“Good risk, good risk!”

The green pheasant was very happy in his heart at this time, glad that he had taken a step earlier.

Otherwise, he might be in pain!

You know, the news that the red dog and the yellow ape were beaten one after another, he has just received it, and he doesn’t feel at all that if he faces Shangyunchuan, the end will be much better than the red dog and them!

Fortunately, I escaped a disaster!

Rao is so, the green pheasant is still not relieved enough, he doesn’t know that Yun Chuan has actually let him go, and he is afraid that after Yun Chuan learns about the matter, he will suddenly chase him!

Immediately, he very decisively ordered the warship to speed up!

So, they arrived in Marin Fandor ahead of schedule with more than half a day less than expected!

When the green pheasant personally escorted Ace to the secret prison, and then appeared in the marshal’s office to report the mission, the Warring States could not help but be surprised.

However, he had also learned the news of Yun Chuan’s appearance in Advancing City, and he couldn’t help but sigh, but he didn’t blame the green pheasant.

After all, even if he personally went out to escort and learned the news of Yunchuan, he would not react much better than the green pheasant!

As soon as Qing Pheasant saw that the Warring States didn’t mean to blame him, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After hesitating for a moment, he said again: “Marshal, I think we must make more adequate preparations this time!” Judging from Yunchuan’s recent actions, he came to Marin Fando, afraid that he wanted to make trouble! I’m not sure what he wants to do, but it’s no exaggeration that we’re at least twice as forced! ”

Sengoku waved his hand and said, “I know this if you don’t say this!” Moreover, I have already reported this matter to my superiors, and according to the instructions of the five old stars, they will use secret weapons at that time to ensure victory in the war! ”

As soon as the green pheasant heard that even the five old stars were shocked, and made such a decision, he immediately relaxed a lot.

Then, he said, “That’s good! If nothing happens, then I’ll go down! ”

Sengoku waved his hand and said, “Go and rest!” ”

Immediately, the pheasant left the marshal’s office and prepared to return to his residence.

And just as he was halfway there, he saw Karp coming back from outside.

What surprised him even more was that Karp was actually taking Lieutenant General Mole and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider with him at this time, and several major generals around him, escorting a guy with a huge body and a blue nose and a swollen face.

One of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas – Moonlight Moria!

Apparently, Karp successfully captured Moonlight Moria and escorted him back!

Originally, he planned to send Moonlight Moria to the Advance City to be locked up, but halfway through, he learned that Yunchuan actually made a big fuss in the Advance City, and simply sent it directly to the Navy headquarters!

Subsequently, Moonlight Moriah was escorted to the same place as Ace and imprisoned in the cell next to Ace.

Ace was very surprised by this.

Moonlight Moria he naturally couldn’t not know.

However, he did not expect that the navy actually captured Moonlight Moria, and did not send it to the advance city, but sent it to the navy headquarters.

Then, he heard Moonlight Moria, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, screaming and cursing in his mouth: “The navy that should be washed, you must not wash well!” Oh is the subordinate of the God King Yunchuan, you dare to catch it, this department is in big trouble! ”

Ace couldn’t help but be even more surprised.

God King Yunchuan?

This name he once heard his father Whitebeard mention!

That was an existence that made his father very jealous!

Whitebeard once told them that it doesn’t matter if they provoke anyone on the sea, but don’t provoke Yunchuan!

This statement left a deep impression on him.

However, how powerful Yunchuan really was, and why even their whitebeards didn’t let them provoke, he still didn’t know.

What surprised him the most was that Moonlight Moria, the king of Qiwuhai, turned out to be Yunchuan’s subordinate, which he really didn’t expect!

Therefore, after Moonlight Moria finally stopped, he couldn’t help but say: “Hey, Moonlight Moria, are you really that Yunchuan’s subordinate?” ”

It’s good that he didn’t open his mouth, as soon as he spoke, Moonlight Moria recognized him, and for a while he was even more angry, and roared: “Fire Fist Ace!” It’s all to blame you bastard, if it weren’t for the fact that the navy wanted to execute you bastard, how could Lao Tzu run to Daughter Island to ask for that person’s opinion? If he didn’t go to Daughters Island, how could Lao Tzu end up like this?! ”

Ace was sprayed with saliva by him, and was also a little confused: Why did I inexplicably hurt Moonlight Moria?


At the same time, the ships of the Nine Serpent Pirates continued to sail towards Marin Fandor.

On the boat, Yunchuan is still enjoying the various intimate services of the female emperor while knowing the water.

And after waiting for so long, Uzumaki Nagato finally brought him good news.

[Let the world know about pain (Uzumaki Nagato)]: Your Excellency Yunchuan, I got what you wanted!

[Yunchuan]: Oh? I didn’t expect you to get it so quickly, did you go ahead in advance to destroy Konoha, or did you catch the big snake pill and snatch the thing?

In the Hokage World, Uzumaki Nagato was a little surprised for a while when he saw Yunchuan’s reply.

The cloud legend is that if he went to destroy Konoha in advance, could it be that he would have destroyed Konoha in the future?

However, after thinking about it, Uzumaki Nagato was relieved again.

Because he also knew that if he hadn’t accidentally connected to this super-dimensional Zhihu, and hadn’t met Yunchuan to reveal the truth, he would be against Konoha sooner or later.

After all, the Nine-Tails are in Konoha, and if he wants to capture the Nine-Tails’ human pillar force, he will inevitably be hostile to Konoha!

What surprised him even more was that Yun Chuan, who seemed to know everything to him, didn’t seem to know that the big snake pill was dead?

He couldn’t help but ask, “Your Excellency Yunchuan, can’t you see the things in our world?” Then how could you not know that the big snake pill is dead? ”

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