In the dead of night, the streets are empty, dotted between the tall buildings built by human beings, jumping freely, freely shuttling, originally as a cat is very sensitive, now it has the power to be more energetic, suddenly when it jumped on the wall of a family, heard someone talking about cats and dogs, suddenly, it came to hear how they evaluate cats and dogs.

“Xiao Wei, you have two dogs in your family, don’t have a cat anymore, it just so happens that my kitten gave birth to a litter of kittens, I still have photos here, which one you see will give it to you when it is full moon.” A girl in a purple dress said.

“But I don’t like kittens, I like puppies, you see how cute these puppies are, they are so loyal to their owners, have you seen the loyal dog Hachiko?” I watched that movie with tears in my eyes from start to finish, which is why I liked my puppy even more. Another girl in a tracksuit said.

“But the kitten is also very good to the owner, as long as you are good to it, it will be good to you.”

“No, no, I’ve got two puppies, and if I had another cat, I don’t think they would like it.”

“Well, if that’s the case, then forget it.”

It turns out that in the minds of human beings, the status of dogs is always higher than that of cats, although they hate humans very much, but in their careful eyes, so that they cannot bear in the eyes of humans, the status of those hateful dogs that make it despise actually exceeds that of cats.

Just as Dot was motionless on the wall, two puppies of the girl in the tracksuit spotted it.

“Wang Wang…” A little bit heard the dog’s bark, subconsciously dodged, a little breath to run out of the far, and when it can no longer hear the dog barking, it suddenly reacted, now that it is different from the past, how can even two puppies be afraid? This is too bad for their own face, no, we must not let these humans like dogs more.

A little bit of a good idea, it has a plan, it wants to subvert people’s traditional ideas, it wants humans to stop liking dogs, it decides to cultivate the rabies virus, it wants to spread this virus, so that all the dogs in the world. They are all infected with rabies, and with the virus, these dogs will go crazy and bite their owners.

It’s a good idea to kill two birds with one stone, and when the time comes, both humans will no longer trust dogs, but also human beings will suffer, and humans who are bitten by dogs will also become infected with rabies, so that its revenge plan will soon be implemented.

So it immediately summoned a little black cat, which was a biological domestic, and it made the little black cat smarter than before, and it ordered the little black cat to steal its owner’s rabies virus.

In fact, the little black cat is not willing to do this thing, the biologist is very good to his cat, the biologist is busy doing experiments in the laboratory all day, as soon as he has free time to feed the little black cat, the little black cat has been accompanying him in the laboratory, saying that one cat and one person are dependent on each other is not too much.

Diandian seemed to see that the little black cat was a little hesitant, it immediately looked vicious, its paws pinched the neck of the little black cat, and its body became as big as a tiger, “I tell you, little black cat, don’t trust those humans, they are all superficially good to you, in fact, they are just using you as a pastime toy, do you think they really respect you?” ”

Saying that, a little bit of force stomped on the little black cat’s head, and the little black cat struggled hard, but he couldn’t struggle. Dotted continued, “You’d better be obedient, or I’ll throw you into the belly of those dogs.” ”

The little black cat meowed, and had to agree to come down first.

When the little black cat returned home, its owner quickly picked it up, “Oh, my dear kitten, where have you been?” How did it take so long to come back? Hungry? Come here and have your favorite little dried fish. ”

The little black cat snuggled up to the biologist movingly, constantly sprinkling and meowing, it felt that its owner was very good to it, although it was a cat, not a dog, but it still did not want to betray its owner, it thought in its heart, even if it is a cat, it should have integrity, but it is still afraid, afraid that a little bit will hurt its owner.

When the night came, the owner fell asleep, and the little black cat sneaked into the biologist’s biology laboratory, and it turned left and right, and finally in the refrigerator, it saw the rabies virus reagent, which was some green liquid, and the little black cat gently removed the rabies virus reagent, and it shook it, and the skull attached to the vial of reagent really made it feel uncomfortable.

If you give this thing a little, it believes that human beings will suffer, and I am afraid that its owner will not be spared, but if it does not give it to that point, that little bit will definitely not let go of itself and its master, thinking of this, the little black cat is angry and scratches its ears, what to do? Pregnant.

The little black cat found other viral reagents and some probiotic reagents, mixed many things in this rabies virus, it thought that if this mixture, maybe this rabies virus has no effect, in the end is not OK? The little black cat saw the mouse waiting in the cage, and it walked over with its hands and feet, and dropped a few drops of the configured reagent into the lid where the mouse was drinking.

The mouse must have been thirsty, a cat gave it dripping water, it actually drank, when the mouse drank this bottle of reagent, it began to get more and more excited, and then kept biting the cage, and after a while, it suddenly died.

The little black cat saw this situation, it didn’t feel good, it continued to add condiments to this bottle of reagents, this also added some, that also added some, and finally he simply dripped his own blood, and then it shook the bottle of reagents again, and experimented on another mouse.

The mouse was very excited at first, but when it drank the reagent given to it by the little black cat, it became sluggish, and then it lay down, motionless.

Great, as long as those dogs don’t bite everywhere, then its owner will not be in danger, the little black cat took the reagent he had tested, put the reagent in his mouth, and sent it to the point.

“Yes, you are doing a good job, rest assured, when I rule the human world, when the time comes to make you eat and drink spicy, those benefits are indispensable to you.”

“I don’t want any benefits, I just hope you don’t hurt my master, that’s my only wish and the only thing I ask of you.”

“Meow…” Dian Dian heard the little black cat say this, almost mad, “You give me a roll!” ”

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