Only when they didn’t move, the male hole made the bird already smell the breath of the flesh on their body, attracting the large hole to make the bird constantly sweep his tongue at the table that blocked the advance.


The group only felt that the U table behind them was being moved frantically by a strong force, the corner of the table rubbing the floor because of the movement, and the sharp sound made such people constantly cover their ears.

But where does this powerful force come from? They all thought of the male Kong Ling bird’s body.

Did you find them so quickly?

But where are you going now? Even if you run, you will certainly not be able to run the speed of this beast.

Just now, the man did not run slowly at the beginning, and in the end, he was not swallowed by the large beasts, and he did not even have the opportunity to struggle.

The male hole made the bird also not give them a chance to continue thinking, the lower skeleton was clinging to the ground, the upper skeleton was high, the whole mouth was open to let it open at the beginning, and the head slowly advanced to the periphery of the group of people who did not have a U table to hide.

“Ahh… Come on!!! ”

“Hey, how come it’s so fast?”


Everyone stood up in a hurry, glimpsing a big mouth with blood flowing out of the corner of their eyes, slowly advancing in their direction, if it were not for the violent noise of the U table, these people did not know that the big pleasure of the labor, the urine was already close to them.

The men fled into the wilderness, but there was no large hole to make the bird fast, and the large hole made the bird’s head thrust violently, already submerging their bodies into their mouths, and then closing their mouths fiercely.

All the sobs of their cries for help were lost to his mouth, but his mouth did not put all these people into his mouth, leaving half of the people left and right stunned to watch the male hole make the bird chew.

It… Did it really eat?

They couldn’t believe that their companions, who had just been together, had been swallowed up in their stomachs.

What to do?

I don’t know… I really can’t believe it, they just feel the constant buzzing of their heads, the feeling of dizziness that makes them unable to help themselves.

“Oh my God…”


These people who are still alive, do not care whether the blood and brain plasma chewed by the male hole makes the bird jump on themselves, as long as they can get out, they do not care what is attached to them.


This time, because there were too many chaotic people, the male hole made the bird not choose to peel off the skin and bones, and chewed and chewed all these people into his stomach.

With the sound of its swallowing, its body approached those again, but the direction in which they were running was scattered.

The male hole bird did not catch them all, but could only sweep their directions one by one, and its mouth opened wide to mix tables, chairs, and some glass slag and human bodies in its mouth.

The male hole makes the bird also do not care what enters his mouth, one mouth through the teeth, the collision of two strokes, chewing the contents of the mouth, and finally swallowing into their stomachs.

After five or six minutes, the male hole Ling bird had already eliminated all these people, and the two lines of blood spilling from the corners of his mouth did not affect his mood to catch prey in the slightest.

After solving the field, the male hole made the bird quickly pull its head out of the floor, its huge wings fluttering in the air, and its two slender legs lit up the ground twice, and it was not known whether it wanted to land on the ground.

It was looking for a place where the crowd was more concentrated, relying on its keen sense of smell and smelling the smell of flesh.

Ah, it was in the southwest corner, where the two holes had not been reached, and there were probably one or two hundred people piled up there.


The male bird is calling quickly, and it is calling the female bird to go southwest with it to catch food.

Then the two holes made the birds parallel, each opening its wings and waving in the air, and when the sides of their wings were opened, both left and right hit the glass, and then the glass was shattered in an instant.

And the people hiding inside screamed from time to time, but these did not arouse the interest of the two Kong Ling birds, they wanted to catch the one or two hundred people in the southwest direction.

Lanzhou Hongling’s family continued to fly in the southwest direction, and then quickly reached the building in the southwest direction, the permission hole Ling Yi first hit the window on the eighth floor with his left wing, which hit three times this year, and the window had been smashed by the male hole to make the bird smash.

The two holes then caused the bird to quickly retract its head into the building, sweeping away what was blocking its way, allowing itself to enter the floor more deeply.

“Sleeper, mushroom head, how did you run so fast with these two large beasts this time?”

“Yes, the boy has a bright future!”

“Fuck me, I feel like these two big beasts are going to eat all the humans, and they must have eaten the people on that floor?”

“It feels like they’re going to eat the building and they’re going to eat other people, swallow those people into their stomachs, and then the next direction is us.”


The water friends watched the operation of these two holes through the live broadcast, and they already felt the crisis that human beings were about to face, and the two of them simply ate these people in part, constantly shifting their targets, chewing and chewing the accumulated human bodies and swallowing them in the abdomen, as if there was no sense of fullness.

The two Kong Ling birds did not care whether these people were afraid or not, and directly swallowed the people in the building in the southwest direction in their mouths, and there were some debris, but it did not affect the chewing of Kong Ling birds, and there was also the opportunity to enjoy the food.

My goodness!

Mushroom Head looked at the scene in front of him, the live broadcast may not have been able to capture the scene of just eating people, but he saw it with his naked eyes, but he did not dare to squeak and tell these water friends who let them spit on themselves.

Mushroom head continued to probe in the direction of the hole Ling bird, the mobile phone on the top of the head did not know when it would run out of power, quickly took out the charging treasure from the backpack on the back, fortunately brought this, otherwise the live broadcast would be cut off in the middle.


Mushroom Head looked down at the live broadcast room, and someone had brushed himself with gifts of airplanes, cakes and cannonballs, and he couldn’t believe it.

My God, the mushroom head squeezed his thighs hard, to see if he could wake himself up, to see if this was a dream.

It turned out to be true, didn’t they spit themselves very much? How could someone brush a gift for themselves.

“I brushed a gift for the mushroom head, I hope the mushroom head you can stick to it!”

“I’m fucking, I’m fucking, I’m going to brush too!!”

“Oh my God, you save a little bit, in case this guy comes to eat us.”

“It’s these two guys who want to destroy humanity, that’s why they have to scatter all their money and let it exert its due strength.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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