Back home, Liu Xiaoling told Liu Feng about the strange and strange things that happened at the school for the deaf and dumb yesterday.

Liu Feng is very careful, is this world not only me has a horror system, will there be a second person who has a terror system? The second mysterious organization, whether we should compete or cooperate.

“Xiao Ling, today you and Xiao Mo will go to the deaf and dumb academy again, I don’t think they will give up, just this night I am sure that they will still go to the deaf-mute academy.”

“Brother, but even Xiao Mo and I are not their opponents, and we are also beaten.”

“My stupid sister, how could I let you be beaten, I informed the head of the Ichiki Dao, the chief of the Niki Dao, Xie Zhengang, and the little ghosts under my control to go with you, and I was secretly observing to see what kind of road they really were.”

Liu Feng was simply a clever plan, and the next night, those men in black did appear at the Deaf and Dumb Academy.

Liu Xiaoling fiddled with her live broadcast equipment.

“Xiao Ling, do you still want to broadcast live today?” Li Xiaomo asked.

“Live broadcast, of course, live broadcast, it is not easy to invite a wooden road chief, two not a road chief, and Xie Zhengang them, I also let those netizens open their eyes, by the way, we can also enhance our popularity.”

Liu Feng opened the Seven Seals and called the seven little ghosts close to him.

“A few of you, today you must cooperate with the Commander of the Ilmu Dao, the Commander of the Ermu Road, and Xie Zhengang to find out who these men in black really are.”

“Rest assured, Master, we won’t let you down.”

Liu Feng called out the divination pen fairy again.

“This time, I will ask them to release water, and when the men in black flee into the wilderness, you will secretly follow them to see where their old nest is, so that we can further understand and grasp them.”

“Do as you are told, master.”

As soon as those men in black entered the deaf and dumb academy, they activated the scene mechanism set up by Liu Feng in advance.

The seven little devils and the chief of the Yimu Dao, the chief of the Ermu Dao, Xie Zhengang, and Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo surrounded the six men in black.

“Say, what are you, why are you going to the deaf and dumb academy to put explosives, what good is it for you to kill these children, why are you so cruel?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

“It’s none of your business, but I urge you to go away quickly, in a word: Death to those who stand in my way!”

The tall man led the rest of the men in black and Liu Xiaoling to fight, the battle scene was extremely chaotic, Liu Xiaoling They were after all a large number of people, but in a few moments, the six men in black were defeated. ”

“Hmm, I’ll settle the score with you next time.” After the tall man in black finished speaking, he and the other man in black disappeared without a trace after another black smoke, and the divination pen fairy saw them gone, followed closely behind them, over a large forest, just in a luxurious villa in the suburban scenic area, and the 6 men in black disappeared.

“It turns out that this is their old nest.” After Zhan learned of their old nest, he went back to report to Liu Feng.

…. Hi you get 10 scares

.Bite…. Congratulations on getting 70 Scared…..

.Bite….. Hi you got it….

Bite… Congratulations….

The water friends and iron fans in the live broadcast room were stunned, such a big battle was the first time they had seen it, and Liu Xiaoling was so angry that he stomped his feet, “Damn, let them run again, this time I’m afraid it’s not to let the tiger return to the mountain.” ”

“It seems that they have to harm these children.” Li Xiaomo said.

There was no way, a group of people had to disperse.

In the high-end hotel, Liu Feng played with the sharks raised in the hotel while listening to his men report to him about the battle.

“Master, I don’t think they’re very good either.” The ghost said.

The Hanging Ghost added, “Even if there aren’t so many people, just two or three of us can beat six of them to the ground.” ”

The water ghost snorted, “Don’t say yourself so strongly, bragging is not afraid to flash their tongues, master, after fighting with them, I think they will still have some special skills, in short, they are not ordinary people.” ”

“Stop, stop, is the divination pen fairy back?”

“Come back master, I’m back, pour me a bowl of water.” The divination pen fairy said.

“What water to pour?” You open my mouth to me. As soon as the water ghost stretched out his finger, a stream of tea flowed directly into the mouth of the divination pen immortal.

“Haha is so delicious, master, I found their old nest, in a luxurious villa in the suburban scenic area, it seems that their master is also a big boy.”

“Luxurious villas in the scenic area, ghosts, ghosts, I sent you two to infiltrate that villa to spy on military intelligence.”

“Master, I’m a little uncomfortable today, so let’s not let anyone else go.” The ghost said.

“It’s really lazy donkey grinding, at that time he was still bragging about how powerful he was, those people in black were not your opponents, but now they are retreating here, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using soldiers for a while, what do I want you to do?”

The ghost said embarrassedly: “Master I’m sorry, I really feel a little tired after playing for half a day today, it doesn’t matter if I’m tired or not, mainly because I am afraid of delaying your business.” ”

“Master, let me go, usually you rarely send me tasks, this time let me show it well.” Well Ghost said.

“Well, I’ll send you to complete this mission today, remembering that you and the ghosts only need to observe in secret, there is no need to fight with them, they will flee back after they find you, don’t fall in love.”

“Obey the master.” The two drifted away.

The other little ghosts all entered the Seven Seals, and Liu Feng stopped the Divination Pen Immortal, “You help me occupy a hanging, and see if these mysterious organizations are a blessing or a curse for me.” ”

“Master, it is a blessing rather than a curse, it is a curse that cannot be avoided, and I don’t think you need to worry about this.”

“Well, I’ll wait for the two of them to finish spying on the military intelligence before making plans.”

The ghost and the well ghost came to this villa, they found that there was a secret space in this villa, the owner of this villa was a middle-aged man, when the night was quiet, the middle-aged man, the initiation mechanism came to this secret space, these organs naturally could not stop the two little ghosts, the ghost and the well ghost followed closely followed by the secret space.

“Report to the master, this time we met a mysterious group of people who did not know where they came from and had to stop us from carrying out our plans.”

“Don’t talk so much nonsense, the task is not completed, don’t find so many reasons, tall man, tell me, who are the people you met this time?” What are their characteristics, detailed descriptions to me. ”

“Master, there are two little ladies in this group, one is named Liu Xiaoling, one is called Li Xiaomo, and there are several little ghosts.”

“Ghosts? Haha, there are really ghosts in this world, I will say that science can not explain everything, if there are really ghosts in this world, then human beings need to be more powerful, only by destroying these crippled low-level human beings, only in this way can human beings continue to evolve. The man said. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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