The Soul Binding Lock may not be a superior magic weapon, but it is inherently restrained from ghosts.

Ye Jing held it, only feeling cold and piercing.

But the ghosts were entangled, but they were extremely hot, as if they were on a fire.

The boy was tied up and could not move for half a minute, Ye Jing was angry, and he did everything he could, and the soul binding lock was tightened and burned at the same time, making him feel like he was being tortured.

“I was wrong, I was really wrong! Big brother, please let me go once! ”

“I was abandoned by my parents when I was alive, and I was forced to die of hunger and cold.”

“After death, I hated those children who had a consummated family… I’m excusable! ”

He cried constantly, his childlike voice hoarse, telling his grievances.

But Ye Jing was unmoved.

He may have been lonely when he died, but that doesn’t mean he can do whatever he wants after he dies.

Moreover, before death, he is a man, after death he is a ghost, and people and ghosts have different paths, and the two can never be compared.

“People have the law of people, ghosts have the law of ghosts, if you go to take revenge on those who harm you, I will still have some understanding, but Yang Panpan is not guilty?”

Ye Jing’s expression was solemn, really like a prefectural enforcer.

Yang Panpan hopes that the family is consummated, and his parents are favored, should he be killed?

Thinking of the doll that had just flown away, he snorted coldly, and the iron rope shook.

The boy directly turned to ashes and disappeared into the world.

After Ye Jing killed the little ghost, he left here.

Once born and ripened twice, he already had experience in dealing with ghosts.

It’s just that ghosts are hard to find, and he got rid of three ghosts after a busy night.

Except for the boy, the remaining two ghosts are in one place.

These two ghosts were originally migrant workers who died because of the accident, and the black-hearted capitalists covered up the matter without compensation.

The two ghosts held a grudge, and a few days ago took revenge and killed the capitalists.

Originally, the two ghosts still made sense here, after all, they originally meant to take revenge.

However, after killing the capitalists, they aroused their ferocity and even killed the capitalists’ family and their co-workers who had been on the same construction site as them.

This is the loss of humanity.

After people become ghosts, they can no longer be seen in human eyes, especially when they start killing, which is equivalent to walking on the road of no return.

Of course, there are no absolutes in the world, and there are benevolent ghosts, but they are a minority.

These two ghosts are clearly not in this ranks.

When Ye Jing arrived, the killing value of the two ghosts was almost over a hundred.

If they break a hundred, they can advance, and by that time, Ye Jing will not be able to deal with it.

Fortunately, they came in time and fought fiercely, and finally took them down and killed them directly.

After killing the three ghosts in a row, a lot of time was consumed, and the sky was already white, so Ye Jing went back to rest.

He is now in a special situation, although he has a prefecture position, he is still a person in essence, and he also needs to eat and sleep.

However, this sleep did not sound soundly, and at noon, a phone call woke him up.

“How are you?”

In the haze, he heard an icy inquiry.

This voice had an unusual status in Ye Jing’s heart, and it actually formed a conditioned reflex, and as soon as he heard it, he immediately sat up and his sleepiness dissipated.

“I’m okay.”

Ye Jing touched his nose, and there was even a trace of fear in his heart.

This is certainly not his emotion, but the conditioned reflex left by the original body.

When the brother is actually afraid of the younger sister?

He was complaining inwardly.

The one who called was Ye Jing’s sister, Ye Ting.

After the death of their parents, the two became dependent on each other.

Theoretically, the older brother should take care of his younger sister.

But actually, it’s the other way around.

Although Ye Jing is not very capable, he is still excellent, but his sister is even more devilish.

Ye Ting is not only handsome, but also a peerless beauty, but also a genius since she was a child, and she is the focus of everyone’s attention.

And she is very independent, most of the family affairs are handled by her.

On the contrary, Ye Jing, who was an older brother, was crushed, and was reprimanded by his sister for making mistakes several times, and there was a faint fear in his heart.

After Ye Ting went to the military school, she rarely went home, and Ye Jing did not have much contact with her in recent years.

“If you’re okay, why send me that kind of email?”

Ye Ting’s voice was obviously a little angry.

“What mail?”

Ye Jing was a little unresponsive.

“In two days, I will go home, and then you will explain it to me!”

Ye Ting hung up the phone.

And at this time, Ye Jing found this matter from his memory.

It turned out that when Ye Jing was targeted by evil spirits, he was in ashes, decided to cut himself off, and sent a farewell email to Ye Ting before he died.

Ye Ting had just seen the email, and naturally came to Xingshi to ask about the crime.

“What is this called?”

Ye Jing was a little speechless, shook his head, and continued to sleep.

But I didn’t know that Ye Ting on the other side of the phone breathed a long sigh of relief.

Her eyes were also a little red, as if she had just suffered.

If this scene is seen by those who are familiar with her, they will definitely be shocked.

Because Ye Ting has been synonymous with strength since she was a child, nothing seems to be able to defeat her, and now, she has actually cried?

Especially Ye Jing, if he saw it, he would be flattered.

My sister has always been cold, and she will cry for him?

Ye Ting rubbed her eyes and returned to the appearance of a cold beauty again, as if everything that happened before was an illusion.

On the other hand, Ye Jing did not worry too much about this matter.

At twelve o’clock in the evening, he struck again.

This time, he has a clear goal!

Summer reading day is happy, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 7 to August 9)

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