Liu Xiaoling already felt the current ring on his hand, even his own hand was a little numb, or the feeling of the current passing through, usually, Liu Xiaoling would definitely throw this current ring aside, but at this moment Liu Xiaoling preferred that this current would come more fiercely, so that the reserve current of the current ring would be more sufficient.

The current ring is maintaining the absorption of sunlight into an electric current, part of it becomes its own reserve, and part of it suppresses the female hole order bird.

More than an hour later, Li Xiaomo’s voice suddenly sounded: “The people of the foundation have appeared!” ”

Liu Xiaoling quickly looked up, looked in the direction of Li Xiaomo’s fingers, looked at the familiar set of clothes, which were the uniforms of the SCP Foundation, and finally waited for them.

The director of the SCP Foundation did not say much about their identities, after all, for Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, they already knew that this was the SCP Foundation people, and in this invisible cooperation, the Foundation people did not intend to tell others their identities: “We are coming!”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo nodded their heads, “You should quickly take these two large beasts into custody, the people of the central city are all panicked now.” ”

As long as the people of the SCP Foundation succeed in sheltering these two large beasts, the people of the central city can be freed from danger.

Although the central city has already suffered huge casualties, at least there is no further deepening of the losses.

Spartan and the man in leather boots have some questions, who are these people?

Could it be that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were just waiting for them? Why did they never know these people?

What are these people here for?

One question after another came out of Sparta’s head, wondering what the identities of these sudden people were. It was even possible to take the initiative to come out of this danger and get close to these two large beasts, knowing that ordinary people could not take the initiative to approach this dangerous scene, and the uniforms on their bodies were definitely not ordinary teams.

It’s just that the teams that appeared in Mao Guo could be understood to some extent, and it was impossible for them to be ignored by themselves as a team that could arouse the curiosity of many people as soon as they appeared.

So Sparta was sure that this was not the Maori team, was it brought by these two girls?

But it’s not like, why didn’t they say it at the beginning?

And it’s a partnership, there’s no reason not to tell them they’re waiting for a team to come.

However, the people who can make Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo wait make Sparta more curious and want to find out the identity of these people.

It’s just that they only said one sentence, we are coming, which means that the other party does not want to disclose their personal information.

Where does this begin?

Is that Spartan and the man in leather boots or didn’t go forward? After all, the other party does not want people to know their identities, then it cannot be broken, and Sparta is now watching them prepare to accept the work of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

It is now certain that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo are waiting for them, and in the process Sparta vaguely hears “containment”.

It’s nice and practical to say the word, but I don’t use it in normal times.

What kind of organization is this?

“Heaven this organization has appeared again?”

“That little spirit and Xiao Mo are waiting for them to come and take shelter!”

“I think this organization is so handsome, what kind of organization are they?”

“Everyone in that organization didn’t know his information, they only knew their uniforms, but no one else knew anything about their organization.”


The people in the Spirit Detective Live Room, who had followed Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to watch the confrontation of SCP682, and had also seen the uniforms of the SCP Foundation, at that time they were also very curious about the origin of this organization, they dug deep into the power behind it, but they were told that there was not.

At that time, like these people who had just entered the soul search live, they had just seen the people of the SCP Foundation appear, full of curiosity, and then really chose to search privately, and after the search was unsuccessful, they gave up this idea, only to feel that this organization is very mysterious, and the organization is very large.

The people of the Foundation also quickly took in two large hole birds, and as soon as they were placed in a special cage, the two large hole birds quickly struggled.

To know that these two large hole Ling birds are very large, but the cage brought by this cpp Foundation person is not so big, but it can put these two large hole Ling birds into it, this person looks at it and is amazed, they are very curious about how these two large hole Ling birds were put in, what is the mysterious place in this cage.

Is it like others say that there is a containment space, infinitely containing huge objects, but on the outside it seems to be just an ordinary object?

But this is just the speculation of some people, what it is, the foundation people will not say these things, and this curious person can not find out the results through various channels.

The director of the foundation saw that his own people had taken in two large Kong Ling birds, and then said politely to Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo: “Miss Li, Miss Liu, we will see you again!” ”

The people of the SCP Foundation could not stay in this place any longer, their tasks had been completed, and the rest would be left to Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to continue to complete.

The SCP Foundation and Liu Xiaoling are each responsible for their own responsibilities and are actually in fact.

Looking at the figure of the Foundation people leaving, Liu Xiaoling unconsciously exclaimed, “Huh, finally finished!” ”

Sparta slowly appeared behind Liu Xiaoling: “Yes, it is finally over, but what I want to know more is what this team is?” ”

“The amount … I don’t know, but I have worked with them once when I started at other points, and then I know their uniforms. ”

“Yes, we don’t know them, and they seem to be very strict about their personally identifiable information and don’t want anyone else to know anything about them.”

Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling sang and sang in order to push this problem away, but to be honest, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo actually did not know the specific information of this team.

Even they were curious about what this team was doing, but these few collaborations probably had some direction, and maybe they had a close connection with the big boss of the mysterious side circle.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo would not have thought that in fact, the big boss behind these two organizations was Liu Feng, whom they often saw.

Sparta continued to ask, “That’s because you seem to know that this team will appear, otherwise why did you not act after you took these two large beasts?” ”

It’s not that I don’t believe the two of them, or I want to find out if someone is behind this strange incident in Mao Guo.

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