Li Xiaomo saw that Tang Jie never recognized his identity, and she suddenly took out a photo of Tang Jie’s sister from her pocket, “You should know this little girl, right?” Isn’t she your sister? ”

The corner of the man’s mouth rose slightly, obviously smiling and not smiling, “Joke, you suddenly took out a photo, just say that it is my sister, it is too sloppy, moreover, you really recognize the wrong person, I am not at all what you say Tang Jie.” ”

“You still don’t admit it?” Liu Xiaoling took out a photo of Tang Jie at this time, “Isn’t it you in this photo?” The person in this photo is called Tang Jie, aren’t you called Tang Jie? ”

“Oh, there are more people who look like me in this world, how can you conclude that the person in the photo is me?”

This person never admitted that he was Tang Jie, and Li Xiaomo’s teeth creaked in anger, “I don’t care if you are Tang Jie, you have to go with us.” Li Xiaomo stretched out his hand and wanted to drag Tang Jie into the car.

“Hey, in broad daylight, you two little girls are actually going to kidnap me, come on, come and see, these two female hooligans are going to kidnap me.” Tang Jie suddenly shouted.

“Damn, this man is a bastard,” Li Xiaomo scolded.

“Xiao Mo, let’s hurry up, he shouted so, when people come around, we will lose people.” At present, this embarrassing situation only forced Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to leave the scene first.

After seeing Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo leave, Tang Jie sneered, “Hmm, fight with me, don’t look at who I am.” ”

“What about brother?” That person did appear, but he never admitted that he was Tang Jie, and even if we put the picture out, he also slyly argued that there were people in this world who looked very similar. ”

“No hurry, since he doesn’t admit it, let’s steal his documents, and when the documents are in hand, does he still want to deny them?” Liu Feng said.

“But, brother. He’s been fooled once, what are we going to do next time to lure him out? ”

“Didn’t he study ancient witchcraft?” I have a way to try it. ”

“What’s the solution?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

“Tomorrow I will put up an advertisement, saying that my sister is seriously ill because she was deceived, and if someone knows the art of witchcraft and can cure my sister, I will definitely thank him with a lot of money, starting at 1 million yuan.” Xiao Ling, let’s go to the ordinary residential area next to the villa and wait for that Tang Jie. ”

Liu Feng, Liu Xiaoling’s ordinary residential area near the home has a unit has been bought by Liu Feng, the current unit has been injected with a lot of people, Liu Feng can lie down every day to collect rent, but fortunately, 4 floors 402 There is still a 3 bedroom, 2 living room 1 bathroom No one rents, just Liu Feng They can sit there and wait for Tang Jie to take the bait.

“Brother, do you say that Tang Jie is such a person?” Will he be short of money? ”

“Xiao Ling, it seems that you still did not observe carefully, did you not find out?” The clothes he was wearing today were already the style of the previous year, besides, he must have lived in the five-star hotel in Tianhai City for many days, and it is estimated that the money has been spent, and now he must have been stretched. ”

“Brother, you are so powerful, you can pay attention to such a small detail.”

“Of course, don’t look at who your brother is.” Liu Xiaoling’s tail of this exaggerated willow wind flew directly into the sky.

The next day, the advertisement was published in the local newspaper of Tianhai City, of course, Liu Fengzhong’s pseudonym was Shi Lei, and even the units of the several buildings of the residential address were clearly written.

The other people all think that the person who posted this advertisement must not be neurotic, or brain watts, I am afraid that few people will believe that there is such a thing as witchcraft, everyone is talking about it, and they all think that this matter is very strange.

Of course, Tang Jie also saw this advertisement.

In the five-star hotel in Tianhai City, Tang Jie was nibbling on cheap bread while holding the city newspaper of Tianhai City, and his eyes could not be separated from the advertisement.

He was very troubled in his heart, would this be a trap? I’ve been fooled once, will I still be fooled this time? Don’t even think about it, I just don’t show up if I lack money.

“Bang bang bang bang…”


“Room 307, you have been in arrears for half a month’s stay, when will you pay it back?” We employees are still waiting to be paid. A female clerk said sarcastically.

“Wait I’ll give it to you.” Tang Jie put down the bread and newspaper in his hand, dug out his pocket, found no cash, only a bank card, and he gently opened the door.

“To you, swipe your card.”

The female clerk took out the pos machine directly from behind, it seems that the female clerk has been prepared, he brushed over and over again, “I’m sorry, you don’t have any money in this card.” The clerk glanced at Tang Jie, “Is there money or not?” If you don’t have money, you can’t afford to live in this high-end hotel, so you can go to live in a low-end hotel, and those who have dozens of dollars a night are more. ”

As soon as Tang Jie heard the female clerk say this about herself, she directly blushed with shame, “You wait, within a week I will definitely return to you, and you will come back after a week.” ”

“Well, then I’ll give you another week, and you’ll do it yourself, and after a week, if you can’t pay for it, you’ll need to take your valuable things over to cover your lodging expenses.” The female clerk wriggled left and left.

Tang Jie is already stretched to the limit, if he doesn’t want to get some money, I’m afraid he will be blown away by others.

It seems that this time I have to go if I don’t go, in case this is not a trap, then I will not miss 1 million? Tang Jie unconsciously persuaded himself.

The next day, Tang Jie carried a black school bag and took the newspaper to the residential area.

“Boom, boom, anyone?”

Willow Wind opened the door, “Hello, are you?” ”

Tang Jie unfolded the newspaper, pointed to the advertisement and asked, “Aren’t you looking for someone who understands witchcraft?” I am, where is your sister? Let me see, as long as I look, she will definitely be fine. ”

“Is there really such a god?” My sister is not lightly ill, we went to the hospital to see a doctor also look bad, and then an old Chinese medicine doctor mentioned that we said that my sister is likely to be deceived by others. ”

“How? Don’t you believe I have this ability? Tell you, if I can’t cure your sister’s illness, then no one in this world can cure her. ”

Liu Feng heard Tang Jie say this, and secretly thought in his heart, this young man can actually pretend to be more forced than me, and it is strange to see if you are not stupid after you come in.

“Okay, then you come in and try it.”

Tang Jie entered the door.

“In which room did your sister take me there?”

Just as Tang Jie was about to enter a room, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo came out of that room.

Tang Jie saw that it was the two of them who hurriedly stepped back, “Why are you guys again?” Sure enough, it’s your trap, damn it. ”

“How’s it going? Say the leak, right? Liu Xiaoling laughed.

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