Tengyun Pavilion, ninth floor.

Feng Yun is practicing the second level of the Sun and Moon Immortality Diagram. There are 9 more postures on the second level than on the first level, and the difficulty has suddenly increased by 9 times.

If it were before, he would naturally have missed the point in practice and made slow progress.

But now?

Under the advanced soul power, it only took him one day to complete the second level.

Then, Feng Yun saw that he still had some energy left, so he went to practice the third level. There were 27 postures in the third level, which was 9 more than the second level.

This time it was a bit difficult and it took him three days to complete the practice.

When he succeeded, Feng Yun felt that his body had reached a limit, not the previous pseudo-limit, but a real limit state.

This extreme state refers to cells, blood, flesh, blood vessels, bones, etc.

According to the Sun and Moon Eternal Picture, he has reached the limit of his human body.

“It’s a pity that the follow-up skills are still in the test ruins at Jianghai Base.…………”

Feng Yun’s eyes flashed. There must be warriors with top soul talents in this Qingxuan base, and they will definitely be projected when the time comes. boom!

When he started to take steps, a sound more terrifying than a tsunami came from his body. He felt that his top physical talent was about to move, as if he was about to break through the barrier and advance to the next level.

But it finally calmed down and everything was calm.

“It seems that one has to break the limits in order for one’s physical talent to transform.”

Physical talent is just a talent for the body to withstand Qi, and it does not represent all aspects of the human body.

Therefore, warriors with extraordinary physical talent do not necessarily break the limits of the human body. They just have a high upper limit of Qi.

Of course, evolution It is not a single one, but connected. For those with high physical talent, in addition to strength, other parts of the body will naturally be strengthened, but not so thoroughly.

Later, Feng Yun began to understand that Qingxuan Base was not only the martial arts domain, but also the strength of the body.

Regarding the situation of other forces, to be precise, he wanted to see if there were any particularly outstanding genius monsters among these major forces that he could project in the future.

He clicked on the internal forum of Qingxuan Base, and a line of information suddenly appeared in it.

He ignored the information and looked directly at the top line of small words.

【New warriors who join Qingxuan Base click here. Everything you want to know is here! 】

After clicking on it, various sections appeared, including a section for introducing martial arts, a section for introducing exercises, a section for power distribution, a section for information about geniuses and monsters, etc.

Feng Yun directly opened the genius monster information section, and pictures appeared immediately, along with text descriptions.

“Yes, it’s so clear and obvious.”He nodded with satisfaction.

When he glanced around, the information about a famous genius monster was firmly remembered in his mind.

Among them, there were four genius monsters that he particularly liked. There were four in total. They were Jianmen. Jian Wuchen from the Dao Sect, Dao Qingtian from the Dao Sect, Mu Changchuan from the Mu family, and Lin Xi from the Lin family. According to the available information, these four all have the talent to transform into a mortal, and there are more than one.

For example, this Jian Wuchen, in addition to the mortal-level swordsmanship talent, also has the mortal-level fire element talent.

Another example is Lin Xi from the Lin family, in addition to the mortal-level water element talent, he also has the mortal-level wood element talent.

The other two are both Needless to say, they are also against the sky.

These four monsters are like four stars, hanging high on the top of the sea of clouds, standing above the heads of all the young people in Qingxuan Base, shining through thousands of mountains and rivers, so brilliant that countless young people Warriors look up

“Very good, I want these extraordinary talents.”

Feng Yun felt that he was about to explode, and these genius monsters, in addition to their mortal transformation talents, must also possess powerful martial arts, various pseudo-mysteries, etc. When these are exposed, the effectiveness will definitely be explosive.

Talent determines The path of qualifications, but these kung fu martial arts pseudo-esoteric secrets, etc., can directly increase combat power. The two directions are different, but they are equally important and both are indispensable.

“Look at the strong section again.”

After Feng Yun finished reading the Genius Monster chapter, he also clicked on the introduction to the Qingxuan Base Strong Man chapter.

The first one made him look shocked.

【Qian Xinfeng, the commander in charge, is the number one person on the surface of Qingxuan Base. He has top soul talent, mortal level wood talent, and is also a telekinesis master and formation master! 】

Top soul talent!

Feng Yun’s eyes lit up when he saw this introduction. Sure enough, there were top soul talent holders here.

He made up his mind to project it, but it was not easy to see the leader, let alone the most powerful person in the base. With his current identity and status, it would be difficult to see him.

But Feng Yun is not in a hurry. He has already determined his goal anyway. As long as he continues to grow stronger, will he still be afraid that the other party will not see him?

He continued to look at it, and he was also very concerned about the second and third rankings.

He actually has the rare ice and thunder elements, and they are both at the top level.

Although it is the top level, due to the particularity of these two attributes, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is comparable to the extraordinary level.

“It is indeed a first-class base, even with such rare attribute talents.”

And that’s not all.

Above, Feng Yun even saw space talent holders, but they were only intermediate. But even so, he was still on the list, which naturally explains everything. None of these powerful people have clearly marked realms, but Feng Yun guessed that they must have reached Grand Master, or even higher.

And the status of these powerful men is also extremely noble, and it is basically impossible to encounter them in ordinary times. They may only be seen on major occasions.

However, Feng Yun scanned Looking around, there was no owner of the two talents of light and darkness.

He guessed that it might be because of the different environment. Among the elemental powers here, in addition to the extremely rare earth elemental power, the light elemental power was also extremely rare. In other words, there are relatively more dark elements, but not much.

It is understandable that there are less light and dark. After all, they are not basic attributes in the first place, but the elemental power of the earth element, as one of the five elements and one of the basic attributes that build the world, is also like this. It’s rare, so something is obviously wrong.

But Feng Yun checked all the books here, but no reasonable explanation was given.

“Looks like I have to go find out on my own.…………”There must be something in it, and he thought that when he became stronger in the future, he would check it out.

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