Sparta looked at the little girl carefully, and from time to time she looked down at the photo, this child was no one else, it was Zhou Ruixue, the daughter of Boss Zhou, how could she be in the ancient castle, was she kidnapped by the iron pillar? How did the iron pillar die? The only way to know all this is until the little girl wakes up.

“You let me go, I don’t want to live like this anymore, I want to be free, please, let me go.” In the middle of the night, Cher was crying in her sleep, tears wetting her red dress, and Sparta was standing guard next to the child, he tried to shake Cher, and Cher did not wake up, and Cher struggled as if she was fighting with someone, as if someone would not let her wake up.

“If you woke up, would you tell them all this?” The hanging ghost asked.

“I will, I will.”

“But if you say it, you know what you’ll do!”

“I’m not afraid! You tell him that he has no way to stop me, I know that he is good to me, his kindness I understand, this is my own destiny, there is no way to change, let me face it myself. ”

Liu Feng sighed, “Hang the ghost, come back.” ”

After a night of tossing and turning, Cher woke up, this time her eyes were no longer straight, she carefully wiped her face, combed her braids, took care of herself, and then she woke up the Sparta next to her.

I have a story to tell you, Cher said, and you listen to me tell you slowly.

“It was a very cold and cold night after my mother’s death, and my father wanted to send me to school abroad, and I sneaked back, afraid that he would find out hiding behind the sofa, and it wasn’t long before my father and the woman came back and they were pulling and pulling.”

The woman said, “Honey, you said there would be no one who would doubt your wife’s death.” ”

My father said, “Fool, no, there is no acquaintance of her in Maoguo, she has no friends as a housewife, no one will suspect it.”

Then the woman said, “Don’t you still have a?” Will she…”

“You’re laughing, she’s not yet 14 years old, and besides, I’ve sent her abroad, rest assured, the workers in my factory have seen that she herself fell out of there and fell into the pharmaceutical vat has nothing to do with us.” 」

The woman breathed a sigh of relief and said, “I can’t imagine that everyone thinks you’re a big philanthropist, and I can’t imagine being so cruel.” ”

“Okay, don’t talk about those unhappy things, without her, we can do whatever we want, and wait for anything!”

Cher choked up, tears fell to the floor, made a clicking sound, she took a deep breath, suddenly the eyes became fierce, I hate him, he took away my favorite mother, from childhood to adulthood, he can only act, play his good husband good father, he never really cared about me

So, I wanted revenge, the next day when the woman was gone, I called my father and told me that I didn’t want him and wanted to go abroad for a while, but he was not happy, and at night he came to persuade me to study abroad, I gave him a glass of water, there were sleeping pills in the water, he drank, and when he fell asleep I began to want to strangle him with a rope, and then I thought of my mother

As for the woman, after Dad died, I used my father’s mobile phone to send her a message to trick her out, I told her to let her go to the suburban woods so that she could see the lighted car and come in, but she didn’t know that I was hiding by the car door, and as soon as she came, I knocked her unconscious, and I gave them rat poison and dismembered their bodies in this medicine tank.

Finally Cher couldn’t control herself, she fainted as she spoke, fortunately Sparta caught her in time, Sparta caressed Cher in pain, he carried Cher back to the bed, and couldn’t help but have tears in her eyes.

Sparta opened the window, and there were many red petals floating outside the window, and one petal was blown into the house by the wind, and Sparta gently picked it up, “Although the flower is beautiful, it is perishable!” “。

In the villa of Tianhai City, Liu Feng saw everything, in fact, he hid Xue’er, after Liu Xiaoling found Xue’er, they quickly found the hanging ghost to control her in her subconscious, hoping to hide the truth and hope that even if they knew the truth, seeing Xue’er’s delirium would not be sentenced, but unfortunately things did not develop according to his wishes.

The most daring thing in the world besides the sun is the human heart! Boss Zhou’s greed has harmed himself and hurt others, and Xue’er is originally a victim but has lost herself because of hatred, “Only love can save the world!” This saying always makes sense, when the heart is full of hatred, man is no longer a man, man becomes a demon.

The hanging ghost floated over to Liu Feng, “Boss, will Xue Er be sentenced to death?” He’s a minor! ”

“It doesn’t matter anymore, she’s brave enough to face herself, life and death don’t matter to her anymore.”

When Cher woke up, Sparta had already returned to her place for patrolling everything, Cher put on her shoes and stepped on the red petals to climb a bell tower, the pigeons on the bell tower flew away with their wings, Cher looked at the pigeons that flew away and smiled, “I hope that my soul can be as free as they are in the future.” Cher touched the red petals in her pocket, “Finally, I can be free!” She jumped from the bell tower, the red petals in her pocket even redder.

When Sparta returned, there was no Cher there, only a red petal and a long letter:

Sir, I didn’t run away, I was just relieved, and I must finish telling you the story before leaving.

You must not be able to figure out how the man who caught me died, yes, it was me!

That day he came to my house to find the woman, he also wanted to ask my father for money for this matter, I told him that I took him to my father, he believed, so I took him to the castle, that secluded place, originally I wanted him to know that I lied to him, and then let him beat me to death, I was also relieved, but after he knew that I had lied to him, he wanted to do something wrong, I couldn’t stand such humiliation, I felt a stone and smashed him, I was very scared, I lost control, I only felt that people in this world are evil, I think I won’t be hurt if he dies, so, I’m sorry, I’ll hang him up on a pulley, please forgive me, forgive me! I also begged me to go to God and He could forgive me too.

“What a fool!” Sparta trembled and called Ruan Man, “Ruan Man, go quickly, go find Xue’er!” ”

“Boss, I just got the alarm that Cher has jumped from the bell tower.”

“No! Cher, this poor child. Sparta shed tears again.

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