The next day, the day of the official execution finally arrived!

Early in the morning, Chambord Islands, an empty place.

“Hurry up, hurry up!”

“The war is about to begin!”

“Is the equipment ready?”

“So nervous! Is the duel between the Four Emperors and the Navy Headquarters about to break out? ”


At this time, media from all over the world gathered here, nervously watching the huge screen set up by the naval headquarters, waiting for the live broadcast of the upcoming war!


Even if there are some more variables in this war, the world government finally chose to broadcast live around the world!

It can be seen that they are absolutely determined to win this war at any cost!

Originally, in addition to the media, this live broadcast would also be watched by many people in the Chambord Islands.

However, after Yunchuan made a big disturbance in the Chambordi Islands a few days ago, the residents of the Chambordi Islands have already encountered two terrorist incidents, and they are terrified one by one, and most of them run away directly!

Even if they didn’t escape, they basically didn’t dare to come here to see the excitement now.

At this time, above the live broadcast screen, Marshal Sengoku was already standing on the high execution platform.

Below, the three admirals wore cloaks of justice and sat on three thrones.

In front of them, Hawkeye, Jinping, Doflamingo, Bassolomi Bear, and Moonlight Moria’s five kings Seven Wuhai!

Yes, Moonlight Moria, he also participated in this war.

The reason is that the navy has basically determined that this time the war will face Yunchuan, then there is no need to hide Moonlight Moria, simply directly promise Moonlight Moria, as long as he is outstanding enough in this war, the navy can ensure his safety!

Moonlight Moriah also finally agreed to this cooperation.

After all, he didn’t have a choice, and if he didn’t cooperate, I was afraid that the navy would kill him immediately! If he cooperates, with the help of the power of the navy, if he can destroy Yunchuan, he can really sit back and relax in the future!

And in front of the location where His Majesty Qiwuhai is located, that is, on the Neiwan Square, a famous vice admiral, and a large number of elite navies have lined up the perfect queue, waiting for the battle.

Just seeing this terrible battle, all the media reporters felt a little nervous.

However, when they thought of the opponent that the navy had to face, everyone also felt relieved.

After all, it was one of the four emperors in the second half of the great voyage, known as the strongest man in the world, and the huge pirate group under him!


The name has a terrifying deterrent power all over the world!

However, most people have basically only heard of it, but have never really seen the demeanor of Whitebeard.

Today, all this will be fully revealed!

The reporters on the Chambordi Islands were nervous and expectant at this time.

What they didn’t know was that at this time, on the side of the naval headquarters, Sengoku and others were also very nervous.

The reason is that the enemy they faced this time has not yet been revealed.

The enemy on the bright side, the Whitebeard Pirates, has no news.

The enemy in the secret, the Nine Snakes Pirates, is also missing.

As the commander-in-chief of this operation, Steel Bone Kong did not appear, and at this time he was on the top floor of the headquarters building, his eyes scanning the entire square.

Beside him, Lieutenant General Tsuru hurried over.

“Have you contacted the female emperor?” Steel Bone asked in a deep voice.

“Contacted, she said that she has arrived near Marin Fando, and when it is time to strike, she will naturally appear!” Lieutenant General Tsuru’s face was a little ugly and said.

Hearing this, Steel Bone Kong couldn’t help but clench his fists, his heart was very angry, but he was helpless.

He has already made a decision, as long as he successfully solves the Whitebeard Pirate Group this time, the next one must solve Yunchuan and the Nine Snake Pirate Group at any cost!

After taking a deep breath, Steel Bone Sora picked up a phone bug and said, “Let’s start, Sengoku!” ”

The Warring States side heard the voice coming from the phone worm, and quickly adjusted his mentality.

Then he announced aloud: “The execution is ready to begin, bring the prisoners up!” ”

For a while, the people who were watching the live broadcast became nervous.

Then, under their nervous gazes, the mortal Portkas D. Ace, escorted to the execution table!

In an instant, Ace attracted everyone’s attention.

At this time, Sengoku used a loud phone worm, and began to announce to the world with an indifferent expression: “Today, we are here to deal with the pirate Portkas · D. Ace carried out a public execution! ”

“This execution is of great significance! Not only because he is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, but also because the true identity of this man is that of the One Piece King Gore who was executed that year. D. Roger’s biological son! ”

As soon as these words came out-


Listeners all over the world felt as if there was thunder in their ears!

Although most of them had already learned the news in the newspaper, when they officially got confirmation from the mouth of the Marshal of the Navy of the Warring States at this time, many people were still very shocked!

One Piece Gore · D. Roger!

That’s a man who dominates one era and opens another!

Although he has been dead for many years, he still affects the whole world!

No one expected that after so many years, his heirs would appear on the sea and become famous!

And just as the world was in an uproar, a mist-shrouded sea near Marin Fandor.

The fleet of the Nine Snake Pirates appeared in the fog!

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