“No, no, no, this building is shaking, hurry up and grab me, don’t let go.”

The man grabbed the woman’s legs on his back today, and then rushed down with full horsepower, just because of the delay, there was no one around to stay, the two of them were running in the corridor.

“Oh my God, we’re not going to die here, are we?”

“Oh, shut up your crow’s mouth, stinky bitch.”

As soon as the man’s voice fell, the building where the two of them were located was cut in half by the wings of the bird by a large hole, and the upper half tilted to the southeast, gradually falling into the air, and then with a loud bang, the whole piece turned into rubble and collapsed around.


It felt like my ears were deafening, but now I didn’t have time to take care of this, so I quickly ran down, not knowing what the next two large holes made the birds move?

What is certain, however, is that the two large hole birds are next to the building, and the distance is not far, even if the building is cut in half, and the next half remains intact in its original position, but it is constantly vibrating with the attack of the large hole making bird.

But I don’t want to do so much, directly holding this woman and rushing down, usually he has to use ten minutes to travel, and now he has been shortened to six or seven minutes, and there is a woman on his back, men have some admiration for themselves.

“Come, protect those two people”

The detachment leader saw through the telescope the two people constantly scurrying in the corridor, and the two people were officially men and rich women who were preparing to flee.

He had gone to inquire about the large hole in the bird, but he did not expect to suddenly see two people running in the corridor, and it was a man carrying a woman on his back.

And how can you not go to the rescue at this time?

A small team quickly dispatched and ran to the building that had been left half-chopped down, holding a heavy firearm, but the role of this heavy firearm, they also knew that there was no effect.

“The captain of the detachment tells you the news, Sparta and the man in the boots…”

A member of the team hurried to the captain of the detachment and hurriedly said the news, for him, Sparta and the man in the leather boots are god-like beings.

No, it should be said that Spartan and the man with leather boots are like gods to the whole Mao country.

Now that Spartan and the man in the boots are returning to the central city, doesn’t that mean the two of them are going to do it.

Before Sparta reached the deep pit city, and there was also something on the side of the deep pit city, Sparta did not rush to solve the matter of the central city, but went to the deep pit city, and the leather boot man had been immersed in the bottom without moving, which made them very panicked.

The detachment leader asked in surprise, “What are you talking about?” Spartan and the man in leather boots are coming back? ”

I really couldn’t believe the two of them were really back, and the news was undoubtedly good news for him.

“Where are the two of them?”

The two of them really needed to sit at this critical juncture, and the detachment leader was eager to know where Sparta and the man in the boots were.

“They’re on a flight to the central city but I heard two girls were coming.”

Two girls! Some of the considerations are unclear as to why Sparta and the leather boots boy have to take two girls with them.

“Do the two of them have any characteristics?”

“The two of them are Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, both from the eastern powers, and it is said that the two of them cooperated with Sparta to fight the large beast around the deep pit and let the original team exit as many as possible.”

“Heaven is it?”

The captain of the detachment couldn’t believe the news that had been circulating before, only thinking that they were exaggerating, but this Spartan and the man with leather boots brought these two girls over, probably because the beasts attacked the central city, right?

“And they’re going to land in twenty minutes at the central city a-point airport, do you think we need to?”

The team’s words were not finished, in fact, what he wanted to say was whether we needed to meet him.

The captain of the detachment quickly refused, “No, no, no, no, there are Spartan and the man with leather boots taking care of the two of them, and we will obey their arrangements for the next thing.” ”

The central city needs people to arrange rescue work, although the current attack arrangement has no effect, that is, if all the heavy guns are useless to the two large beasts.

There is always a need for a person to do the battle, otherwise it will always be messed up.


With that whimper, the plane slowly landed from high in the sky.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo got out of the plane in order, looking at the scene in front of them, Liu Xiaoling couldn’t contain the excitement in his heart, and then said loudly: “Oh my God, we have finally arrived in the central city, Xiaomo, you see this is quite beautiful.” ”

Li Xiaomo sighed at the scene in front of him, although it was very beautiful, but the ruins were one after another: “Yes, this place is too beautiful, but it was destroyed too badly by those two large beasts.”

“Sparta, do you know where those two large beasts are now?”

Presumably knowing the news about the central city, the number of deaths and injuries is simply too large, and the buildings and some financial losses are very large, which is a major attack on the central city.

Sparta said helplessly, “Now in the middle of the central city, and those two large beasts are too crazy, and now the attack method has become the destruction of the entire building, rather than eating humans.” ”

Thinking of this, he remembered Ruan Man, who was still sitting in the deep pit city, although the deep pit city was now calm, but this calm was only temporary, but the situation was better than that of the central city.

Liu Xiaoling was very curious, how crazy were the two guys now: “Is there a video?” ”

The impression of Sparta was that he was steady and very sharp and witty, and now he was helpless about the situation in the central city, what did these two guys do to make Sparta reach this way.

Sparta shook his head: “No, the previous mushroom head and the female anchor were all broken in the middle.” ”

The mushroom head is not because of fear, but it really can’t keep up with the flight speed of the two large hole making birds, which are one moment to the east and one moment to the west, and their size is too big. The two beasts’ huge wings can travel hundreds of miles as long as they are waved, which makes Mushroom Head very helpless and can only abandon the ongoing live broadcast.

However, Mushroom Head also made a lot of money from it, which made his ultimate goal achieved.

Li Xiaomo wanted to go to the place where the large Kong Ling bird was located and directly engage in the confrontation: “Then let’s go straight over?” ”

After all, it has been a long time since the mysterious side circle issued the task, and now the progress of subduing the alien is too slow.

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