Even if there is a black particle incident, it was two or three days ago, and that has been solved.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo could only obediently stay where they were, waiting for this group of teams to approach, they did not have the strength to run counter to the management of the Mao Kingdom, after all, this was their land, standing on their land, they had to abide by the rules of others.

Looking at the menacing wave of people, Liu Xiaoling said weakly, “How can there be a feeling that they are here to arrest us?” ”

“What do you say?” We didn’t do anything bad, we just came to this place, besides, we have the passports of the big countries in the East, what can they do? ”

When it comes to the passport of a big country in the East, Li Xiaomo is vaguely proud.

“How can there be official people?”

“Could it be that these two little girls knew that they had made a mistake in coming to the gates of hell, and then called for help?”

“No, I also feel that the two of them don’t know this, and when they saw the official team coming, they were also very surprised.”

“Sleeper, look at the deep pit…”

“What? Nothing? ”

“You wait, you look again~”

The beast stood up from the position where it had just squatted, its eyes fixed on the direction of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, but there were still menacing official team members behind them.

I don’t know whether this beast’s sudden change of posture was due to the arrival of the official team members, or because of the arrival of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

Only this change came a little suddenly, Li Xiaomo turned around, inserted the live broadcast mobile phone in his hand on a slightly higher stone, and set up the mobile phone with the live broadcast rack, and then the lasso whip in her hand was pulled to her right hand, and she must be staring at that side deadly, lest this type of beast suddenly fly over.


“You look at the official team and see what they’re here for, and I’m looking at the beast.”

Li Xiaomo said with an arrangement, only to see that the type beasts were constantly walking forward, and the direction of walking away was exactly where they were.

I have to suspect that this type of beast has already discovered their actions, but has been waiting for the right moment.

“You two!”

“Let the two of you break into the gates of hell without permission?”

“Don’t you know it’s dangerous here?” How dare you come here alone and want to die, don’t die here!” ”

Only to see that the team member held the loudspeaker and shouted loudly, leaving no face for these two little girls.

These Li Xiaomo could understand, Liu Xiaoling could understand only a few words, and both of them could probably understand that as soon as this official team came up, they would criticize the two of them fiercely.

When the five cars approached Li Xiaomo, the team members who had just shouted slammed their feet on the ground and walked towards the two of them.

“You two are not Maoists?”

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, they are definitely Maoguo, the women wrapped are tall and powerful, and these two girls, very petite, feel like the neighboring eastern powers.

Speaking of the big countries in the East, recently the Mao countries and the big countries in the East have been very good.

“Hello, we are from the big countries of the East.”

Li Xiaomo took the lead in saying to the people in the eyes that the recent name of the Eastern Great Power was very loud, and at this time, he should say whether others could give some face and not be fierce.

“Oh, the big country in the East.”

“What are you doing here?”

This sound was much softer than the sound of holding a loudspeaker in the vehicle before, but no matter how much he did not forget his purpose.

Li Xiaomo said firmly, “We are here to help you!” ”

“Help us?”

To tell the truth, the man in front of him really despised these two women, not to mention anything else, but physically.

The purpose of coming today is to explore the gates of hell, these two girls come to help them?


How could the great powers of the East have such a stupid person?

“Stupid, help us?”

They seemed to be a little incredulous, but they were hindered by the name of the great power in the East, and they did not dare to say it too directly.

Sparta got out of the car in the middle and looked at Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo in front of him: “Are you a member of the Eastern Powers?” ”

Li Xiaomo nodded their heads.

Sparta said only one sentence: “Well, there are many cuisines in the big countries of the East.” ”

Then Sparta arranged for his men to say, “Take the two of them to safety!” ”

People in the big eastern countries are on their own land, and if there is any problem, it is not easy to say.


Liu Xiaoling wanted to struggle to say something, but was stopped by Li Xiaomo.

With one look, the two girlfriends understood each other’s thoughts.

Li Xiaomo thought that perhaps the appearance of the type beast would make the official team of the Mao Kingdom believe that the two were here to help them.

Looking at the state of this type of beast, the official team of Mao Guo will definitely lose a lot in this match.

Sparta quickly sent two detachments to attack left and right, creeping forward with the eyes of dodging beasts.

The guns held by this branch of the team were not the usual bullets, they carried some anesthetics, and the shells were very sharp enough to penetrate and hit the target very quickly.

“Be careful!”

If you are in Sparta, you will certainly not add this sentence, after all, this branch of the team has gone through hundreds of battles, whether it is the battle between countries, or the game between teams, they have experienced many times.

But this time it is a confrontation of the unknown, and I don’t know what the result will be.

Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling stayed in the position designated by Sparta, quietly watching these people move forward, which also had the advantage of allowing them to test the power of this type of beast in advance.

The characteristics of the type of beast are not known, and if you rush to get hurt, you may also provoke the other party.

The lasso whip in his hand was always ready, as long as the attack of this type of beast was too strong and the official team could not support it, this set of rope whips would be shot.

“Why didn’t the two of them shoot at Xiao Mo’s wife?”

“It should be that the official team will not let it, after all, this is the land of Mao Guo, and they are responsible for the safety of other people.”

“This guy has already taken the initiative to run over!”

“I just don’t know if the fresh foot in the hands of the official team is not enough to kill this guy, and after killing it, he cramps his muscles, drinks its blood, and eats its flesh!!”

“What I want to know is the deep pit, the gates of hell, and the rumors about it are right?”


No one knows whether the rumors at the gates of hell are true, but in fact half of them are true and half are false.

It’s just human-to-human transmission, coupled with the feeling of trepidation, adding your own imagination infinitely to what was originally a sentence or two, and finally it is like a real scene.

It can be seen how big the human brain hole really is!

As they say, the Gates of Hell are referred to simply as the Gates of the Devil. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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