Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo had already checked the rumors about the deep pit before, and even checked the maze with them, probably understanding the rumors of the maze, and wanted to gamble to see if this time could succeed.

Liu Xiaoling entered the maze first, knowing that this time and the usual play have a lot of difference, even with the breath felt nervous, Liu Xiaoling can only go forward step by step, each step is to probe forward, she herself does not know whether there is a trap in front of her.

At the first turning point, Liu Xiaoling stopped and prepared to wait for Li Xiaomo’s arrival.

Faintly, she had already heard the sound of chasing from the entrance of the Enigma Palace, and she took a step forward, stretched her neck, and looked at Li Xiaomo’s voice.

Looking at Li Xiaomo’s fork in the maze and hesitating to go to which intersection, he heard Liu Xiaoling shouting: “Here and here, fast!” ”

Li Xiaomo ran without thinking about it in the direction where Liu Xiaoling was, followed closely by the roaring sound of the beast, Liu Xiaoling felt that the other party was a strange beast from the first moment he heard this guy’s voice.

Li Xiaomo ran most of the time, and grabbed Liu Xiaoling’s hand as soon as he grabbed it: “Hurry up…”

As expected, the type beast also followed Li Xiaomo’s footsteps and ran into the maze, and when the type beast became the maximum body, its destructive power would also become greater, and the restraints in this maze were a piece of cake for the type beast, just like scratching an itch.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, like ordinary people, have bodies that can leave blood, so this labyrinth is a place of life and death for ordinary people.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo ran along the maze all the way forward, Liu Xiaoling’s physical strength was not enough, pulled Li Xiaomo, who was still ready to run, bent down to breathe and said: “Huh~no, I can’t run!” ”

Li Xiaomo looked behind him, and he also felt that the distance he ran was almost the same, otherwise he would not be able to remember the way back for a while.

“Right here, the open space here is quite large.”

Li Xiaomo said, and began to look for the best point of attack, ready to meet the type of beast that followed.

Liu Xiaoling quickly adjusted his breathing and looked in the direction that Li Xiaomo was looking at: “Why is that guy so slow?” ”

“Maybe… Maybe it’s hungry. ”

Li Xiaomo said that this was a complete joke, but Liu Xiaoling heard another meaning in his ears, before the attack of the central city and two large Kong Ling birds, he had personally seen the picture of Kong Ling birds eating people, blood sprayed on the ground, and the blood flow accumulated into a river.

Now say it’s hungry? This is not it going to eat people.

Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling’s eyes both looked to the right, habitually thinking that the type of beast could follow them, and there was no trace of the waiting beast between the two of them.

Liu Xiaoling was surprised and said, “Strange… Why didn’t it come? ”

It had been planned that the beast would take the initiative to enter the trap that the two of them had already equipped, but it did not come out.

Li Xiaomo didn’t know what was going on, the Mingming-type beast had already followed her to the maze, so why didn’t it appear?

Wondering… But the two of them didn’t dare to stay where they were for long, ready to retreat in place and try their luck to see if they could touch the type beast.

Li Xiaomo just wanted to take a step when he heard “Gaga…”

This sound? Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling stared back with wide eyes, and it was the type beast that entered their eyes.

Did it actually appear from behind?

Liu Xiaoling exclaimed, “I’m a good person… This guy!! ”

The type beast did not care what kind of reaction these two people had, opening their big mouths, because of the frequent roar in their mouths, the mucus attached to its mouth, opening its large mouth, the mucus fell elsewhere with the agitation of the mouth, looking at the slime flying around, Liu Xiaoling’s body retreated backwards to prevent the mucus from falling on him.

Just how could the beast do as she wished, continue to take steps forward, close to Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, stretch its own head closer to Liu Xiaoling, Liu Xiaoling only felt that the air around her was filled with a fishy smell, constantly retreating her steps, and her waist was constantly retreating.

Li Xiaomo’s hand finally moved first, and the lasso whip in his hand was raised fiercely, and the target was the type beast with a wide mouth, well, the whip body was bent like a water snake, wrapped around the neck of the type beast.

Li Xiaomo’s eyes were fierce, staring dead at the whip he had released, waiting to attack the type beast with a wide mouth on the ground, and the curved whip was reflected in the ink-colored eyeballs of the type beast, and then he reflexively rotated to the left to avoid the whip that Li Xiaomo attacked.

This time Li Xiaomo was not so surprised, and the result of the last time was not too different, but there was still some loss, and this type of beast was still so flexible.

After Li Xiaomo learned that his whip was useless, he quickly withdrew the distant whip and continued to sweep the attack to the left with this force, the whip was exactly the same as the position that Li Xiaomo thought and knew.

At the beginning, after the type beast dodged Li Xiaomo’s whip, it felt that Li Xiaomo was not his opponent, so he did not pay attention to Li Xiaomo, looking at Li Xiaomo’s whip of continuous attacks, the type beast did not think about it and was ready to jump up, the two feet were half-folded and stomped on the ground, the two legs were bent, and the knees were up to their abdomen, its original intention was to avoid Li Xiaomo’s whip.

Who knew that Li Xiaomo’s whip could actually bend upwards in the middle of the moment, and there was none, and the strength carried on the whip did not diminish because of this change in the middle.

Seeing that the type beast was about to be attacked by his own whip, the corners of Li Xiaomo’s mouth were slightly raised, and it was difficult to wait until this moment to finally attack it.

Before the beast had always regarded itself as ignorant, knowing whether it was provoking itself or not, but at that time, the other party’s strength was always above itself, and there was no way to say how.

Now? Aren’t today’s beasts also attacked by themselves? Make you arrogant!

The whip bent upwards and wrapped around the ankle of the type beast, who was not afraid of being attacked, and he was very sure that he could dodge Li Xiaomo’s whip.

I just didn’t expect that when his paws and whips were facing each other, the words on this side suddenly turned upwards, wrapping around the ankles of the beast-type beasts like water snakes, even if its ankles could catch up with the thickness of the human three, but the lasso whip could change its length and thickness indefinitely.

The lasso whip successfully wrapped the ankle of the type beast, Li Xiaomo tightly pulled the whip handle in her hand and pulled it back, pulling the whip infinitely, she was going to wrap the legs of the type beast tightly, and finally drag the type beast to the ground in its entirety.

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