Looking along the highway, the abyssal area is thousands of meters away.

Feng Yun took a look. Before the catastrophe, this was undoubtedly a highway area, but now, it has become one of the paradises for ferocious beasts.

Ferocious beasts can be seen everywhere, ranging from level one to level nine, and even lord level.

Feng Yun was not polite and projected all the ferocious beasts that he thought had good qualifications. Although they did not have particularly outstanding talents or abilities, they were generally good.

After a while, he had almost finished projecting the nearby ferocious beasts.

Then, Feng Yun set his sights on the abyss thousands of meters away.

He spread his wings, and his huge body left a trail of afterimages on the spot, and the next second, he appeared above the abyss.

At this time.

Dark clouds hung low, and the thick clouds covered the entire abyss like a big hand.

There was a howling wind that passed through the nearby dilapidated highways, like the wails of the souls of hell, playing a creepy tune.


Without much hesitation, Feng Yun immediately flew into the abyss.

And when he entered the abyss, it was as if a drop of water splashed into the lake, causing an immediate commotion. The huge auras inside revived. In the darkness, a pair of eyes seemed to open and look at him.

When they saw that they were the same kind, those vast auras gradually calmed down, and both pairs of eyes closed again.

When Feng Yun saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his top-level transformation talent was still very powerful. He felt a little in his heart to pay homage to the Bloodthorn Alliance killer who provided him with this ability, even though he killed him himself.

Going deeper, he soon reached the bottom.

Compared with the dilapidated and desolate scene above, the bottom of the abyss is much more beautiful. It is a forest, and in the center of the forest, there is a clear lake. From a distance, it looks like a painting.

On the bank of the lake, stood a huge stone tablet with strange golden symbols engraved on it. Even if Feng Yun glanced at it from a distance, he felt that the gold elemental power in his body began to turbulence. arrive!

Feng Yun’s eyes lit up and he quickly leaned over.

At this time, there were three ferocious beasts under the stone stele, a big blue bull, which was a hundred meters in size. Its vigorous skin looked like molten metal, full of hardness and strength.

On its back, squatted a small black eagle, its thick black feathers looked like arrows, as if an artist had carved them with a trimmer.

A few meters away, there was a golden ape, sitting there cross-legged, his eyes slightly closed, as if he was comprehending something, just like the hill.

When Feng Yun arrived, they were immediately alarmed, and the three ferocious beasts all looked over.

The moment of pressure made Feng Yun know that these three ferocious beasts were undoubtedly lord-level, and they were all mid-level lords.

“Tiancang, are you back? How about it, have you taken revenge?”

At this time, the big bull spoke.

Of course, this is not the language of the human race, but the language of the beasts.

Lord-level beasts can’t speak, which means they can’t speak the language of the beasts, but they can still speak the language of the beasts. , otherwise, how can they communicate with each other?

“Well, I reported it and killed two bases by the way.”Feng Yun imitated the tone of the Sky Winged Wolf in his memory.

He transformed into a ferocious beast. Although the language was not transformed, he had the memory of the Sky Winged Wolf. After the fusion, he naturally understood.

I have to say, This ability, coupled with his golden finger, is simply amazing.

While speaking, Feng Yun slowly leaned over, his eyes swept over the three lord-level ferocious beasts in turn, and successfully projected them

【Projection beast]: Cangqing Demonic Bull

【Grade】: Medium lord level ferocious beast

【Drop]: Cyan Demonic Ox Flesh… Cyan Demonic Ox Horns… Cyan Demonic Ox Heart… Sixth-Level Beast Skill”Barbarian Bull Crash”》……The top metal talent…the artistic conception of gold (40%)……


【Projection beast]: Black Eagle

【Grade】: Medium lord level ferocious beast

【fall】:……The flesh and blood of the black eagle…the feathers of the black eagle…the feet of the black eagle…the sixth-level beast skill”Golden Ling Ultimate Killing Technique”》……The top metal talent…the artistic conception of gold (30%)……

【Projection beast]: Golden Ape

【Grade】: Medium lord level ferocious beast

【fall】:……The flesh and blood of the golden ape…the hair of the golden ape…the sixth-level beast skill”Qianxuan Wave Fist”》……The top metal talent…the artistic conception of gold (40%)


Feng Yun checked the projections of these three beasts one by one and found that they all had top metal talents.

But it’s normal to think about it carefully. The stone tablets here can obviously help the beings with metal talents to practice. These three lord-level ferocious beasts must usually be in their respective territories. They are rare to see. Now only this stone tablet can attract them. come out.

I happened to meet Feng Yun and was projected by him

“If these projections are all revealed, it will be enough to transform my metal talent twice.…………”

Feng Yun said to himself.

His current gold-type talents are high-level. If they are all brushed out, plus those from Sky Blue Winged Wolf, it will be enough for him to upgrade his talents twice.

“Okay, this trip seems to be the right one.”

If you stay at Xingyao Base or Jianghai Base, how can you harvest so many top talents.

From this aspect, it can be seen that the qualifications of ferocious beasts are undoubtedly higher than that of humans, but these ferocious beasts are not as united as humans. , most of them were working on their own.

However, this gave humans a chance to breathe, otherwise, they would have been wiped out long ago.

Afterwards, Feng Yun found an open space and sat down, staring straight at the stone tablet. The golden symbol.


The moment his eyes touched it, he felt a roar in his mind, like a magnitude 10 earthquake. The next second, he seemed to have arrived in the ocean of gold, and the thoughts about ‘gold’ in his mind were rushing wildly. Come out.

Some places that were obscure and difficult to understand in the past are now clearly visible, as if the sun is clearing from the clouds. It can’t be clearer.

At the same time, his artistic conception of gold is also constantly improving.

Forty percent… forty and a half percent… five Cheng…five and a half… sixty percent!

It continued to increase to 60%, and the mysterious feeling of realizing everything slowly disappeared.

In just such a moment, his artistic conception of gold increased by 20%

“No, my gold talent is only at a high level. At this time, it is far behind the top talent.…………”

In the same way of enlightenment, the three ferocious beasts directly reached the artistic conception of 30% to 40% gold for the first time. He only had 20%, and the difference was immediately revealed.

“Let’s start using projections. There are four ferocious beasts with top-level metal talents. I don’t believe that one of them can’t be exploded.”

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