“Sleeper, the official actually sent this!”

“Haha, I’ll just say there’s something in that deep pit, don’t you believe it?”

“By the way, by the way, do you pay attention to that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo?” The live broadcast of these two oriental big country girls, they are now in progress. ”

“Yes, those two girls are very pretty, and they’re next to the pit.”


No more people went to the live broadcast between Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo and began to watch the live broadcast of the deep pit.

Instead, they wanted to see what was going on at the so-called gates of hell, and to be able to use official power to inform the matter, perhaps not as small as they say.

After entering the live broadcast, what they saw was the sand on the full screen, and they could see many people lying on the ground in the distance, and the sound of the roar and the sand colliding and rubbing in the live broadcast room was all chaotic.

“Oh my God?”

“This scene turned out to be like this, this official team was on the move, and even told us that it was an unknown phenomenon.”

“I think it’s very likely that the rumored thing is true, but this pit was dug by hand before?”

“Yeah, I heard my grandfather say that this deep pit was dug by hand, but it was abandoned in the middle.”

“Could it be because of that? The authorities had to give up? ”


These people are all IQ online masters, you will all these things together in one word, and then start to search over the wall to search for the things of that year, seven seven eight eight, just like that, just sort out all the things.

[Look, this is the truth I found out through verification!! 】

[There is a picture, there is a truth, do not like to spray!! 】

Mao Guo’s network has begun to be filled with these parallel goods, just now these melon-eating masses are still chatting about a certain big guy who cheated on a certain shadow, and just now they are still using the keyboard to attack the shadow queen, and the paper towel This big guy is their national male god.

Now it has been replaced by this picture of the truth, about the deep pit of the year.

At that time, the official official had to study some factors, and then those researchers formed a team and went to the deep pit city to extract.

It’s just that how this low salary can be so easy to explore, and there are many things that have been produced in it, but it has been suppressed by the authorities and not allowed to circulate.

However, there are some gossip, but they are all treated as wild words.

“I wonder why this official didn’t tell the truth?”

“Are you stupid upstairs?” Although it is also an unintentional act to kill so many people, the official must be responsible for the death of so many people, and there is that thing in this deep space, which will definitely cause panic among the people. ”

“But I think the people know that they want to deceive my young soul and let me see such an exciting scene in this good age.”


Although some of these people complained that the official did not tell them, they quickly threw themselves into the live broadcast scene, and vaguely saw two thin people who were running fast, and in this chaotic environment, they did not stop running.

Waiting, the water friends wanted to see who it was, who could attack this tall beast on both sides when the official team could not move around.

Liu Xiaoling had reached a consensus with the current ring in her heart, although the current ring was worn on her hand, the two metal short roots were still held in her hands, and her eyes had to be raised from time to time, staring at the beast facing her side.

Current ring, you can’t drop the chain for me!

Or I’ll burn you outright!!

Li Xiaomo is faster than Liu Xiaoling, her mixed martial arts skills are much stronger, and her physical quality is far better than Liu Xiaoling’s.

Hitting the lasso whip on his right hand side on the body of the beast, Li Xiaomo was also practicing martial arts during this time, and had gone from the previous sporadic to the current 0.2 star level.

The lasso whip she swung on her right hand side was constantly rising in strength as her body’s Immortal Realm increased, and the moment she swung the lasso side, it was already felt, which was completely different from the previous feeling when she was fighting in the Heavenly Sea.

In Yongxiang Street, it was with the help of his previous fighting skills and physical flexibility, combined with the swing of the lasso whip, and at the same time with the help of the power of the lasso whip itself, to subdue the opponent.

This time, the strength of her arm directly caused her arm to drive its whip, and the last time it was a lock on the eye that moved Li Xiao’s body without moving.

Li Xiaomo also did not expect that this was only a 0.2 star level improvement, can have such a big change, it seems that in the future to cultivate more, constantly improve their own star level, in order to completely release the power of this set of rope whips, rather than let the lasso whip drive themselves.

Snap ~ Snap!!


After swinging the whip on the body of the type beast many times in a row, at the moment when the whip body was swung up, it had become shadowless, and the type beast had no way to dodge.

No matter how powerful the beast was, there was no way to see the direction of the lasso whip, and he resisted the five whips from Li Xiaomo.


“Roar ~ Roar”

After all, this side is not an ordinary leather whip, fighting with the strength to make the type beast bear the pain that penetrates into the bone marrow, and then make the type beast scream.

It hurts!

After bearing five consecutive whips, the beast’s body quickly retreated, which was enough to dodge the lasso whip that Li Xiaomo attacked again, and it really didn’t want to bear that kind of pain anymore.

Then, it roared at Li Xiaomo again, trying to attack Li Xiaomo again through the small stone.

It’s just that how could Li Xiaomo be like that time, before the type beast called, Li Xiaomo had already run behind it, and then put the lasso whip in his hand on the body of the type beast, and the type beast looked at the person who was still in front of his eyes and disappeared, and his body quickly rotated to find the person who had just attacked him.

It was also this speed that made Li Xiaomo firmly grasp the lasso whip in his hand, and was thrown into the air by the rotation of the type beast, and with the movement of the type beast, there was no stop in the air.


“So awesome? Sleeper, this woman is also too powerful, right? ”

“I take back my previous words, I don’t think this woman is an ordinary woman!”

“Who says women are inferior to men? Who says that women in the big countries of the East are delicate? ”


It seems that Li Xiaomo’s move just now, now the water friends in the live broadcast room have seen the scene just now clearly, the small stone that just flew has fallen to the ground, and only Li Xiaomo and the type beast have a fight.

The team brought by Sparta was watching Li Xiaomo’s operation in a stunned manner, and the two girls who had just been rejected by themselves actually attacked the uniform-type beasts left and right.

No face! _

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