Li Xiaomo said in agreement: “Well, then let’s wait, anyway, the most urgent thing is only the official of Mao Guo.” ”

The only thing is to stand still, observe the official movements of Mao Guo, and then attract the attention of the other side, so that they will eventually become passive sides in this confrontation.

And Liu Feng, who is far away in Tianhai City, a large eastern country, really watched the dialogue between Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo remotely through the system panel, all of which fell into Liu Feng’s ears.

Yes, these two girls have become smarter!

It is even possible to respond to all changes without moving, let the Mao officials take the initiative to seek the help of the two of them, and will not end up in a mess, from the deep pit city to the central city, although it is not too far and today’s communication is more developed, but it is quite tiring to toss back and forth.

You can also guess that there is a deep pit buried in the mission issued by the mysterious side circle, just waiting for them to jump into it, but see that they react earlier than they expected, and they can detect it after cooperating with Sparta, there are some curves behind this matter.

The two little girls grew up…

Liu Feng now habitually resides in the identity of the older generation, automatically treating Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo as children, in fact, Liu Feng’s real age is only twenty-one years old, only one year older than Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

Perhaps because of the cultivation of mysterious side power, Liu Feng constantly pondered this final horror scene, which made his thinking continue to mature.

Hope the two of you succeed!

Liu Feng looked at Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo on the screen, and finally turned his eyes to the startling point of the system panel.

After Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo took over the task, Liu Feng had not observed the numerical increase of his shock point, everything was under his control, but these shortcomings were higher than before, but they did not reach a very high level.

A little bit of it!

This has already increased by 150,000, and it seems that the larger the range of people involved in the horror scene, the higher the value of the terrorist public.

And this time in Mao Guodu horror scene recording has been batched into three people live, namely the female anchor, Liu Xiaoling and Mushroom Head, speaking of this mushroom head, Liu Feng had to praise his courage.

Willow Wind pointed two fingers at his mouth, through the window, as if thinking about something.


The central city is already a mess.

Needless to say, it was the two hole-making birds that had scurried the streets, and their keen sense of smell had led them both to look for the crowd long above the center.

As long as there was a crowd of people standing, he used his huge rise to crash into the building next to him, driving these people together, and finally punching them into his mouth.


Two large dinosaur birds roared in the air from time to time. The two of them saw the crowd scurrying, which made the two of them show such excited cries.

In the end, the male hole made the bird’s gaze fixed on the office building, the crimson eyes revealed a strong desire, slightly raised the head of the low hand, waved his huge wings, but the frequency was slightly higher than before, and then called in the direction of the female dinosaur bird.

The people in the official office building were monitoring all the changes in the central city, and Na Hai Zhou had just seen the scene of Kong Ling birds eating people, but the situation forced them to wait here, waiting for calls.

But before the local call came, the entire office building was embroiled in a crisis…

“I went, I’ve been looking at this thing for two days, and my eyes hurt to death!”

“What do you do in your heart? I feel like I’m going to be depressed! ”

“Really, these two days have been watching the blood bursting, brain pulp out of the scene, I feel that my heart has reached the limit of endurance.”

“Shhh, don’t talk, the supervisor is coming.”

The voice that had just been complaining was silenced by the “clicking” sound of the high heels stepping on the ground, and this “clicking” sound was also worn by the high heels, but the supervisor that these people finally mentioned was still a female supervisor.

“Everyone insists on persevering, and it is also this time.”

Hearing his voice first, not seeing him, the female supervisor had not yet appeared, and conveyed her voice through the glass to the ears of everyone present.

“And don’t let me see you guys being lazy, otherwise…”

Some people are not happy, this is not their responsibility, because of this change in the central city, these people all joined in the video: “Is there no solution above the supervisor?” Why watch these videos of various places all the time? ”

“Cough cough… How could the last arrangement be something that people like us could speculate about? ”

The female supervisor choked on the person who had just questioned her, staring at the person with a cold look, as if he only had to say another word to pluck out his eyeballs.

Seeing that the man had already stopped speaking, he blushed with some embarrassment when he was choked by the female supervisor, and the female supervisor withdrew her eyes when she saw it.

Small sample, compared with the old woman, the old woman does not kill you.

Others did not dare to speak again, and began their work in peace, even if they felt unfair in their hearts, but they did not dare to speak out again.

After the female supervisor stepped on her high heels, these people looked at her back with disdain, and could only continue their work with a look of anger and dare not speak, staring dead at the screen and another scene of blood spurting.

Just how does it feel like this place is so familiar?

No, the more you look at it, the more you feel that something is wrong!

“Oh my God… What the are these two guys here? ”

Some people were still wondering, trying to think back to what was wrong with this place, and they had not contacted the two Kong Ling Birds who would come to the official office building, after all, the location here belonged to a relatively remote place.

Haven’t the two of them always been in the Eastern Boundary?

Can you blink your eyes and come to the official office building? It is conceivable that as long as you come here, only large Kong Ling birds will reach the official Dagongbao, which is an important base for the central city and an important base for Mao Guo.

“I rub, yeah!”

“Shall we run?”

Some people are more honest and ask if they want to run? Some people take their things directly and rush out immediately, and they don’t think that the job now can be more important than their own lives.

Others don’t know that these people don’t know yet? Those scenes of spurting blood just now still make it impossible for them to get out of it.

Bang Bang Bang!!

The female supervisor, who had just left, returned here again, looking at these people who looked in a hurry, only to see them rushing towards the door one by one with their own things.

When you see yourself, you don’t even say hello to yourself and leave? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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