But to say this, the two of them are not embarrassed to say it, just let the leather boot man follow him, and maybe let the leather boot man hold the luggage or something.

The man in the leather boots looked at the two people in front of him who were ready to go crazy and asked, “Where are you two going?” ”

“Nah… I tell you, we studied the sightseeing strategy yesterday, but we thought it was better to ski, so you take us there. ”

The man with leather boots thought about it, or the ski resort in the big single baby place is better, and other places are more pitted, although this is what Sparta temporarily let itself investigate yesterday, just so that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo can see the scenery of Mao Country in their free time.

Although the scenery of the Eastern countries and the Mao country is different, the northern part of the Mao country is mainly frozen by ice and snow, and the girls of the beautiful frozen people will choose to ski, while the four seasons of the eastern countries are obvious, so they are different.

Coming to Mao Guo must first play a snow, so the leather boot man decided to take Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to slide a snow first.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo naturally did not say no, after all, the two of them had also made a travel strategy before, and Dadanwa was not far from the deep pit city, and if there was any abnormality, they could come back in time.

“Oh my God, the wind here is so cool!”

When the three people got out of the car, they felt the cold wind blowing from north to south, and all the brains were blowing on their bodies, even if they were wearing extremely thick storm jackets, they also felt the coolness of the cold wind, and drilled into them with all their strength.

Just after getting out of the car, he was haunted by this cold wind, Li Xiaomo rubbed the tip of his cold hand darkly, and exhaled to his hand from time to time: “It’s so cold~”

The three of them had already gotten their ski equipment and slid downhill in the distance, Liu Xiaoling set off first, but before leaving, he also received: “After skiing in a while, let’s go eat ice grapes!” ”

The three of them played happily, and in the deep pit, the black qi gathered into a clump, and over time, the body gradually became larger, and it was still impossible to see what this black qi would become.

“Uh huh…”

A magic sound like laughter came out of the pit, and the team members who had been ambushing around the pit also heard this voice and quickly communicated with Sparta to tell him about the pit situation.

Sparta, who was originally in office, had already heard the laughter coming from the pit through the intercom, which was simply laughter, rather than the laughter after the conspiracy of pity succeeded, which sounded creepy for an instant.

“Stay where you are and don’t move, and if he comes out of the pit and prepares to go somewhere else, and you intervene to stop him, this side will immediately send people there.”

Spartan carefully arranged this matter, while also calming the emotions of the players around the pit, at this time they could not panic, they must hold their position, and at the same time monitor the changes in the pit.

As soon as the team members around the height heard that Sparta would send someone to come, a big rock fell in their hearts, after all, it was impossible to block the guys who came out of the pit with the strength of only a few of them, and they didn’t know what it would be like inside, strange guys, but from the previous two matches, it could be seen that coming out of the deep pit was definitely not a good thing.

The eyes of the team members looked around the pit from time to time, in case the guys who made strange noises in the pit rushed out, and the guns in their hands were always aimed at the mouth of the deep pit, just in case there was explosives wrapped around their waists, in case … In case they can’t stop it, that’s the next step.

Can only wait, why does this guy have to appear again and again, what is in the pit?

Suddenly hearing the noise in the pit became louder, the team members quickly fell down, the sniper rifles in their hands were aimed at the deep pit, and when they lowered their heads, they could clearly hear the sound of their breathing, and they were now looking at the opposite side very nervously, afraid that if there was really a careless thing, it would be broken.

“Everybody hold on!”

“Sparta will bring people in a moment, so be sure to act cautiously.”

They had been staring at the type beast in the deep pit for more than ten days, and they thought that the type beast had been solved, and the deep pit would stop for a while, but before a day had passed, there was movement in the deep pit.

The black air in the pit bulged upwards, turning into a sharp tip hitting the first and second layers.


The sound was louder and deafening than the black laughter, and the team members unconsciously pulled their ears, they had no idea that this would happen, and they did not prepare anything in advance that could sound insulation.

“Open your mouths!”

Opening the mouth can filter out at least a little time, and it can reduce the damage to the eardrum, but the sound is too loud, mixed with various noises, and eventually turns into a sharp sound that stimulates the ears of those present.


With a loud noise, a huge black mass came out of the deep pit mouth.

The team members looked at this huge black gas, no eyes and no nose, it was a black thing standing at the mouth of the deep pit, it seemed to be stuck, and the black gas that came out was constantly pulling outwards, trying to pull out the body inside the deep pit.

The team members looked at this thing and waited for the next move of the black group, but also for the appearance of Sparta.


The black group finally pulled out all of its body, and then swung its tail, dissatisfied with the length of its own tail, and pulled its tail back hard, until it reached the way it wanted, and the black qi let go of its tail.

“Oh my God, that’s what it is?”

Who could have imagined that they had waited for such a long time, and what they thought of was a cloud of black gas, looked down at the gun in their hands, and thought of the explosives that were pinned to their waists, not knowing whether these two things were useful for the black gas in front of them.


Sparta’s motorcade rushed forward, and he had already informed Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to rush to the pit before coming, not knowing whether the black gas would move its position and make the two of them pounce.

When Sparta was in the car, he had already contacted the team members who were observing the deep pit, and coordinated step by step: “The characteristics of that guy are sent!” ”

“The opposing personnel will arrive soon!”

Looking at the picture sent, Sparta thought that he had the ability to accept it, but when he saw this picture, he was still shocked for a while.

How can anything be made in this deep pit?

Although he was complaining in his heart, Sparta did not dare to let the people next to him stop, and finally when he saw the shadow of the deep pit, his heart that had just been tightly wrinkled slowly put down.

Through the intercom, Sparta said to Ruan Man, who was still running: “Ruan Man, you and another team are placed in the southwest corner of the city of Shenkeng. ”

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