After passing through Vegapunk, Bassolomi Bear has now become a war machine.

Before the war began, the World Government did ask Vegapunk to activate his control device and let him participate in the war.

So, at this time, he was helping the navy deal with pirates on the battlefield.

After receiving Yunchuan’s instructions, Vegapunk hesitated slightly, and as Yunchuan said, closed his control over Batholomi Xiong.

Although Vegapunk has not officially joined Yunchuan now, but just with Yunchuan’s identity as the super administrator of the Zhihu platform, he also wants to give face.

Anyway, the people in the Navy will not understand his control.

Even if Yunchuan fights with the navy this time and ultimately fails, turning back to the navy to blame Vegapunk, he can also say that it is a machine failure, and the navy will not do anything to him.

If Yunchuan wins, then naturally there is nothing to say, and Vegapunk has made the best choice!

And when Yunchuan @ Vegapunk, on the battlefield, Basolomy Xiong happened to meet the shemale king Ivankov.

During the battle between the two sides, the shemale king kept trying to wake up Bartholomy Bear, but to no avail, he was almost killed by the bear several times.

Just when he was angry, Doflamingo happened to be near him, so just like in the original plot, he explained the situation of the bear.

Then, Doflamingo sneered and said: “Now he is just a war weapon in the hands of the world government, and he doesn’t know who you are!” You’d better take this battle more seriously, otherwise, you’ll most likely be killed by him! ”

As a result, just as his words fell, it happened that Vegapunk released his grip on Bartholomy Bear, allowing him to regain consciousness.

Suddenly, Bartholomy Xiong’s expression changed color and became gentle, and then, he also recognized the demon king in front of him, and calmly said: “Ivan? Long time no see! ”

Doflamingo was suddenly a little confused.

What’s the situation?

It’s different from what I know!

Didn’t the Navy side say that Bartholomy Bear has completely lost himself ?!

The shemale king didn’t pay attention to him, but jumped up excitedly, hugged Bassolomi Bear tightly, and said, “Great, Bear!” I know you’ll remember me! It must have been our friendship that woke you up! ”

Bartholomy Bear just smiled gently, knowing in his heart that it was not a matter of friendship at all.

Because, when he was released from control, he also got a new order from Vegapunk: Your Excellency Yunchuan asked you to assist the Nine Snake Pirates and capture Marin Fando!

This instruction made him a little confused!

Because, through this instruction, he interpreted a lot of information.

First of all, the reason why he will be restored to his memory is because of Yunchuan’s relationship!

Secondly, Vegapunk actually obeyed Yunchuan’s orders!

In the end, Yunchuan was actually preparing to occupy Marin Fando!

These messages are so bizarre that it is difficult for him to calm down.

Fortunately, Bartholomy Xiong was not a person who easily showed emotions on his face, so he just calmly accepted everything.

Then, he strode towards the Nine Snakes Pirates, preparing to carry out the task assigned by Yunchuan, and then go to Yunchuan to plead guilty!

Meanwhile, outside of Marin Fando.

Hawkeye hurried all the way, and finally saw two figures more than a hundred nautical miles away from Marin Fando.

Yun Chuan and the bald swordsman among the five old stars were standing face to face on two ice floes on the sea.

Before Hawkeye’s arrival, they had already fought each other, but they were just testing each other’s strength.

However, the result of the temptation was to make the bald swordsman’s face solemn.

Before coming here, the five old stars had already obtained a lot of information about Yunchuan, and they had taken this opportunity to make various guesses and have a general understanding of Yunchuan’s strength.

However, under the previous temptation, he found that Yunchuan’s strength was clearly much more than what they guessed.

This result surprised the bald swordsman, and even now, he still failed to test Yunchuan’s true strength!

The strength of this man standing in front of him seemed to be bottomless!

Looking at Yun Chuan in front of him, the bald swordsman asked in a deep voice: “Yun Chuan, have you really made up your mind to be an enemy of the world government?” ”

Hearing his words, Yun Chuan couldn’t help but smile and said, “How? Listening to what you mean, does it seem to you that such a thing as occupying Marin Fando can be used as a joke? ”

This sentence suddenly choked the bald swordsman.

If he could, he didn’t want to tear his face with Yun Chuan at this time, after all, before he could find out Yun Chuan’s true strength, the bald swordsman was worried that this would bring too many variables to this war.

However, if he didn’t take action against Yunchuan at this time, wouldn’t it appear that the world government was cowardly?

Thinking of this, the bald swordsman snorted coldly again, and warned again: “You can think about what kind of consequences this time will bring to yourself and your forces!” ”

However, in the face of the bald swordsman’s warning, Yun Chuan waved his hand with a look of nonchalance, and said: “Okay, I’m here to fight, not to listen to your Rory’s nonsense, if you want to make a move, hurry up, after the fight, I will go back and continue to occupy Marin Fando!” ”

When the bald swordsman heard this, he was immediately so angry that his head bulged.

“You! Simply presumptuous! ”

The bald swordsman’s old face sank, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: “Very good!” Since that’s the case, the old man has to beat you until you are convinced! The old man has not fought with all his strength for many years, today, I hope you can let me exert my full strength and don’t let me down! ”

When the words fell, within a radius of tens of nautical miles, a violent killing intent suddenly soared.

Standing on a nearby island watching the battle, Hawkeye’s pupils couldn’t help but shrink slightly, feeling this pervasive killing intent.

“Such a strong momentum, is this the strength of the so-called five old stars?”

Hawkeye couldn’t help but marvel in his heart, just with a killing intent, it actually made him jealous, and even had the feeling that if he was a little careless, he might be killed by serious injuries in an instant!

This is different from domineering, but a kind of momentum that the five old stars have tempered over so many years.

With this terrifying momentum alone, it can make people’s hearts chaotic, and if they are unstable, they are likely to be directly seriously injured in an instant, and even their will will be directly destroyed!

However, Yun Chuan felt the surge in momentum on the bald swordsman’s body, but his expression did not change much.

Then, I saw him show a relieved expression, and said with a smile: “Not bad, it seems that you have not wasted your time all these years!” ’’

That tone, that expression, it was almost a direct sentence: You didn’t let me down, I feel very gratified!

When the bald swordsman heard Yun Chuan’s words like commenting on juniors, he almost spewed out a mouthful of blood in anger.

Suddenly, his killing intent was even more victorious, and his eyes stared at Yun Chuan and shouted angrily: “Arrogant junior, let me die!” ”


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