At this time, because the battle on the top was about to break out, the naval headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment were all preparing for battle.

The tension was felt all over the world.

Navy headquarters, marshal’s office, Sengoku listening to a vice admiral report on the preparation for war.

“The elite troops of our army have been assembled, all the soldiers have changed into new and sophisticated equipment, and they are stepping up the run-in drill!”

“All the lieutenant generals and major generals, in addition to the personnel sitting in the major fortresses, have already set off one after another!”

“Generals Sakaski, Borusalino, and Kuzan are also about to return to their headquarters!”


Listening to these deployment contents, the Warring States nodded one after another.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and asked, “What about the situation over there in the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty?” That person… Did you promise to let them go to war? ”

The lieutenant general shook his head and said, “There is no news yet. ”

When Lieutenant General He heard this, he couldn’t help but look solemn and said, “According to the past situation, most of them will not pay attention to these things this time!” ”

Karp couldn’t help but shake his head and said: “It’s hard to say, in case he suddenly wants to come out and walk, the result of this war is not easy to say!” ”

Warring States rubbed his eyebrows and sighed, “I suddenly regret inviting His Majesty the Seven Wuhai to participate in the battle!” ”

At this moment-

At this time, a soldier in charge of receiving the information quickly pushed the door and entered.

After saluting the Marshal of the Warring States and Lieutenant General Tsuru in the office, the soldier said, “Marshal, there is new news from the Qiwu Sea side. ”

Warring States suddenly looked at it, and quickly asked, “What news?” They decided to go to war? ”

“Yes, not long ago, Jorakor Mihawk, Don Quixote Doflamingo, and Boya Hancock successively sent news that they would participate in this plan.” The soldier reported.

When Sengoku heard this, his tone was a little uncertain and asked: “Are you saying that Boya Hancock also decided to enter the war?” ”


Sengoku’s face suddenly showed surprise, as if he was surprised by such a result.

However, soon his brow stretched again, and he breathed a slight sigh of relief.

In fact, in the past few days, he had been worried that Qi Wuhai would refuse this call.

Each of the seven martial arts is a sea pirate, the strength is not bad, how to say it is also a small force, the Warring States naturally hope that they can be used by the navy, especially when dealing with the white-bearded pirate group.

However, Sengoku knows better than anyone that although Qiwu Hai is the seven sea thieves recognized by the world government, they are actually the ones who obey the orders of the daughter island.

In other words, if that person refuses this matter, then Qi Wuhai will inevitably refuse in the end.

Now that even the female emperor Boya Hanku, a woman with whom he had an unusual relationship, had agreed to participate in the war, it was clear that the one on the daughter island should not be ready to meddle in anything.

And this is the reason why the Warring States are really relieved.

Lieutenant General Tsuru, a staff officer on the side, also seemed to have thought of something, and also exhaled lightly.

“By the way, what about Jinping and Moonlight Moriah? Haven’t replied so far? Sengoku asked again.

The messenger continued, “Jinping also said that he would participate in this operation, but only if he went to advance the city to see the last side of Fire Fist Ace. ”

Sengoku’s brows furrowed again.

According to his understanding, Kaixia Jinpei has a certain friendship with Whitebeard, and at this time he went to advance the castle to see the fire fist Ace, which made him have to wonder if Jinpei had other purposes.

For example: take the opportunity to rob Fire Fist Ace!

However, in the end, Sengoku chose to agree.

Qi Wuhai is a not weak combat force, and if he wants Jinping to participate in the war, then he must agree to this request.

Moreover, Sengoku was not worried about what Jinpei would do with this opportunity, and he still had great confidence in the garrison of the advancing city.

Even if Jinping really wanted to take the opportunity to rescue Fire Fist Ace, he couldn’t do it at all, and it was simply impossible to save people from advancing into the city, which was known as the “copper wall and iron wall”.

“By the way, what about Moonlight Moria? Was he ready to resist? Sengoku asked again.

Except for Klockdar, who was imprisoned in the advancing city, the other five decided to join the battle, so only Moonlight Moria remained.

The messenger shook his head and said, “I also received news from Moonlight Moria not long ago, but he did not say that he wanted to go to war, but he sought refuge from us!” ”

“Seeking asylum?”

Sengoku and Lieutenant General Tsuru were stunned at the same time.

“Yes, he said in the phone worm that not long ago, he was completely out of control of Daughter Island, and because he had a lot of hidden information, he was hunted down and killed by the rest of the Qiwu Sea, so he asked us to come forward to shelter him, and he was willing to exchange the information he knew!” The messenger explained quickly.


Sengoku hesitated for a while, and couldn’t help but look at Lieutenant General Tsuru on the side.

The two quickly figured it out.

Moonlight Moria this guy said well, what is out of control, it is clear that he has betrayed the one on Daughter Island!

Now, he is afraid of being cleaned up by the man, so he runs to the world government for help.

Sengoku looked at Lieutenant General Tsuru and asked, “Tsuru, what do you think should be done about this matter?” ”

Although Moonlight Moria is His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, his strength is not strong, since he lost to Luffy the Straw Hat Kid, the high-level of the World Government has actually been dissatisfied with him and intends to remove him from the Seven Wuhai of His Majesty.

Moreover, if the navy really came forward to protect Moonlight Moria, it might have a direct conflict with the one on Daughter’s Island, which would probably only outweigh the loss.

Therefore, Sengoku wanted to refuse to provide protection for Moonlight Moria, but he still asked Lieutenant General Tsuru’s opinion.

Lieutenant General Tsuru’s answer was completely unexpected by the Warring States.

“I think we should promise him.” Lieutenant General Tsuru said with a smile.

Sengoku was stunned for a moment, looking at Lieutenant General Tsuru suspiciously, waiting for her explanation.

“Since he asked us for help at this time, and is still a king of the Seven Martial Seas, I think this is a good opportunity!” Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

“What chance?” Sengoku asked.

Lieutenant General Tsuru pondered for a while, looked at Sengoku with some meaning, and said with a smile: “Don’t you think that this is a good opportunity to send him to be with Klockdar?” ”

Warring States couldn’t help but be stunned when he heard this, and quickly laughed and said: “What you said is right, this is indeed a good opportunity!” ”

A great opportunity to capture Moonlight Moria!

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