Liu Xiaoling took a sharp step forward: “It… Is it actually here? ”

Because she had just said her plan, she knew that 106 had heard it or not, forget it, it had already been said anyway.

Liu Xiaoling asked tentatively, “Is 106 gone?” ”

The captain nodded, now first of all, the direction is completely indistinguishable, the surrounding area of the body is dark, and I don’t know if there are any danger factors surging under this darkness.

The 106 was so strange and uncertain that it didn’t know where it was going now.

Liu Xiaoling looked around, and he didn’t know which direction to go: “Which direction are we heading?” ”

Li Xiaomo took out the flashlight in his backpack, looked at the two coins he was holding, and then said to the two: “Or luck?” ”

“The obverse is east and north, the reverse is west and south, exactly two coins, let’s get started!”

Li Xiaomo threw it up into the sky, and two crisp landing sounds followed.

Li Xiaomo said lightly: “One is right and one is negative, go southeast.” ”

The act of tossing a coin is completely by luck, I don’t know what is waiting for these three people in front of me, and I always feel that this mysterious space will not be so calm.

The captain also did not expect that one day he would go on without any basis, and the most important thing to know was the evidence, except to shake his head and keep up with the footsteps of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomomo.

The captain said that Li Xiaomo’s flashlight in his hand was taken over, and he took the lead, knowing that there was no mysterious side power, but in the previous martial arts selection of the Eastern powers, his fighting results were among the best in the Eastern powers, and the most important thing was that he was a man who had to stand in front.

Li Xiaomo completely followed the direction of the live broadcast mobile phone in the direction of the light, and after holding the lock edge in his hand, he was ready to enter the battle state.

Liu Xiaoling trailed behind, the two metal short roots in her hand were tightly held by her, and her two eyes were astringent, staring ahead, and she was also wary of whether there would be a sudden sneak attack behind her.

The three of them walked in a southeasterly direction, slowly entering a tunnel of u, the light inside this tunnel was darker than outside, the captain looked at the flashlight, it was not a way to rely on the flashlight all the time, the flashlight would have no electricity in the morning.

I don’t know if it is right to go in this southeast direction, watching the captain stop walking, Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling stopped: “What’s wrong?” ”

“I’m thinking about where we were just lying.”

The captain was trying to recall what information there could point the way, but he still couldn’t think of it, there was nothing around, and there was no basis to determine which direction.

“Let’s go on!”

Since there is no basis, let’s rely on this goddamn divine arrangement, I hope this is right!

“I’ll go, black!”

“I couldn’t see anything, they seemed to have entered a tunnel, it was so dark.”

“Now I’m very excited and waiting to get to the bottom of this escape game.”

“Then if you can’t solve the mystery of the game, these people won’t … Oh my God, no! My little foam wife and little spirit are here. ”

Because these tunnels are all dark with the glow of a flashlight, there are bursts of light from time to time in the live broadcast, but most of them are dark.

Quack ~ Ga-da~

Is there one or two unknown birds chirping through the tunnel above on the U Road, and whether the flapping wings are about to make a sound, pushing this already tense atmosphere to a higher point.

The captain looked at the back, afraid that the girls’ physical strength would not keep up: “You two are good to follow.” ”

Liu Xiaoling asked, “Let’s not talk, it’s too scary here.” ”

Now only by diverting attention can the fear in the heart be dissipated, for a long time in this darkness, the world and the future is very large, may remain here forever, people outside do not know where the bones of the people here will be, the more Liu Xiaoling thinks like this, the more he feels afraid in his heart.

The captain knew that the two girls would be more or less afraid when they encountered this situation: “Okay, you two open your heads, let’s whisper, don’t lead 106.” ”

Don’t look at Liu Xiaoling, who has been panicking before to rescue the besieged people and help contain 06, if he really came to this dark and boundless environment, the feeling of disappointment slowly fainted in his heart.

Liu Xiaoling took the lead in opening his mouth: “You say this is not like an escape game?” ”

The captain did not deliberately say that the current situation is very complicated, but also did not make the situation very simple, overly optimistic after all is to escape: “Yes, I also felt that there was this feeling of escape before, but it was more terrible than the escape game, and there was a live-action version.” ”

Li Xiaomo unconsciously reached out and touched the wall: “But there will always be a way out, right?” ”


The place that Li Xiaomo had just touched was sticky, and when she reacted, she realized that her hands had been stained with this thing, and then the walls of the entire u-tunnel turned green, and this sudden change frightened the three people present.

Li Xiaomo felt that sticky thing attached to his fingers, and the sudden change of tunnel caught the attention of the three people: “Oh my God, how disgusting!” ”

The color of this tunnel can be changed, so can the shape of this tunnel also change?

Did the last three people still not find anything that could change the shape of the tunnel, or did not find any other path, but could only go all the way forward, and did not know what was on the surface?

The captain turned off the flashlight, and by this green color, he could clearly see the road ahead and the road under his feet, but this green was like a deliberately set environment in a haunted house.

Liu Xiaoling was still concerned about my girlfriend’s hand that had just wiped the wall: “Xiao Mo, your hand?” ”

“Wipe it off, in case it’s poisonous.”

When Li Xiaomo heard this, he suddenly woke up, I am afraid that the things here do not exist in vain, I am afraid that the slime engine oil he collected may be poisonous.

However, even if there is a need to dig this thing out a little, in case you are poisoned, the clinic can also use the materials you carry out to develop an antidote.

The three of them continued to walk, and I arrived, a corner place, and the captain could faintly hear the underestimated voice of someone in front of him, certainly not the 106 side, because the two people were trembling in their voices, and it was possible that they were dragged into the 106, which is the person in your space.

“Go, there’s someone in front.”

Someone in front? Could it be 106 over there?

Li Xiaomo thought like this, and quickly pulled the captain with his right hand to prevent him from continuing to move forward: “I don’t know the identity of the other party yet.” ”

The captain said firmly, “Rest assured, it is the victim.” ”

Is this all right? So far away, can you hear it by the faint sound? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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