“This big beast flies in balance, and the slightly smaller one above it hovers in mid-air?”

“I just don’t know if this boy can survive, let this boy suffer a little, don’t think that everything in this world is beautiful.”


Even if you look at the mushroom head calmly following the two large hole order birds, it will not be affirmed by these water friends, they also feel that the mushroom head is to die, some people have been paying attention to the large hole order bird, so they have been staying in the live broadcast.

The mushroom head never dared to look up to see the behavior of the large hole order bird, touching the wordy look, but the live broadcast room head was always in the direction of the large hole order bird, and did not shoot his appearance, otherwise the group of water friends did not know how to say.

Don’t be nervous, don’t worry!!


Mushroom Head is holding the live mobile phone in his right hand, his left hand is constantly patting his chest, and then constantly comforting himself, Mushroom Head has heard his heart thumping and wants to jump out of his chest.

Why are you so unproductive?

If you want to succeed, you must die!

The mushroom head gritted its teeth and continued to follow, but the mushroom head had been following behind the Xuanxin Fear Bird, although the speed of the Kong Lin bird was not as fast as before, but it only photographed the back, which learned that we could not always be willing to do so.

Mushroom head looked at the water friends between the bullet screens, not buying it at all, who thought about how to go to the front to photograph the appearance of Kong Lingbird, but that was to die!

No, no, no, the money is earned, what if you are going to die?

In the end, the mushroom head did not let go of the timidity in his heart, and only patted it on the back, before the hole made the bird’s head gently raise upwards, and gradually two legs emerged from its mouth.

Those two legs still fluttered from time to time, at first his amplitude was very large, but in the end it was slowly reduced, and in the end it was hanging motionless on the mouth of the hole Ling bird.

The mushroom head knew that it was a human leg, and it was the leg of a young man of about his age, and he always felt that the male hole made the bird have himself in its mouth.

Closing his eyes, he forced the thought out of his head, forcing himself to open his eyes and watch the large beast chewing on the person who had just entered its mouth.

The mushroom head could never forget the scene just now, the hole made the bird open its big mouth, it was the sharp cry of the person, constantly sprinting the cerebral cortex of the mushroom head, and the fear and trembling from top to bottom constantly impacted his body.

Mushroom Head looked at the scene in front of him coldly, feeling that his breathing had already felt suffocated, and he could only take a big breath, forcing himself to absorb the fresh air and free himself from the current predicament.

What am I going to do? Am I still going?

Mushroom Head looked at the scene in front of him, he really didn’t dare to go, really didn’t dare to go, but…

But he couldn’t live even if he didn’t go!

Mushroom hair carries a hat belt, and then buckles the live mobile phone to the brim of the hat, which is more convenient for shooting and can also make the mushroom head move less.


Come on!!

This time he decided not to go to the barrage again, the words of the barrage would only distract her, and this time, he would follow the bird with all his heart and shoot the most valuable frequencies to impress those people.

The male Kong made the bird eat the flesh in his mouth, looking at the already deserted street with a look of dissatisfaction, and could only catch up with one or two foods.

It roared into the air, and then the female hole hovering in midair made the bird slam down quickly, and then raise its entire body to the sky again, crashing into the mall on both sides of the street.

The male hole approaching the ground caused the bird to also raise upwards, and slammed into the shopping mall on both sides from side to side, constantly forcing the people hiding inside to come out.

The two of them were actually quite clever, they knew that they had been stuck by the window ledge before, this time they rushed into the building and forced those people to come out, they didn’t believe that those people didn’t hurry out to escape when the building was shaking, and after the escape, it was the opportunity for the two holes to order the birds to attack.

Bang Bang Bang!!


The two holes made the birds so big that when the two of them crashed into the past, the entire wall had recessed a little, and after the two of them hit the mall in succession, the walls of the shopping mall on both sides had begun to fall off the stone.


“Did there be an earthquake?” How can there be shaking? ”

“Fart, huh?” Mao Guo is not in the seismic belt, where is the earthquake? ”

“Okay, don’t talk about anything, I’ll go see what’s going on outside.”

The man thought he was tall and wanted to look gentlemanly in front of many girls, but when he walked to the window, he looked down at the hole that was hitting the building.

His eyes were exactly opposite to the red eyes of Kong Lingbird, what kind of eyes was that? Let him dare not turn his head and move away, originally it is to show gentlemanly demeanor, in this case, where is the bullshit good man image.

The man standing in front of the bed kept moving backwards, but his eyes did not dare to leave at all, that is, he was afraid that the moment he moved away, the other party would bite himself to death.

Because there was blood bleeding from the corners of his mouth, the man hadn’t seen the female anchor’s live broadcast beforehand, but he was sure this guy wasn’t a good thing.

No, he had to find a way to go.

When thinking, he habitually lowered his eyes, and then quickly raised his eyes to the upper hole to make the bird, moving backwards step by step, and the sound of leather shoes rubbing against the floor “clicking” sounded in this eerie atmosphere.

One-step… One more step

The other party did not react at all, the man was relieved, and then took two steps and three steps back, but he did not do too much to move back, afraid of angering this large beast that was staring at him.

Four steps… Five steps

Oh my God, the other party didn’t move?

The man was overjoyed, and quickly stepped back, and his face also turned to the back, ready to run away quickly, but how could the hole make the bird?

How can it possibly let go of food that comes to its mouth?

At the moment when the man turned his face, Kong Ling’s wings fluttered and propped up his body, and its predecessor directly rushed through the glass of this floor, directly entering this floor without any barrier.

At the moment of abandonment, the man had already heard the sound of glass shattering, but he did not dare to look back, he knew that the sound of glass breaking was most likely made by the large beast that had just looked at the upper eye.

No, hurry up, I can’t die!

The man clenched his fists, the muscles of his legs tightened, allowing himself to run away more quickly.

As long as… Just leave this building, just leave here, I can live!!

He had only one thought in mind: to live.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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