The captain pursed his lips and then said, “I remember that black slime dripping from 106’s body, let’s find that black mucus?” ”

It’s just that the black slime can bring great harm, if you are not careful, you will step on it, and the consequences are unimaginable, so you have to look up at the surrounding environment, although it is not so dark in the tunnel, but it has affected the vision to detect everything around.

“Black slime? It seems to really be! ”

The captain and his own team members began, followed closely behind Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and finally ten official team members, the captain used his keen sense of smell to distinguish the smell of black mucus, which was very simple for him.

It’s just that the 106 road is left and right, not according to common sense, although the captain has pointed out the route in front, he can’t easily relax the vigilance in his heart, so many people follow behind, one accidentally stepped on it and fell like the person lying in the clinic.

The captain instructed, “Be sure to follow in my footsteps and don’t swing from side to side.” ”

As the route had been faintly heard ahead, there were people wailing, these people were praying that the heavens would give them a chance to go out and stay in this crazy ghost place again.

The captain shone the flashlight over and found that many of the people lying on the ground were motionless, and those people were probably dead, otherwise how could they endure the darkness for so long.

“There are lights!!”

Seeing the light, those who were just crying bitterly quickly stood up, as if they saw a chance to survive, and their eyes were all fixed on the position of the flashlight.

Looking at the flashlight, followed by so many people, they quickly retreated one by one, because they were afraid that they were the people who had come to kill themselves, and the more they thought about it, the more frightened they became, but they ran towards the back.

The captain saw that one by one they had actually run, and quickly shouted, “Oh, don’t run!” ”

Hearing the voice of a human, those who had fallen away quickly turned back, then quickly got up and went around in the direction of the light, and now only the light could make them feel safe.

“Didn’t you say it earlier?” Scared me. ”

Liu Xiaoling wanted to laugh for an instant, feeling that under such strong pressure, everyone had lost their original gentlemanly appearance, so thinking that Liu Xiaoling also laughed.

It’s just that the person next to him looked at Liu Xiaoling and didn’t speak again, now is not the time for infighting.

The captain walked toward those who were already lying motionless on the ground, and came forward to see them, as he had expected, who were no longer alive, and had some regret in his heart, and did not take them out.

A man stood up from the crowd and said, “Oh, I recognize you, you’re the captain of the patrol room?” And you… You are the Liu Xiaoling of the cat’s tooth live broadcast! ”

The two of them nodded, and the group asked, “Do you have a way to get out?” ”

“I’m looking for a way out, but do you know if anyone else is there?”

Because I am not sure whether this is the person who has the pocket second, even if I find a way out, in case there is someone missing in here, this is also a work oversight.

“I don’t know, we are crying along the way. The ones are wrapped around each other, and these turn black after a while. ”

The captain followed her hand to look at the corpses lying on the ground, they had turned black, and they were probably in great pain when they died.

The blackening of the whole body is probably because of the black mucus, so short time to die.

The captain said to the group of people who had a little hope: “Don’t be afraid, we will definitely go out, everyone should not talk with their heads and ears, maintain their physical strength, and then follow my footsteps, don’t swing around at will, and don’t touch the wall.” ”

As if hearing his affirmative tone, these originally panicked people were actually a little stable, and the way home was in front of them.

Along the way, the captain felt that he was quiet behind him, and it was his words to maintain physical strength that had an effect, and he could also relax his mind and observe the route in front of him.

This is also thanks to the black slime drops on the 106 body to be very diligent, so that the captain can see the traces of black mucus every two minutes, and he can also feel the direction when he rushes at this fishy smell.


The captain let out a heavy breath, frightening the people behind him to quickly crouch down and hold their heads, lest they see something terrible: “I just smell this smell for a long time, don’t think about it.” ”

The crowd got up and continued to follow in the footsteps of the captain, and the captain did not mention that the compressed biscuits and water in Li Xiaomo’s backpack, so many people could not take care of it at all, in case it was exposed, this group of people would rush food and water like crazy, which is the law of survival.

I don’t know whether it is a psychological effect or a real existence, but I feel that the brighter I go forward, I doubt it, and then I ask the person next to me: “Do you feel that it is much brighter?” ”

The man could only shake his head, he was already frightened, where he could still feel the light around him.

I didn’t get the answer I wanted, and I walked forward again for about 15 minutes, and that felt right.

The heart is very excited, the front bright shows that it is getting closer and closer to the outside world, the probability of going out is getting bigger and bigger, I wanted to breathe, but I thought of the previous scene, or forget it.

He didn’t intend to say the news either, the change in light wasn’t particularly noticeable, and people with a little acumen could just notice it.

Although the traces of this black slime went forward for another 20 minutes, some people began to feel resentment.

“Why can’t I find it?”

“Yeah, you can’t have chosen the wrong path, so many people are waiting to go home.”

“Oh my God, I’m dying of exhaustion, so hungry!”


The gossip had begun to be revealed, completely devoid of the humility of the previous one, and began to question the captain about their choice.

The captain was not angry, but instead smiled and said, “Don’t you notice that the more you go ahead, the brighter the light becomes?” ”

After hearing this, the crowd looked up and looked around, only worried about their own life and death, and did not pay special attention to this light, but now they found that it was really much brighter.


“We are saved!”

Looking at their shouting, the captain quickly advised: “Don’t be so loud, in case something good is introduced.” ”

After walking for 30 minutes, I finally saw the corridor in front of me, which should be the door of a corridor to be precise.

The captain waved his hand and asked them to step back, it turned out that he did not know whether there was a 106 behind this door, and the official team members of the Allah real-name team quickly came to the captain’s side, ready to meet everything outside.


The front door was pulled open by the captain, and a harsh sound sounded, and unexpectedly, the outside was completely 106 guarded, but a light, the captain stretched out his left leg and slowly stepped out, landing on the white floor of the company. _

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