However, when Li Xiaomo was supporting the tree, she live-streamed the direction of Liu Xiaoling’s rolling, and the camera followed closely to her so that the people in the live broadcast could see clearly and understand the cause and effect of this matter.

Liu Xiaoling’s right hand jerked up, the metal short root in her hand also lifted up with her movements, Liu Xiaoling had completely used her suckling strength to come out, clenched her teeth, tightly held the metal short root in her hand, and then fell down violently, Liu Xiaoling did not know whether this time could succeed.

“Crazy… How can this be, once or twice unsuccessful, I want to calm down! ”

Liu Xiaoling loudly complained about the metal short root in her hand, in fact, she wanted to complain more about her own ability, and she was not able to accurately fall into the stone hole.

Sparta and Li Xiaomo, who were on the sidelines, could only look at Liu Xiaoling with their hearts, silently grabbing a handful of sweat for her, and they had no way to help Liu Xiaoling, and they were already doing their best to fix it.

At this moment, the most worrying thing is Li Xiaomo, the hand holding the live mobile phone has been sweating out, constantly looking at Liu Xiaoling’s movements, watching Liu Xiaoling raise her right hand again, and drop the metal short root to the stone hole.

Oh my God, this time it must be successful, otherwise… I swear to tear you apart.

Li Xiaomo could only watch the scene in front of her, but there was no way to help her girlfriend escape the predicament she was in, and she could only be attacked by large beasts.

I can only pray that I can successfully put the metal short root into the stone hole.

“I drop Mom, Liu Xiaoling is behind a big stone, if she can’t hide anymore, she will be directly hit by a big stone.”

“Oh my God, Liu Xiaoling, you must be safe!”

“She has a short metal root in her hand and should have no problem.”

“You say, Liu Xiaoling is in such a danger now, why hasn’t her brother appeared?” Liu Xiaoling’s brother is so handsome, he is my dream lover. ”


Talking about Liu Xiaoling’s brother is Liu Feng, and mentioning Liu Xiaoling’s brother is the iron fan of the Spirit Detective Live, so it is fortunate to be able to see Liu Feng save Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo in danger.

And when these iron fans learned that Liu Xiaoling also had an older brother, every time they opened the live broadcast of the spirit of the detective, someone mentioned from time to time when Liu Feng appeared.

It’s just that Liu Xiaoling is not willing to involve her own brother, after all, she knows that her brother is a person who wants to do big things.

Otherwise, the appearance of the three of them is enough for some people to eat for a while, not to mention the power that Liu Feng carries on them, plus the things they do are in the eyes of water friends with a positive energy aura, and they have already added a lot of points to them without realizing it.

Liu Xiaoling already felt that her hand was likely to succeed in this time, but she could not show this excitement, and could only wait for the metal short root in her hand to be inserted into the stone hole.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Liu Xiaoling meditated in his heart, looking forward to that moment very much.

Liu Xiaoling’s feeling is naturally right, the metal short root with the help of the power of the stone hole, hooked Liu Xiaoling’s constantly backward body, Liu Xiaoling’s right hand tightly held the handle of the metal short root, did not dare to loosen at all.

She didn’t know how long this wind could last, and when Liu Xiaoling inadvertently glimpsed the large stone that was rapidly rolling behind her, her heart was suddenly shocked, and her previous thoughts had been on the metal short roots, and she had not observed the situation behind her.

Looking at the way the big stone was rolling at a rapid pace, Liu Xiaoling’s heart suddenly panicked, the volume of the big stone was too large, if it was hit, it could do a plastic surgery.

It’s just that if Liu Xiaoling wants to fix his body, he can only not leave the control range of the metal short root, but this can only endure the attack of large beasts.

Can… But he certainly couldn’t bear it in this way, although Liu Xiaoling was holding a metal short root in his hand, it was impossible to release its power without the correct use of it.

Li Xiaomo, who was on the side, could not stand at all, stuffed the live mobile phone in his hand to the leather boot man next to him, and raised the lasso whip in his hand to “snap” and hit the ground one after another.

Li Xiaomo’s action was extremely fast, and the Spartan and the man with leather boots next to him were startled.

I could only look at the two of them with embarrassment, and then the lasso whip in my hand was raised, and the whip was directly on the body of the big stone.

And Li Xiaomo can only hold the idea of trying it out, the whip in his hand, if he is slightly careless, may even hit Liu Xiaoling’s body, but Li Xiaomo at least has this certainty, and it will not fall too much.


The whip went to the body of the large stone that rolled over, and when it was close to the big stone, it automatically turned into a circle and wrapped the large stone from top to bottom.

Seeing that the lasso whip was approaching the body of the big stone, Li Xiaomo grabbed the handle of the lasso whip in her hand and pulled it in her own direction, while also calling for the help of Sparta and the man with leather boots, pulling in their direction to prevent the large stone from continuing to roll forward and hurt Liu Xiaoling.

Just as Li Xiaomo expected, the big stone was pulled by the three of them to its original trend, which allowed Liu Xiaoling to escape the disaster.

Li Xiaomo had already closed her eyes, thinking that this time she would undoubtedly die that big stone, rolling onto her small body and staying in the clinic for the previous month.

But Liu Xiaoling waited left and right and did not wait for the feeling of the big stone pressing against him, so he slowly opened his eyes and saw the big stone stop in front of him.

What’s going on?

Liu Xiaoling couldn’t think that this big stone had a human nature, and he could only stop when he saw his flower-like face.

But it’s good that it can stop, and the scene just now really scared him to death.

Liu Xiaoling turned his head to look in Li Xiaomo’s direction, only to find that they had saved themselves, and grinned: “What I love you to death.” ”

If you usually hear Liu Xiaoling’s words, Li Xiaomo will be hilarious, but in this case, how can you still afford such a joke at a time of life and death, Li Xiaomo said solemnly: “Nonsense less, hurry up and give me over!” ”

Liu Xiaoling smashed his own mouth, and he also knew that this sentence of his girlfriend knew that she was a little angry, of course, Liu Xiaoling also knew that his girlfriend was angry, because he was worried about the safety of his life, at this critical moment, or his girlfriend they saved themselves.

Therefore, Liu Xiaoling was not angry at all about Li Xiaomo’s tone, and he could only blame himself for not having the foresight to predict that the central city would encounter this situation.

Liu Xiaoling slowly moved to the right, and the short metal root that had been pinned to the left waist by Liu Xiaoling was also used.

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