria in the air, and the second layer would be much simpler than the first layer.

Seven or eight people simply stopped and rested.

The man who wanted to back down before watched Blackbeard come in, without a hint of fear: “Blackbeard, aren’t you afraid at all?” ”

“What are you afraid of?”

Blackbeard felt that those things would still be afraid of himself, and then said loudly, “Cut, will I be afraid of that thing?” ”

As soon as the voice fell, two bald eagles hovered high in the sky, and the two crimson eyeballs looked even more gloomy against the background of the night, and they were full of black gas, and the eyeballs stared at the grave with pity.

The sound of two vultures flapping their wings, and the strange sound of hovering high in the air, woke up the eight people present.

I thought it wasn’t clean, but now two vultures suddenly appeared, and the sound was like a terrifying cry.

Blackbeard also looked up at the air, unconsciously swallowed his own saliva, originally thought there was no such thing here, thought it was just a rumor, and now found that it seems not.

But now it is found to be a stalemate.

Blackbeard only felt that his legs were already trembling completely uncontrollably, and the hardness he had just had had completely disappeared.

The light emitted by the flashlight that had been placed aside had gradually become faint, and one desolate howl after another began to appear in the four directions, and the already rare saplings began to shake continuously. _

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